AZ Desert Temp Grow Shed Set Up

High All !!! Well I recently sold my house so my indoor set up is gone. I bought a Manufactured home that has a shed in back that I plan to convert part of into a small grow set up. Now this shed was built by a previous owner & I can't say he was a carpenter by any means. The Frame itself is pretty solid but the outside walls need attention badly. Also needed new roofing. I guess you could say it's seen better days ... but still has good bones & already has electric with several outlets & lights in it. I already started the repairs on the shed which is exactly that ... Repairs so not really part of the grow set up yet ... but part of the big picture because of ventilation, cooling, sealing it up, insulating, etc. Keep in mind the average summer day in AZ. is around 110 - 112 F & I've seen it get to 122 F in the past. So heat is going to be an issue that this shed has to be well prepared for.
Anyway, so far I've replaced the roofing with New 30# Felt & Roll Roofing (No more Roof Leaks). Bought all new Wood Siding & Trim & that's what I'm currently working on. I've already done 3 sides of the shed with siding but still have to trim it all out. I figured now was a good time to start this Thread since I'll be starting on the back wall this coming weekend & that's where I'll be framing in the window A/C & Exhaust Vent. Then to the Floor & insulation. Then frame in the grow area & start the actual set up.
I work a full time 2nd shift job so only have time to work on it on weekends. My goal is to complete it by the end of Feb. & get 1 grow in before the temps sky rocket. Don't get me wrong. It will be used year round.
I'm not 100% positive I can make this work but I think I can so giving it my best. If you guys have any ideas along the way please let me know. It may be something I haven't even considered or thought of.
I'll post some pics of what I'm working with this week. People usually love my grow set ups as I've done a few different ones. But this is my 1st outside/shed set up so wish me luck as I'll need it.
I'll be using about 4' x 8' of the shed for the grow area. I have 2 Brand New Mars Hydro TSW 2000's for lights but may add a 3rd one. See if it's needed once set up is complete. I have 2 of the XL 6.6 gallon Auto Pots with Air Domes for my 1st grow. I'll use Hydro rocks on the bottom 3" - 4" & 70/30 Coco & Perlite. 6" Carbon Filter & Fan for exhaust. 8000 BTU A/C for cooling (programmable with remote). 2 - Oscillating Fans for Air Flow. I have 2 - 6 gallon Humidifiers since it's so hot & dry here. All walls & ceiling will be covered in Mylar also.
I'm mainly doing this Thread so I'll have a grow room; but also figured it could help those out who live in this type of climate & have been thinking about converting their shed or outside building into a grow room but are not sure if it will work. Here's your chance to see if it will work at no cost to you.
In case you are wondering about cost: My shed is about 10' x 12'. I used 1 roll of Felt & 2 Rolls of Roofing & 1 can of roofing adhesive for the roof which came out to $120.
The siding took 12 sheets @ $23 ea. (took 3 - 4 extra sheets because there's an add on to the shed) = $276
Trim $65, Plywood & peel & stick tile for floor $100, Framing for a divider wall = $20, Insulation = $180, Interior walls = $150. So this is what it's costing me to rebuild this shed into a workable grow room. Add the nails & Foam sealant & I'm right at $1000 for a pretty nice shed / grow room.
Well, things are going slower than anticipated. I'll have the outside of the shed completed this weekend including framing in the A/C & vents. I put the new floor in already also; so getting close to designing the actual grow room. I've been taking before & after pics of everything so you all can see how I took a beat down, leaky old shed & made it close to new again. I'll be posting them after I complete the outside. Ordered some Mega Crop for my 1st grow but my mother in law talked me out of it for her plants so I have to order more
Well, I'm getting impatient so went & bought a 2' x 2' x 5' tent that came with a 4" Fan, Filter & Duct & it also came with 2 Hydro Crunch 300 Watt LED's. Picked it up on Craigslist for $75. I think this will suffice for starting seeds & clones so going to set it up & get started this weekend. I have about 20 Fire OG seeds that are regulars so I'll do 10 seeds & then flower a small branch off of each to determine sex. Hopefully I'll get 3 females so I can grow 2 & keep one as a mother for clones.
I'll start a journal on it once I get things ready.
Greetings! I too live in a very tropical region and am Really interested to see how this goes.
Was just wondering...if you're running LEDs in a climate controlled space, do you really need to exhaust the air? (Only if you're using a portable AC)
Where will the air be replenished from?
I.e. say it's 120° day in mid july, your environment is chilling at 72° with the LEDs on and an exhaust fan pushing filtered air outside, there will be a negative pressure pulling replacement air into the grow...possibly 120° outside air through door cracks, seams, etc.
