Any other female growers out there?

Every time I post I swear someone assumes I'm a dude. Makes me it rare or odd for chicks to grow? Or are the guys just presumptive?

Chime in if you're a proud WOMAN growing her own bud!!!

I'm on year two.... Year one, 6 plants harvested, 1 lost to caterpillars and got 18 ounces. This year I've harvested 5 of my 10 and have almost 32 ounces. So I'm getting better at it!

How about you?

Hi I also am female. I’m Atlanta GA
Every time I post I swear someone assumes I'm a dude. Makes me it rare or odd for chicks to grow? Or are the guys just presumptive?

Chime in if you're a proud WOMAN growing her own bud!!!

I'm on year two.... Year one, 6 plants harvested, 1 lost to caterpillars and got 18 ounces. This year I've harvested 5 of my 10 and have almost 32 ounces. So I'm getting better at it!

How about you?
NOT only a girl but a senior one at that ..Looking for pain relief so started my journey this year . So far not so confidant .
NOT only a girl but a senior one at that ..Looking for pain relief so started my journey this year . So far not so confidant .
Hi newlygreen, I have also been looking for the perfect pain med. Have you been trying different strains to see which work best? I have found a couple that work pretty well for me if you'd like to compare notes.
Thanks! I'm hoping to connect with some of them here!

(And maybe put a bug in those presumptive men's ears to stop assuming everyone is a dude! LOL!!!)

OK Dudette it is then. lol :headbanger:

There's some mighty fine women growers here. By "fine" I mean fine farmerette.
I am called "dude" all the time, mainly by those in my own crew. It is a term of affection between us girls and a point of making fun of those who are more butch than others... so I don't take offense to that name at all. What I do object to is the misogynistic term dudette, implying that we are just a fraction of what our male counterparts might be capable of or that somehow we are littler than whatever it is without the 'ette ending. The 'ette suffix can be used in many words to convey this diminutive meaning, while it can also be used in the opposite way, to convey greatness, such as in the word suffragette. My dad used to tease me with this wordplay when I was young, and one of his favorite terms of endearment for me is still when he calls me Emlette and anytime I made omelets, they were Emlette Omelettes.
NOT only a girl but a senior one at that ..Looking for pain relief so started my journey this year . So far not so confidant .

Im rooting for you!

I always have at least one strain for pain.This year we are testing out Clinical White CBD (has a little THC presumably from the White Widow which is a good pain strain).

Last year I grew Purple Punch and it was excellent for pain
NOT only a girl but a senior one at that ..Looking for pain relief so started my journey this year . So far not so confidant .
Hi there newlygreen!

one of the primary reasons I use cannabis the way I do , daily, is to a manage both chronic and acute pain. (I have something called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).

I’ve studied medical cannabis a lot too, formally and informally, and there is consistent evidence for a ratio of 1:1 CBD:THC to manage/relieve pain and when I first started with that ‘protocol’ it was seriously life changing.

I use cannabis in all ways. I grow CBD and THC dominant plants and make oils with them. I take oil under the tongue through the day (1:1) and use edibles for the relief of pain and insomnia at night and also use edibles in the day if it is a very bad one (and when I just need a solid day of rest!). On breakthrough pain days I smoke or vape THC. I also make and use topical oils for pain relief and use these daily too.

I’ve been on this path with cannabis, using it medicinally to manage the symptoms of this condition, for about 3 years and the last year and a half has really seen results.

It can take time to find your dosages and then even more time to find strains with the terpenes that you like and that engage the positive effects of the meds the way you want.

While there are some general guidelines, cannabis dosing is a very Personal thing and can require some time and patience and engagement to figure out for ourselves. And those things often seem very hard to muster when there’s pain in the picture!

Have faith! You’ll work it out. And many of us here Will be happy to help you out along the way. There are heaps of us here managing various conditions using cannabis.

May I ask: are you a previous user of cannabis in any form?

how much do you know about the plant and how it works/interacts with our bodies?

I am happy to answer any and all questions you have and if I don’t know I’ll help you find out! (There’s an awesome brains trust on this site!). I manage severe fatigue as well so am not often able to engage as much as I would like, but I check-in pretty regularly so please feel free to ask me anything!

And a big 420 Mag :welcome: to you!
Hi there newlygreen!

one of the primary reasons I use cannabis the way I do , daily, is to a manage both chronic and acute pain. (I have something called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome).

I’ve studied medical cannabis a lot too, formally and informally, and there is consistent evidence for a ratio of 1:1 CBD:THC to manage/relieve pain and when I first started with that ‘protocol’ it was seriously life changing.

I use cannabis in all ways. I grow CBD and THC dominant plants and make oils with them. I take oil under the tongue through the day (1:1) and use edibles for the relief of pain and insomnia at night and also use edibles in the day if it is a very bad one (and when I just need a solid day of rest!). On breakthrough pain days I smoke or vape THC. I also make and use topical oils for pain relief and use these daily too.

I’ve been on this path with cannabis, using it medicinally to manage the symptoms of this condition, for about 3 years and the last year and a half has really seen results.

It can take time to find your dosages and then even more time to find strains with the terpenes that you like and that engage the positive effects of the meds the way you want.

