Barney's Perpetual Hydro House

Shit!! Think it's all over folks. Had a magnet on the side of my leccy meter and the disk inside it just stopped spinning. Find out in a few hours if I. Gonna have to rip out. Fuckin ragin.
Damn terrible man, that's a big loss. Your whole house is out?
Shit!! Think it's all over folks. Had a magnet on the side of my leccy meter and the disk inside it just stopped spinning. Find out in a few hours if I. Gonna have to rip out. Fuckin ragin.
whats the magnet for? lol
thats a shitter, no power then?
Shit!! Think it's all over folks. Had a magnet on the side of my leccy meter and the disk inside it just stopped spinning. Find out in a few hours if I. Gonna have to rip out. Fuckin ragin.
Mate , meters and leccy diverting tactics are temporary saves but are one of the main reasons is UK growers get caught. I hope you can sort it before it registers as broken mate. They also know when electricity is being used but not registered from a few things i researched a while back. Dont risk it mate , use product to offset cost ;). fingers crossed for you now mate.
Damn terrible man, that's a big loss. Your whole house is out?
Nah... Strangely it's still on. Prepaid leccy and it seems that I've just broke the meter. Supply still on so fuck it :) seems I've just got myself free leccy.
I'll find out for sure in 2 hours. It should definately have run out by now but they can't cut it off between 10pm and 9am so if it's still on at 9 then I'm pretty sure I've just hit the jackpot :)
Well thanks for your words of wisdom folks. I've finally come up with a battle plan. It's a risky one but sometimes needs must.

In 2 hours time (9am) if my leccy is still on then I'm In the clear and I've only broke the meter, not the supply.
If that's the case I'm gonna see if it lasts the rest of this grow. Got 3-4 weeks left then im stripping out for the winter.
I'll get it fixed then.

If in 2 hours time my leccy cuts off. then I'm gonna get the 2 Coco plants and all my LEDs into a safe place. Leave the 4 in the reservoir and the HPS up there.
Switch my £600 rhino for my emergency banger extractor get rid of my new oscillating fan for a couple of wee clip ons.

Worst case scenario for getting caught with that is a pathetic fine or a few hours of community service. Our local judges aren't really bothered about personal grows.

There's zero chance the leccy company will be able to prove I've been slowing it down. They will possibly be able to tell that it was me that broke it but it's a 20 year old meter that they've been threatening to have me forced into changing for a smart meter for the last 2 years. so they'll probably jump at the chance to switch it over.

Minimal risk, almost zero chance of any sort of punishment that isn't worth it. I'll get a personal production charge but that won't effect me getting jobs. I'm in construction so get drug tested a lot anyway. If your tests clean the record doesn't matter.
Id be lucky to even get arrested. Theyve got my details and DNA already so most likely Just take my £150 worth of grow gear that's left there and tell me I'm a naughty boy. I'll get a court date a few weeks later and get a slap on the wrist.
Fuck it.:)
Gotta love Scots law haha :)
Nah... Strangely it's still on. Prepaid leccy and it seems that I've just broke the meter. Supply still on so fuck it :) seems I've just got myself free leccy.
I'll find out for sure in 2 hours. It should definately have run out by now but they can't cut it off between 10pm and 9am so if it's still on at 9 then I'm pretty sure I've just hit the jackpot :)
Bonus Barney! Take it, go with it!
Well thanks for your words of wisdom folks. I've finally come up with a battle plan. It's a risky one but sometimes needs must.

In 2 hours time (9am) if my leccy is still on then I'm In the clear and I've only broke the meter, not the supply.
If that's the case I'm gonna see if it lasts the rest of this grow. Got 3-4 weeks left then im stripping out for the winter.

If in 2 hours time my leccy cuts off. then I'm gonna get the 2 Coco plants and all my LEDs into a safe place. Leave the 4 in the reservoir and the HPS up there.
Switch my £600 rhino for my emergency banger extractor get rid of my new oscillating fan for a couple of wee clip ons.

Worst case scenario for getting caught with that is a pathetic fine or a few hours of community service. Our local judges aren't really bothered about personal grows.

There's zero chance the leccy company will be able to prove I've been slowing it down. They will possibly be able to tell that it was me that broke it but it's a 20 year old meter that they've been threatening to have me forced into changing for a smart meter for the last 2 years. so they'll probably jump at the chance to switch it over.

Minimal risk, almost zero chance of any sort of punishment that isn't worth it. I'll get a personal production charge but that won't effect me getting jobs. I'm in construction so get drug tested a lot anyway. If your tests clean the record doesn't matter.
Id be lucky to even get arrested. Theyve got my details and DNA already so most likely Just take my £150 worth of grow gear that's left there and tell me I'm a naughty boy. I'll get a court date a few weeks later and get a slap on the wrist.
Fuck it.:)
Gotta love Scots law haha :)
11:30 pm here on the British Columbia north coast at the end of a long 2 week contract that exhausted me, so I'm up for a while as I celebrate with some beers and pink Kush, I'll await your update!

11:30 pm here on the British Columbia north coast at the end of a long 2 week contract that exhausted me, so I'm up for a while as I celebrate with some beers and pink Kush, I'll await your update!

