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Ok so in some of my reading material I've found mulch on top of your plant soil will prevent soil compacting.. so a good on for a sandy gorilla grow perhaps?

Still would love help on this

Looks like trouble below to me, soggy soil maybe, but something is making those roots unhappy. Have you been letting it sit in the run-off tray when you water? Could be staying too moist down below if so.
what's the best and or easiest way to control humidity in the tent? (very dry) 41 % now was down to 37% last night
I bought a $5 reptile fogger and built a float platform in a 2gal bucket for it. When my humidity get low i put it in the tent on a timer and just play with the on off settings til i find the sweet spot. Once it gets lush with veg growth in there tho i can usually shut it down. The plants transpire enough to keep it up in the 60s and 70s rh.
I have a question. I'm staying week 6 of flower, this plant is a bag seed, it didn't smell hardly any at all. When you touch it it kinda smells like diesel. Does this mean its gonna be a mid strain.
Well I've been pondering putting a elevated long flat Bin with a hole drilled and hose before it's too late. That way I can flush and remove run off.

But what's wrong w her. Just ordered sledge hammer.

I'll pm you and show when don't.. after the 50 other projects lol

I cut down milk crates on my table saw and drain into a home made flood table that slopes ever so gently to the front. Then i use a wet n dry shop vac to empty the tray. Smart pots get air on the bottom that way and my house plants love the runoff.
I use an inkbird humidity controller. About $30 on amazon

Raptor, I have an inkbird temp controller.
They are an amazing bit of kit, for the price I thought it would be cheap. But it's the most accurate bit of kit I've got.coming on three years old now with no problems, a solid unit.
I'm eyeing the humidity control now myself too, only £26 uk.
Need some help here guys

DWC Hydro setup

Seedling was in solo cup for 8 or 9 days before transfered to DWC.

Layer of pebbles and then the root/stem

Water level is above basket giving lots of hydration with no top feed

Transplanted the plant to DWC 5 days ago. This is what she looked like


5 days later she is no bigger..she is alive and the stem seems strong as she holds herself uo

Under the 1st set of leaves are the original 2 that sprouts. Thry are turning yellow now.

This is the after shot 5 days later



Water is pH 5.9

Thinking I should either add. More water to raise the water level or lower the plant further in the bucket.

Not sure on this one. Thanks!
I hydro and I dont use nutes at all on the first res. Just water. And deffinently leave a gap between the cup and the water. THEY NEED IT. They will get root rot sitting in that water non stop. And the res will smell... ... chemy. (That's your first sign of root rot)

Also I use tappin roots on a foiler spray until there roots hit the water. Helps speed that up a little and when they hit they water I do half nutes . then ,full on next res change.

One more thing. Hydrogaurd and calmag are your best friends in d.w.c.

Edit- also I grow my seedling in rock wool. When I initially soak the r.w. I soak it in phed water with the tappin roots mixed in also might help I usually have roots hitting the water in the first week.
And on my clones I use michoriza initially
what's the best and or easiest way to control humidity in the tent? (very dry) 41 % now was down to 37% last night

A dehumidifier in the room is the easiest and best way to control the humidity in the tent.

I bought a $5 reptile fogger and built a float platform in a 2gal bucket for it. When my humidity get low i put it in the tent on a timer and just play with the on off settings til i find the sweet spot. Once it gets lush with veg growth in there tho i can usually shut it down. The plants transpire enough to keep it up in the 60s and 70s rh.

I use an inkbird humidity controller. About $30 on amazon

Or you can, assuming you have a fan going in there, just place a dish of water in front of the fan so some air is blowing across it. That'll do heaps to raise RH gently and costs nothing. And yeah - you likely won't need it once flower starts.

I bought a $5 reptile fogger and built a float platform in a 2gal bucket for it. When my humidity get low i put it in the tent on a timer and just play with the on off settings til i find the sweet spot. Once it gets lush with veg growth in there tho i can usually shut it down. The plants transpire enough to keep it up in the 60s and 70s rh.

I put a saucer tray wet newspaper in it it brought it up 10% in humidity or more stays around 50-58 lights on 65% lights out.

