Autoflower problems

Yea I won't do anything without root riots for a while I used soaking for a day and paper towels and the sprout withing 48 for the most part but once I planted the others in the Coco it was over two came up but they didn't do anything just sagged for a couple days til I tossed em all maybe fours days in or so
I get 100% germination. No paper towel crap
My Autos take as much nutes as i can give!!!! I've got 3 different strains goung and they LOVE their massive doses. Start out giving small amounts though. So many misconceptions with Autos. Great plants to learn from. Yes u can top. Yes nutes yes train yes yransplant. Idk where ppl come up with this stuff. Talk to @Blewhiller hes a master at autos

@Blew Hiller has helped me a whole lot on my autos as well. Let’s see if he chimes in and shares some of that good auto knowledge he’s got I want to see his input on this...
Well she hasn't gotten bone dry I wouldn't say. I mist a couple times a day if I see her peat dry up some I'll mist again. I'm lost here I don't see one auto on YouTube her size at day 19 and this is supposed to be Barney blue cheese a heavy producer from what I was told/sold .... I'm getting the shitty end of alot of sticks trying to find quality beans man ! Costing me electricity and dollars for a bunch of nothing
Check out Strainly. All private individuals mostly based in U.S. or Canada. No crooked Euro bean brokers pushing over priced beans. Seriously do yourself a favor and check it out!
How long ago did you order? I'm not with the month wait again. Id rather buy from us companies that wait a month for nothing again it's just harder to find the us sites and when you do they're high as shit and probably have less choices, alot less
I'll say it again check out Strainly.Just small random example and no I have nothing to gain by plugging them.
Hmm... Yeah you shouldn't get any shock from starting in rr. I'd never advise any other way. And your right about the nutes. I just feed water till they're a little bigger than that. Hmm that's annoying. If she got bone dry in the first few days that could be the culprit. Gotta keep them moist but not wet for the first couple weeks while they root up.
A bit of cal-mag every other feeding couldn’t hurt, if seedlings I spray twice a day once with ph 6.5 water and once with c,mag PHed to the same, luv that stuff.
A bit of cal-mag every other feeding couldn’t hurt, if seedlings I spray twice a day once with ph 6.5 water and once with c,mag PHed to the same, luv that stuff.
Not something I use much of mate. Few small doses during bloom but thats it. I give just water for first 5-7 days, then 100ppm worth of root boost and base nutes for a week. Seedlings need next to nothing, this why it goes wrong for so many people. They're fragile and can fry easily. I just wait for bits to turn yellow before upping doses of anything. Gets me a perfect grow every time. Nutrient wise anyway. Still like to smash plants with falling extractors n stuff now n then lol.
Yea,most seeds carry enough nutrients to last a week or two. Spraying seedlings twice a day with PHed water with a humidity dome ( shot glass ) on top helps to keep them moist not wet. The cal- mag is something I have found makes my girls happy and at 5 ml. Per gaI I add cal- mag at every other watering and the seedlings drink it up, I do the same thing when thay grow but increase the feedings of cal- mag to each watering at the same dosage,it works for my autos and me.
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