Anthonyjohn's 400w HPS/CFL Blue Dream 12/2011 1st Grow

420farmer said:
Haha well at least look into it. Breathes better, can't overwater, and acts like soil!

Yup, yup, and not sure what you mean. Lol

Coco is awesome. I am using some for my first grow. With soil it holds too much water, and it has nutes already there. So when you add nutes, you don't know what the soil already has. Very easy to get nute lock out.

I use a 50/50 coco/perlite mix. Better drainage and the coco holds the perfect amount of water.

Come to the coco side!
Re: Anthonyjohn's 400w HPS/CFL Bluedream 12/2011 1st Grow

Coir may breath better but you can still over water it! Coir will actualy hold a lot of moisture. You can over water any medium that is in a container with poor dranage! I would use what you have and not just scrap it. Growing is a learning experience! While you do need to find what works best for you, you will have to give each time. Everything will take time...
Re: Anthonyjohn's 400w HPS/CFL Bluedream 12/2011 1st Grow

well you guys got me interested in this coco, im going to check it o ut right now

You should try it, ilb. I think coco is great. I just started using it thanks to Propa Gator and have not had any complaints so far.
Re: Anthonyjohn's 400w HPS/CFL Bluedream 12/2011 1st Grow

Day 17 pics. Looks like the transplant went well for most of the plants. I let my soild get dry to about 4 inches down. plants took right off.



I would not trip! plants grown in soil will tend to grow rather slowly at the beginning and eventually will hit a good growth spurt at week 4-6. Everything is fine! i would definitely cut your soil with perlite to give you a lighter more fluffy mix that you could water a little more frequently and bring in fresh oxygen more often!

anyone correct me if I am wrong!

patience is important.

good luck man!
74 -78 f is optimal temp, but as long as you dont go above 85 or below 65 you should be fine, my tent is around 78 during lights on n between 65-70 lights off humidity durin veg can be high around 50-60% during flower should be lower to prevent mould etc,

hope this helps.....

towards the start of my first grow i was in the 90 to 95 range for the first few weeks because had no fans etc, the only signs of stress were the leaves curling up around the edges, but like you say if its not showing signs of stress then it should be ok

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