Am I dealing with a Nitrogen deficiency?


420 Member
Hey guys,

I have a lot of older lower leaves turning yellow and falling on my Gorilla Glue Female Plant. I am unsure if this is a nitrogen deficiency so wanted to see what the internet experts thought? If so how should I resolve this?

Time so Far: planted directly into 5 gallon pots since 5/8/2020, at the moment the nights are getting shorter in the northeast so it is flowering, I've been feeding it flowering solution for the last 4 weeks, did I perhaps start too early?
Soil: Nature Care Organic Potting Soil (I know some people are going to be upset with this, but it's what I have, its inexpensive and i wanted to try my best with this)
Nutrients: every other day, started with general hydroponics veg and then switched to bloom 4 weeks ago.
Water: tap water, ph level is around 6, I've paid attention to make sure the plant gets watered well.
Temperature Range: I have it maintained at a range of 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit
Humidity Range: 50/60 as recommended



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:welcome: I am hoping someone else comes to join this but I think I see some burnt tips but also she looks hungry. How strong are you feeding compared to recommendations?
So the general hydroponics feed says 1-2 teaspoons per gallon once a week, but I have been doing 1/2 a teaspoon per gallon twice a week because if I use 1 teaspoon I end up with water that is PH'd below 6 and I don't want to bring the PH lower. Is this the wrong approach?
My thoughts are a magnesium deficiency based an the yellowing between leaf veins. You have any Calmag or Epson Salts on hand to add to your next watering, or to a foliage spray at night?
I don't but I am going to purchase some so I can add them. I've been informed by some other people that another issue might be Rootlock, that my plant may be rootbound. I am realizing now that Gorrilla Glue photoperiods should probably be in a 7 Gallon pot at least instead of the current 5 Gallon pot. Do any of you see this as a potential issue as well?
I don't but I am going to purchase some so I can add them. I've been informed by some other people that another issue might be Rootlock, that my plant may be rootbound. I am realizing now that Gorrilla Glue photoperiods should probably be in a 7 Gallon pot at least instead of the current 5 Gallon pot. Do any of you see this as a potential issue as well?
I grow in 5s all the time and haven't had that problem. Maybe if you were in a 2 or 3g, but 5 has plenty of room.
I would feed what the bottle says full strength, and get some pH up if that bring your pH too low. Maybe some CalMag as well for the next few feedings. May be a combo of Mag deficiency and pH fluctuations causing it to not get whatever else it needs. Also you said you switched to bloom a few weeks are still feeding Grow along with the bloom, correct?
¡Hola Chalupa! Welcome to :420:

If you started bloom fertilizer (reduced N) before the end of stretch, the plant would be looking for N (and Mg) to fuel that rapid growth. So it would start pulling from the lower leaves, which store nutrients for that purpose. Now that the plant is getting down to the business of setting bud sites and starting to flower, less N will be needed. The yellowing leaves should slow. Don’t be too hasty to start throwing more N or Mg at her. In a week, if it looks like the yellowing is still progressing or speeding up, then some action may be necessary.
I don't but I am going to purchase some so I can add them. I've been informed by some other people that another issue might be Rootlock, that my plant may be rootbound. I am realizing now that Gorrilla Glue photoperiods should probably be in a 7 Gallon pot at least instead of the current 5 Gallon pot. Do any of you see this as a potential issue as well?
I only grow in 5's and never had an issue even on a 6-7 foot plant once
tapwater should hace calcium idk if I see a mag def but I would feed stronger. Idk if your soil buffers but I looked at the ingredients and I don't think it will, can you get a bottle of ph up? try 1tsp/gal but idk if once or twice a week; I want to say modify one thing at a time so increase strength keep same schedule
now, i see why they say use bloom fertilizer after you see the first white hair. Wonder what will happen if you kept using veg fertilizer and just add a single ingredient for phosphorus...

love gorilla glue...that stuff brung my mom out her room asking questions about us smoking. lol
A couple things I see going on which is why it might be throwing you off. Fist sign is some of the leaf tips pointing down which is a sign of nitrogen toxicity, so if it is flowering the N goes down and the K goes up. Second sign is the tips are burnt and you are not that far in flower where that can be normal so this would be from over feeding possible but in your case it is not over feeding it is in the third sign you are in need of cal/mag big time which I bet is making the nute burned tips and tips pointing down because with lack of cal/mag you get lack of magnesium your plant needs to photosynthesis and it takes up more nutes then it can handle. My my suggestion would be get cal/mag asap and with soil a good feed schedule is water then water + ca/mag then cal/mag and nutes . Nutes one time a week should be enough unless a deficiency shows which in most cases will not.
Thanks guys for all the help. I think I am going to lean on getting my hands on some calmag and set up that new schedule CO Finest is mentioning.
I grow in 5s all the time and haven't had that problem. Maybe if you were in a 2 or 3g, but 5 has plenty of room.
I would feed what the bottle says full strength, and get some pH up if that bring your pH too low. Maybe some CalMag as well for the next few feedings. May be a combo of Mag deficiency and pH fluctuations causing it to not get whatever else it needs. Also you said you switched to bloom a few weeks are still feeding Grow along with the bloom, correct?
I am just feeding bloom at the moment, I am going to get my hands on some calmag to start feeding that
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