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Sprays with some neem oil and ro ratio d spray under leafs but careful near the buds or unscented dawn dish soap I'm trying as well I had mites and trying to keep up . But neem oil seems to be helping.

I heard if grew certain things like onions I think around it deters pest as well but I've yet to test that therory.

Neem oil seems to be my trick so far but need to spray every three or four days as preventative measures . I'm a bit bad for forgetting .

King Joe are those Russets your battling?? If so they are mean. Yes neem oil is wonderful but if used too much it clogs the pores of the plant and its no good. Also the Russets eggs become immune to what was just sprayed. Try some green cleaner twice a week and two different oils twice a month. For me its Rosemary and Azamax. With a monthly Aza drench. All this in veg. In flower just green cleaner. I made my own..... 2oz ISO per gal of water. and in flower Im adding tobacco, garlic and red pepper mix with the ISO. It works and dosent harm the plant.
Thanks for the reply, I've never used fox farm, only neptunes harvest. After reading the brief descriptions I'm a little confused. Is the big bloom the only thing you use for flowering, or do u use tiger bloom in conjunction with it. The tiger bloom has 2% nitrogen in it, the same as the neptunes harvest I'm using now. I'm looking too keep the vertical growth limited to about six inches through the flowering period

This was about a six week veg.

Its their powders that do the trick in conjunction with the trio. Open Sesame, Beasties and Cha Ching. I couldent be happier! Time for me to restock and if Im going organic now's the time but fuck no. Thats how good FF is by their schedule.
I don't know about neem oil. I never used it. But what I do know is that diatomaceous earth kills everything and on top of that it's actually good for your plants :) Can be used to kill anything for the whole duration of the grow. You'll have to wash the buds though if you use it during flowering. Best anti insect remedy I've used.

You can also eat it - it's actually very healthy for humans and pets :) Can also be used to treat your pets for flies, ticks, worms and so on.

And it makes your plants look so cool and ghostly

Thats one I havent tried yet. I have it written down along with 15 others. Do you use a bulb duster??? Ive got the price written down as $12. for 21lbs so its inexpensive. Seems like its good to treat the ground too as a top dressing after Ive planted. Thanks for the reminder.
King Joe are those Russets your battling?? If so they are mean. Yes neem oil is wonderful but if used too much it clogs the pores of the plant and its no good. Also the Russets eggs become immune to what was just sprayed. Try some green cleaner twice a week and two different oils twice a month. For me its Rosemary and Azamax. With a monthly Aza drench. All this in veg. In flower just green cleaner. I made my own..... 2oz ISO per gal of water. and in flower Im adding tobacco, garlic and red pepper mix with the ISO. It works and dosent harm the plant.

Sorry what is green cleaner bud?
The bottle it came with has a little hole so you can use that to apply the powder directly. If not, an old ketchup bottle will work super

Thats one I havent tried yet. I have it written down along with 15 others. Do you use a bulb duster??? Ive got the price written down as $12. for 21lbs so its inexpensive. Seems like its good to treat the ground too as a top dressing after Ive planted. Thanks for the reminder.
Yeah, I kept taking my plants outside to work on them in the light and that's when I picked up a pretty bad spider mite problem. I lightly pressure washed them and had to do 2 applications of Neem oil to kill them on the one plant but the other had so much damage and was so sickly looking I had to kill it which really sucked. It was my first grow and I didn't notice the spotting and came home after a weekend away and there were webs all over the tops of the plants. I am much more careful when I check them and water them now. I didn't know you put the DE right on the plant like that DeVille, they look really cool. I thought you used in only on the soil to kill bugs in the soil and keep others from digging into it. Thanks for the good info, I'll have to get some to try on some of my younger plants.

You know Im going out today and getting some for both the yard and the tent. I will let you know how effective on Russets. In theory it will work great!
I wouldn't worry about the hairs honestly, just focus on the trichs, and yes could see the pics you posted

Hey Jimi my thoughts exactly. Bout time you bought a scope and got used to using it. The Russets this year have me an expert in scoping. Scoping tells it all.
Also Ive been told sticky paper from Home depot for the white flys. Never had flys but need the paper any ways. Wouldent hurt.
Thanks guys I really appreciate it let me show you my plant and why I want to lst and possible trim some leafs
so this is the set up I'm running even though I have led lights I still want light to get through the bottom so I added 4 100 w equable this lights with dome reflectors and if you can tell it's a 5 gal air pot. My last and final question would be in a week or 2 when ever I decide to flip to roots continue to grow during flower. If they do if like to transplant one last time to let her keep growing as much as she can while making my baby's .