Maybe wait on cutting that hole and recirculate the air through the filter (back into the grow) and see how it goes. Like just leave it sitting upright in the corner with the fan on top scrubbing the air. See where your temps hang out on a hot day and then if need be take a saw to the wall.
Then if you need more CO2 you could add green pads, mushroom bags, or pipe some bottled CO2 in, etc. For that small of a space a 10,000 btu window unit should work pretty effectively and they're always cheap (less than $100) on Craigslist or wait till the new ones go on sale.

Just my thoughts and concerns for ya.
Best of luck!
Greetings! I too live in a very tropical region and am Really interested to see how this goes.
Was just wondering...if you're running LEDs in a climate controlled space, do you really need to exhaust the air? (Only if you're using a portable AC)
Where will the air be replenished from?
I.e. say it's 120° day in mid july, your environment is chilling at 72° with the LEDs on and an exhaust fan pushing filtered air outside, there will be a negative pressure pulling replacement air into the grow...possibly 120° outside air through door cracks, seams, etc.
Maybe wait on cutting that hole and recirculate the air through the filter (back into the grow) and see how it goes. Like just leave it sitting upright in the corner with the fan on top scrubbing the air. See where your temps hang out on a hot day and then if need be take a saw to the wall.
Then if you need more CO2 you could add green pads, mushroom bags, or pipe some bottled CO2 in, etc. For that small of a space a 10,000 btu window unit should work pretty effectively and they're always cheap (less than $100) on Craigslist or wait till the new ones go on sale.

Just my thoughts and concerns for ya.
Best of luck!
Yes it will sort of be a sealed room. I'm insulating all walls & ceiling with R-13; then covering that with plastic sheets before putting up the walls inside. I have an 8000 BTU window A/C that's you can program the temps on for cooling. I'm only doing a 4' x 8' section of the shed. I also have Lg. Humidifiers to keep the RH in check & help with cooling. The Fan & Filter idea sounds like one I will try. But I may still put a 2nd one up high in the shed to get some of the heat out that's close to the roof as that's where the hot temps will start & collect. Waiting to see how temps stay before I decide to use Co2 or not. If I can keep it below 80 F I see no need for it. But if I'm in the 90's it's Co2 for sure.
Thanks for the input !!!
Looks like I got a Great Deal on the tent set up for $75. Looked it up on ebay & that exact same set up sells for $525. That's the cheapest I found it ... others were as high as $700. Turns out it's 31.5" x 31.5" x 6' , so plenty big enough to start seeds, clones or keep a mother. Not going to use the Hydro Crunch LED's for now. Putting 1 of the Mars Hydro TSW 2000's in it to start some seeds. I put the Tent up but have to dig stuff out to get it ready so I'll start seeds tomorrow.
Now I've got a question because I haven't tried this or have I read about anyone doing this. Once my shed / grow room is complete in a couple weeks I plan to grow in Auto Pots in Coco. But I was planning to start the seeds in FFOF soil in cups. I have to weed out the males. Now has anyone transplanted a plant that was started in a cup of soil into coco once it has 3 - 4 sets of leaves ? Can this be done ? If not I'll probably use soil through this grow & pick one to keep as a mother to clone & grow in Coco.
Let me know what you all think.
Awesome deal.
I would reverse and start the seeds in coco. FFOF is a bit hot and may do more harm than good. It'd be like feeding an infant a 4 course steak dinner LOL.
I wait for the plants to tell me when they're ready to transplant, which is typically when it needs watering every day and bone dry the next day.
Probably not the universally accepted way, but I've had the most vigorous plants this way.
Then i put at least an inch of soil/coco in the new container, then put an empty solo cup in and fill all around it and pack in the sides with my fingers. Then remove the empty cup to reveal a perfect hole for your transplant. Slide your hand over the top of the seedling cup with the stem between your fingers, turn it upside down, give the cup a gentle squeeze and the pull it up leaving the upside down seedling in the palm of your hand with cup shaped rootball facing up. Then gently and quickly flip it over into the hole, sprinkle a little extra soil/coco on top and you're done! Very low stress way to repot seedlings!
Don't forget to transfer your label so that you'll always know who's who!
Awesome deal.
I would reverse and start the seeds in coco. FFOF is a bit hot and may do more harm than good. It'd be like feeding an infant a 4 course steak dinner LOL.
I wait for the plants to tell me when they're ready to transplant, which is typically when it needs watering every day and bone dry the next day.
Probably not the universally accepted way, but I've had the most vigorous plants this way.
Then i put at least an inch of soil/coco in the new container, then put an empty solo cup in and fill all around it and pack in the sides with my fingers. Then remove the empty cup to reveal a perfect hole for your transplant. Slide your hand over the top of the seedling cup with the stem between your fingers, turn it upside down, give the cup a gentle squeeze and the pull it up leaving the upside down seedling in the palm of your hand with cup shaped rootball facing up. Then gently and quickly flip it over into the hole, sprinkle a little extra soil/coco on top and you're done! Very low stress way to repot seedlings!