While there are some general guidelines, cannabis dosing is a very Personal thing and can require some time and patience and engagement to figure out for ourselves. And those things often seem very hard to muster when there’s pain in the picture!

Have faith! You’ll work it out. And many of us here Will be happy to help you out along the way. There are heaps of us here managing various conditions using cannabis.

May I ask: are you a previous user of cannabis in any form?

how much do you know about the plant and how it works/interacts with our bodies?

I am happy to answer any and all questions you have and if I don’t know I’ll help you find out! (There’s an awesome brains trust on this site!). I manage severe fatigue as well so am not often able to engage as much as I would like, but I check-in pretty regularly so please feel free to ask me anything!

And a big 420 Mag :welcome: to you!

That’s awesome, Amy!! I started studying cannabis a few years back and it is a deep and wide education which I feel like I know about 2% of what there is to know (but I love it!!!). So nice to know you are here as an expert.

My daughter is the primary user of the cannabis I grow. She has all sorts of issues that stem from mental/emotional issues but result in a lot of bodily pain. So we are always looking for a strain that best fits all she has going on. Purple Punch was awesome last year but I couldn’t find it this year so we tried to grow White Widow and that was a severe failure - it wouldn’t germinate or it grew 6” tall and gave me and 1/8. No clue what happened there...every other fem plant grew to it’s projected height and produced a decent amount. So weird.

Anyhow, I’m rambling! Lol! Good to know we have someone to reach out to for Q’s.

What is your favorite pain strain?
I don’t go that far!! :oops: Been on the journey a little while tho and I doo have a very retentive memory for detail.:cool:

I’m still exploring the world of THC strains for myself, but the CBD I currently favour is a strain called Candida CD-1 by Medical Marijuana Genetics. It’s very stable with almost no THC (less than 1%)so I can rely on the ratios when I’m blending it. I’ve been growing it and making oils with it for about 2.5 years and the medicine is really great. I am just trying a new strain by Ace seeds called CBD#1 which has similar levels and stability so I am looking forward to that!

In general, for THC, I have so far found many Kush strains to be excellent and some northern lights too, but that one can give me headaches so I use it for topicals.

I am just beginning to explore different terpene profiles that might target pain relief. Things high in linalool (which can give a lavender aroma in the flower) and Beta-caryophyllene (which can give a black peppery aroma, is common in many strains, and is also present in rosemary, hops and clove) are very good. I’m not very far into that adventure. And it can also be very personal. Strains that give me a nice relaxing hit that lets me go to sleep, make a good friend of mine get up and make music! That said - there are things that will work almost across the board, like the 1:1 CBD:THC ratio for pain, so there are definitely going to be terpenes (and flavonoids too!) to seek out that will enhance and ‘direct’ these effects. Research into all of this is very new in the formal sense. We are part of that scene doing our own informal tests on ourselves (and keen volunteers!).

I recently grew a Bubba Kush x East coast sour diesel and it gives fantastic pain relief and a great energy blast after toking. The energy blast is mostly the Sour Diesel I think and I think that has its own pain-killing potential too. I’m yet to make an oil out of it.

Same for the Panama I just grew. About to make oil out of that too! But it was strong in lavender terps and while it has no body stone at all, being a pure sativa, it definitely has a muscle relaxing effect for me.

So I think lots of THC strains will be good for pain, because THC does a lot of the work (and does it better alongside CBD) and then you can refine by chasing the terpenes to suit.

Long answer! Saturday ravings :smokin:
Every time I post I swear someone assumes I'm a dude. Makes me it rare or odd for chicks to grow? Or are the guys just presumptive?

Chime in if you're a proud WOMAN growing her own bud!!!

I'm on year two.... Year one, 6 plants harvested, 1 lost to caterpillars and got 18 ounces. This year I've harvested 5 of my 10 and have almost 32 ounces. So I'm getting better at it!

How about you?
Hey Girl hows it going I’m new to this site just found it a few days. I got 17 plants right now growing. I will harvest on Monday the big day for me not sure how much I will pull for my outdoors.


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Welcome KiKi.

I estimate you're going to get A LOT. :laughtwo:
Morning, ladies!

I am a third year outdoor grower in SoCal, with as many as 20 plants running at a time. I grow medicinal plants for several patients. I am working with Ace sativas this year—it’s easy to buy dull or narcotic cultivars in dispensaries here, but impossible to find the soaring, active ones that put wings on my feet and heart.

I’ve lurked here for a loooong time, benefitting from all the experience, wisdom, and generosity of the posters. This year, I’m fermenting Malawi cobs—many, many thanks to Tangwena and Sweet Sue!!! Ace’s Zamaldelica, Golden Tiger, and Malawi are heading to the vacuum sealer soon. I have already cobbed some early Durban Poison, which is curing at present.

Ladies growing ladies and helping ladies—what could be more fun?
Monday the big day for me
Hey Kiki! Welcome to 420Magazine Great looking garden :D how did you go with that big Monday?
Morning, ladies!
Morning CasaG :ciao: Welcome to here. 420Mag rocks - as it seems you already know :) Congrats on taking the leap from lurker to poster!

Do you think you will journal your grows here? A big outdoor garden is always a sight for the soul.

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