A 5 gal pot is plenty big bro. I just went from 3 gal to 5 gal and my 3 gals were barely root bound at harvest. Im using air pots for the first time and I like em. They look great. Maybe thin it out a lil. I have found if you take time to do a weekly small hair cut you will be thankful later on.
Good day fellow growers

I have a question if some one can please advise.This plant below has already been harvested but i want opinions regarding the spotting on the leaves , the issue only started after i added some extra light to my grow but also while the plant was in the last 2 weeks on pure water no nutes . Also issue started on top fan leaves and spread to the sugar leaves

Now this started happening to my other one as well also at the top of the plant .There are no bugs that i can find .On the one below i believed it was due to lockout becuase of the heavy clawed leaves with the spots , but the current one is looking great just started spotting up and also spread to suger leaves now

When looking at the spots the seem white or bage not like rust spots one normally sees.The buds also feel a bit crisp almost like she is not drinking .She has not been fed any nutes in just over 2 weeks just water .I think its a defiecency from not being fed ???

Also in a case like this when your so close to harvest what would you guys recommend? .Just letter her go the last bit or feed ? And please any other advice regarding this would be great



Thanks guys . from africa

She look wonderful even with the spots. Depending on tric development id do strait water and harvest. Then Id investigate on here 420 and growweedeasy. I scope the shit out of everything Ive pull off
Sorry what is green cleaner bud?

Google Green Cleaner. You can get it from Amazon, I did. $350. a gal so Im making my own with a lil tweak here and there. One thing with this years yard grow and these Russets it will make me good. Ive used up to 4 oz ISO per gal water and did not hurt the plant. 98% Russets are dead the next day. I just found out a mister is way better than a sprayer. If you make your own and unsure put it in a qt sprayer and just spray part of one plant and see. I drench all with a sprayer and all has been well. Rosemary oil works. Everythings oil based but Neem and Aza are ALL oil as are essentials oils and they are harsh on a plant if used too much. Its Diat. Earth next.
She look wonderful even with the spots. Depending on tric development id do strait water and harvest. Then Id investigate on here 420 and growweedeasy. I scope the shit out of everything Ive pull off
Hahaha thanks Dutchess she was great chopped 2 weeks ago at about 2% amber becuase i could not stop the spreading of those dots ...all and all think it was was a bit early but good harvest and great bud.


My second girl is the one that has started to do the same but I dont have current pics but i will go over her from top to bottom at lights on. I have checked but seen no bugs

Thanks .
Now that I got my reservoir set up and drip system I decided to switch from fox farms to AN, not bc anything is wrong just experiment and want easier bc I work alot. Does anybody know if there will be a problem switching to this when I switch to flower. And any tips or advice for switching to flowering? I've only grew autos

I don't think their would be a problem, maybe don't put full strength at first so it can adjust?.
A 5 gal pot is plenty big bro. I just went from 3 gal to 5 gal and my 3 gals were barely root bound at harvest. Im using air pots for the first time and I like em. They look great. Maybe thin it out a lil. I have found if you take time to do a weekly small hair cut you will be thankful later on.

Thanks homie
this is what she looks like after I took a couple fan leaves off. Also should I be concerned about ppms?
with my veg nut big bloom grow big and calmag this is what the Ppms come out to
A 5 gal pot is plenty big bro. I just went from 3 gal to 5 gal and my 3 gals were barely root bound at harvest. Im using air pots for the first time and I like em. They look great. Maybe thin it out a lil. I have found if you take time to do a weekly small hair cut you will be thankful later on.

Thanks homie
this is what she looks like after I took a couple fan leaves off. Also should I be concerned about ppms?
with my veg nut big bloom grow big and calmag this is what the Ppms come out to
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