Don't forget to transfer your label so that you'll always know who's who!
When growing in soil I usually mix FFOF & Happy Frog 50 / 50. But since I didn't buy the Happy frog I was going to cut the FFOF with 1/3rd Coco / Perlite since I have an unopened bag.
Anyways, got the little tent set up so sometime today I'll start some seeds. I only have 13 Fire OG seeds (Regulars) so I'll start them all & hopefully get at least 3 Females. If I get more I have a buddy who will gladly take them. I only need 2 to grow & 1 mother so it's all good.
I was thinking of starting them the double cup method where you cut out the sides of one cup & put it inside the second cup. Then you just pull out the cup with the sides cut out & stick it in your actual grow pot when the roots are coming out. Don't really have to take it out of the cup with the sides cut out.
Well, gotta get ready to work on the shed some more. Today I cut out the wall for the window A/C & Vents & put the siding on the back wall. Throughout the week I'll be caulking any outside cracks, seams, etc. By next weekend I'll be starting the actual grow room so getting closer slowly but surely. Rather get it right the 1st time then do it over.
Going to try cloning some oleanders for my yard. Neighbors trimmed there's yesterday so I grabbed a bunch of branches & put them in water right away. Today they get rooting powder & planted in 1 gallon pots. They'll be outside during the day but I'll bring them in at night for a couple of weeks. Once rooted they go in the yard to block peoples view.
OK you guys !!! I have about 20 pics of the progress on the Shed so far. A lot of you will probably say why didn't you tear it down & buy a New one. Well $1000 to fix it beats $6000 - $7000 for a new one. Today I framed in the Window A/C & hung 2 of the pieces of siding on the back. I still have to go buy about 12 pieces of Trim Boards to finish the outside .... (well, other than I'm caulking every crack & seam outside also). Anyway, Here's some pics of what I've done so far.
One more weekend of outside shed work & on to the Grow Room. As you can see in the last 2 pics I already bought the door, insulation & I have at least a dozen 2 x 4's so I'll be framing in & insulating the grow room soon.
Well, time to start my seeds in the small tent I bought. See ya Soon !!!
I'm not overly concerned with the heat as I'm sure I could easily keep it in the lower 90's & use Co2 if needed. I'm shooting for about 77 - 80 though.
My main concern now is the electric. I looked in my Breaker Box but nothing labeled Shed. Flipped switches till I found the one that powers the shed. Not Good at all. There's 2 Bedrooms & Laundry Room Lights on that Breaker & it's only 15 amp.
Now I'm wondering if my house could have it's own breakers & if there's a way to add a separate Breaker Box inside my Shed to power it. The Electric Box for the Electric Co. is about 20 feet away.
The meter is on the box itself so it's not like I'd be stealing power. I just don't know enough about electricity to know if this can be done or not.
Anybody know ???
Got my seeds planted. 13 seeds in about a 65% FFOF & 35% Coco / Perlite Mix. Watered all cups till just a little run off (pH 6.4) & dropped the seeds straight in the soil about 1/4" down. All 13 are Fire OG & unknown whether Male or Female. Once they get big enough I'll flower 1 branch from each plant to find out the sex. Usually those branches root so I plant them & turn them into Bud-cicles.
I'll start a journal next week but here's a pre-view.
Well I've been watching several YouTube Video's on how to run electric to a grow room. Checked out my Breaker Box & it's Rated at 200 Amps. There are no empty spots to add a dedicated line / breaker for the grow room.
Now I'm sure there is never 200 Amps being pulled at one time so there should be a way to run an additional breaker box inside the grow room & connect it to the main wiring on the breaker box in the house. I'd like to put 2 - 20 Amp & 2 - 15 Amp breakers in the breaker box for the shed (Not that I need that much, just want the extra just in case). My lights are 2.55 amps each x 2 lights =5.10 amps. The A/C is 10 amps. 2 - Oscillating Fans @ 2.5 amps each = 5 amps. Not sure what the 6" Fan & Filter & 6 gallon Humidifier draw; but it can't be that much. I'm thinking I need about 30 - 40 Amps for the electric in the shed. I want 1 breaker for just the lights in the rest of the shed that's not being used for the grow room & 1 breaker for just the A/C & the other 2 for the lights, fans, etc.
I have no doubt I could do the wiring inside the shed to a breaker box. It's running the electric from the shed breaker box to the house main wiring in it's breaker box that concerns me.
I'm not even sure if all this is possible. Sure wish I had an electrician friend to get advice from.
If there's an electrician out there reading this .... Please Advise. I need to get some perspective on this. Thanks.
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