Seems to sue the trick for me.
It gets super dry here in the winter and my rh falls to 25% give or take 5%. I did wet towels and bowls of water but it didnt do the trick. I bought a small humidifier but it kept running dry to quickly. The fogger/bucket set up was what worked for me. Different ways to skin the proverbial cat...
I hydro and I dont use nutes at all on the first res. Just water. And deffinently leave a gap between the cup and the water. THEY NEED IT. They will get root rot sitting in that water non stop. And the res will smell... ... chemy. (That's your first sign of root rot)

Also I use tappin roots on a foiler spray until there roots hit the water. Helps speed that up a little and when they hit they water I do half nutes . then ,full on next res change.

One more thing. Hydrogaurd and calmag are your best friends in d.w.c.

Edit- also I grow my seedling in rock wool. When I initially soak the r.w. I soak it in phed water with the tappin roots mixed in also might help I usually have roots hitting the water in the first week.
And on my clones I use michoriza initially

This is too much info haha I have been told to NOT leave a gap of water during the beginning, and I have been told by a very select few including yourself to leave a gap. I have no gap right now and I have been top feeding where I dont have a top feed setup.

Res does not smell chemy or anything like that. The stem is holding itself up, no issues there, just no growth.
Was also told to NOT use rockwool as its can cause problems and its not safe...anyways..can't change that. Grew in soil and transplanted to DWC after removing soil off roots (no damage done there either)

I do foliar spray and I use Foliar Essense for that. Great stuff! I have calmag, all good there. This has been about a week now and no roots are even visible anywhere. No size gained.

Would re recommend I take it out and bring her lower into the basket? She is laying on top of a layer of pebbles now. PH is good, temps are good, just no signs of life
This is too much info haha I have been told to NOT leave a gap of water during the beginning, and I have been told by a very select few including yourself to leave a gap. I have no gap right now and I have been top feeding where I dont have a top feed setup.

Res does not smell chemy or anything like that. The stem is holding itself up, no issues there, just no growth.
Was also told to NOT use rockwool as its can cause problems and its not safe...anyways..can't change that. Grew in soil and transplanted to DWC after removing soil off roots (no damage done there either)

I do foliar spray and I use Foliar Essense for that. Great stuff! I have calmag, all good there. This has been about a week now and no roots are even visible anywhere. No size gained.

Would re recommend I take it out and bring her lower into the basket? She is laying on top of a layer of pebbles now. PH is good, temps are good, just no signs of life
Well I wouldn't try to move her now. As her roots might be working their way down through the pebbles wouldnt want any breakage as they are sensitive early on.
I now know you started in soil and rinsed roots and then went dwc. That soumds a little rough on her could just be stunted a little and about to spring back.
That's why I use rock wool. So easy to go from a humidity dome and pick up rock wool and place in pebbles. Let it crawl to the water and surf. No stunting at all..Plus rock wool retains water and air ..helpful while the roots arent to the water yet.
But I am curious about what you have heard about not using rock wool. Because I will stop if it is bad for the girls!
Only reason ive not used rockwool is that planting straight into pebbles as soon as the seed sprouts has always worked well for me and it was one less expense i had to pay out for. I start with a little hydroton in the net cup(about half full) and add more as the seedling grows until its at the top.
Ive seen some people say it stays too wet or it knocks off pH, but enough people have success with it to show it can be used. Its another case of skinning the cat. Lol
Well I've been pondering putting a elevated long flat Bin with a hole drilled and hose before it's too late. That way I can flush and remove run off.

But what's wrong w her. Just ordered sledge hammer.

I'll pm you and show when don't.. after the 50 other projects lol

Hey guys so I've had nut burn and tried to flush with a couple gallons of water and just watered again today after she dried out. This is what she looks like...
so its light light green with brown spots curling tips (from nut burn) my question is do I add calmag or more veg nut I'm using the fox farm nut line up also molasses ph going in is 6.5

May I also add on a separate note that early in flower I snapped a branch but was able to save it for a little bit up until last night I noticed that the super leaves were wilting with some of the fan leaves so when my tent came on tonight I popped it up and saw that one branch was leaning super heavy and it somehow had bent over enough to snap about halfway down. The branch this is what it looked like
not a very big bud but I'll take what I can get so I've trimmed it now and having it dry I'll let it sit in my closet for a couple days then throw it in a jar and burp it for a little my question though is if I flushed before it died would I get a big nut taste or a chemical taste when I smoke it? Thanks for all the help you guys have provided me with !
this is after the trimming of the branch that fell off
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