Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Day 75 of 65-70

Strawberry Blue is throwing out new pistils on pretty much every bud site. Trichomes appear to be about 80% cloudy, 19%+/- clear, and very few ambers here and there. I'm guessing 1-2 weeks left still? So I've mixed up one last batch of nutes, and then will resume flushing after the nutes are all gone. 1 gallon usually lasts 2-3 days, so I should have enough time to complete 1 more proper flush.

2ml Micro /gal
12ml Grow /gal
20ml Bloom /gal
1/5th of a teaspoon Sonic Bloom (0-51-34) Instructions call for 1 teaspoon / 5 gallons.

She probably won't yield what I was hoping, which was 3-4 ounces, but I'm guessing I should still see 1-1.5 ounces. It's better than nothing, and combined with what I already have on hand from my prior harvest, will easily last until the next harvest of Cotton Candy, and Big Bang, plus the Strawberry Blue clones that will go into Flower in about a month or so.
It doesn't help with my lower level experience, quite possibly providing less than ideal growing conditions.

But I'm not worried, I still have a 1/2 zip here, some kief, and some scissor hash. I am plenty good for a couple weeks. Plus a bit of good trim with trichomes I can easily make into hash or oil.

On my Cali Jack from the previous harvest, I saw what seemed like 2 full cycles of new trichomes. Just as they died off and turned orange/brown, new ones would appear. So when I hit the second cycle on Strawberry Blue, I figured she was almost done and started flushing, just giving her plain PH'ed water. And we have a 3rd cycle of new pistils starting, so I'm all good with that, it just means more bud at harvest time.

Hell, I might even see 2 zips. Who knows man, but I'll take it.
So that many days in bloom?
75 days is a long bloom Window for sure. My ed Rosenthal super bud wanted 84 days bloom just couldn't mange with most my Strains 63 days or less.
Sativa is part of the extended time.

Yeah how long did you veg? I veg a Lil long but almost always see pistils before moving to bloom. Maybe veg a hair longer next time. From seed I veg as long as 12 weeks clone 8 or less.
Veg time was 11 weeks, with about 4 weeks of that having PH too low problems before I found out my meter went to shit.

If I remember correctly, I didn't see any pistils before the 12/12 switch. They may, or may not have been present, but with the PH problem causing tons of deficiencies, I wasn't focused on looking for pistils either.
Day 76

Strawberry Blue is still going strong. More new pistils, but water/nute intake has been noticeably less the past few days. When I gave her water in the evening, usually her drain pan was empty, but lately there's been a bit of water left, I'm guessing this is a sign she's slowing down and finishing up.

There will be a bunch of popcorn from this harvest, but it's still all smokeable, popcorn or not.
As for the buds, I couldn't resist today, and had to check the density on one of the buds about halfway up on her, and it was nice and tight, so that's great news.




I'll get the clones and Vegging plants updated shortly.
Damnit you people reply fast lol. I was shitting around with the Vegging plants and taking pics, hoping to get both updates in before anyone posted lol.

Alright, here is Cotton Candy on Day 28. 7 good nodes (not counting the little shit growing at the first pair of leaves), so 14 total branches. 2 will become clones, so we'll flower her with 6 nodes/12 branches. I also topped her main shoot yesterday. Sooo much easier than trying to get a good FIM. I may also top a few more branches later, I'm undecided right now on that.

Next we have Big Bang at Day 22, although I should start calling this strain Big Bitch. Absolutely weak and no tolerance for nutes. She's back to plain water until she stops being an idiot. I plan on the same # of nodes, and topping as CC received, if/when she ever decides to get that far.

Strawberry Blue Clone 1. This girl is a champ. Took full strength Veg nutes no problem, and no burn. I think I damaged the main shoot when I took the cuttings, as she's growing as if she was already topped. No biggie for me, being that I grow on a small scale, I should be able to squeeze a half zip from her with a little work :)
Two views of her to show the growth:


Strawberry Blue Clone 2. She's rooted, but not doing much. Still not sure if she'll make it or not.

Strawberry Blue Clone 3. Not rooted last I checked, but growing new leaves as if she was rooted. No idea what's going to happen here, but she's only taking up a 3" pot worth of space, so she can sit for a while longer.

And that 4th Clone from SB was pulled by me last week sometime. She made no progress, leaves were dead, she really didn't have much of a chance.

But even if I only get 1 rooted clone, it's cool with me. It was a nice learning experience being able to experiment when it didn't really matter, so when I take my next clones, I'll know a little more on how its done, and should increase my success rate.
6-7 gallon pots? go big or go home :theband: :thumb:

Larger pots = more roots = bigger plant = better harvest. Good move Antics. I'm graduating to a 10 gal. for my HB plant.
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