Ahh cool, you get to travel about with your work or do you live there?
lol jokes.
id perhaps edit some of the honesty out here just in case pal ;)

anyways, just ask em, that if cannabis is a schedule 1 controlled substance, AND NOT A CLASS B DRUG (that refers to the penalty) can the produce the evidence which suitably classes it as such, they cant lol why ?? because it has been proven around the world as medicinal lol and therefore unevidenced and highly political reasoning for the schedule 1 classing...

sorry lol off topic, im self employed, lol fuck drug tests on myself, and i think half my customers know im a stoner.. i dont always keep it a secret, in fact i am more and more vocal everyday about the fact it should be free!

hey, i wonder ya know; is scotland really gonna push for another independence vote? if it does i might pack up and skip north before it happens lol
fuck the parasites in the spiders nest.
Ahh cool, you get to travel about with your work or do you live there?
I live here, self employed, my own business. I wish I could travel on business!
lol jokes.
id perhaps edit some of the honesty out here just in case pal ;)

anyways, just ask em, that if cannabis is a schedule 1 controlled substance, AND NOT A CLASS B DRUG (that refers to the penalty) can the produce the evidence which suitably classes it as such, they cant lol why ?? because it has been proven around the world as medicinal lol and therefore unevidenced and highly political reasoning for the schedule 1 classing...

sorry lol off topic, im self employed, lol fuck drug tests on myself, and i think half my customers know im a stoner.. i dont always keep it a secret, in fact i am more and more vocal everyday about the fact it should be free!

hey, i wonder ya know; is scotland really gonna push for another independence vote? if it does i might pack up and skip north before it happens lol
fuck the parasites in the spiders nest.
Ooh you had to mention it eh. The indi thing is getting downplayed massively by the media. I reckon it's happening iether way. Big Nikki has a lot of trust from the majority of Scots . Those of us that follow her would follow her into battle in a heartbeat.
The thing the media is playing on is making us sound like we need England when its completely the other way round.
We have unlimited free electricity. The Tories actually pay our windfarmers millions to turn them off because we would literally blow the national grid.
The Tories can't have us using this free energy as it would mean their buddies losing out on billions.
We also have a basically unlimited supply of the cleanest, safest tap water anywhere on earth.
In around 15 years time the water to people ratio in England will go past the point of no return. In that situation, if we're indipendant, the English would be forced to pay whatever we want for our water. They've been trying to set up joint supply for years to avoid it but we're not daft enough.
We also have pappa bears share of fishing grounds and oil. (Yes I know we're going green so we won't use the oil but doesn't mean we can't still sell it . Especially to England :)

The Scottish government are awesome mate. We're all entitled to a minimal wage. Theres no dole anymore. It's universal credit now.
You just register which takes 10 minutes and if your wages drop for whatever reason they automatically top it up.
I clear at least £1700 a month wether I get £14 an hour or £5 an hour. If I take the month off theyll chuck £1400 in my bank automatically. They also pay 66% of my expenses. Work gear, washing bills, tools, travel, everything mate. No questions asked. I just tell them every month on a website and they take my word for it.
Then I get it all back from the tax man at the end of the year too so I actually make money on my expenses.

The Tories can't stand this sort of behaviour and want the working class to be poor so that we can't afford to leave the country and have to spend all our cash here.
The SNP want everyone to have a decent standard of living. The best that can possibly be sustained.

Once we stop getting our books ravaged by westmunter well have plenty spare cash, Tories on their hands and knees begging us for decent trade deals cos the e/u is gonna fuck yous over big time soon. They been saying for months that it's take what you're offered or nothing.
Despite what that twat Gove is saying, America has actually said you're getting nothing and will be charged the highest rates possible for any trade deals as you're the ones that are desperate for it.

I'm saying "yous" like we're already separated but that's really how it feels for most of us mate. We've been absolutely shafted left, right and centre since the first vote.
Tens of thousands of jobs were lost because if it. Our cost of living has went up massively , wages have slowed down, the value of the pound has been slashed.

We're done mate. The jocks have had enough of it like. We're a different breed. The English are all voting with iether racism or following the beliefs of the elite war mongers that want to force the country into poverty. Sacrifice the many to feed the few.

We don't want that man, our govornment have even refused pay rises the last couple years and put the cash into helping the people. We want to prosper, we want foreigners to be able to come here.
That's another bloody thing actually. The Tories have added law that says foreigners have to be on 30k to get into Scotland.... Where the average wage is only 24k.
Its not creating jobs for us, it's decreasing semi skilled- tradesman level jobs and increasing unskilled, low paying work.
Ie. Yet again, forcing us into poverty.

Fuck sake man why did you have to mention it lol.
Oh and re the jailbait content. My buddy has a killswitch. If I get lifted I use my phone call to tell him.
Hes got the passwords to factory reset my phone and tablet :)
They won't be interested enough to bother trying to recover it :)
I live here, self employed, my own business. I wish I could travel on business!
What you do buddy? I'm self employed too. Demolition work mostly. Use machines to smash buildings up n stuff. Doesn't pay particularly well and it's hard going at times but it's good fun and I don't have to smile or be nice to anyone. That counts for a lot these days. :)
mate im with you
he english are thick
too dumbed down
too subservient
too fucking oblivious

mate i hate it here
i hate the attitude
i hate the opinions
the people
the views

havent voted in years, maybe ever
didnt vote in brexit
or last election
i like sturgeon

well i hope the indi vote isnt pushed too fast, give me a year maybe, might look at the move, sick to death of the corporatocracy protecting the peado elite in this cuntry and in he houses of peados.

sick to death of em
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