Beginner White Widow Auto & Northern Lights Auto LED Grow


New Member
So, after lots of reading, lurking, ordering, PAYING, and a little effort, it is time to post progress. First, my supplies list:
1.5' X 2' X 5' mylar tent with steel frame
Vipar 450w led panel
vermifire soil
volcanic rock
2- round, black 3gal pots with drip trays
lasco 2-speed clip fan
accurite thermometer and humidity sensor
Walgreens personal humidifier
100 cfm 4" in-line fan with 3-prong cord
8"X4"outlet activated carbon air scrubber
common programmable plug-in timer for holiday lights
1-3-prong extension cord with 3-way inlet plug
4" laminated aluminum flex duct cut to length
1 feminized white widow autoflowering seed
1 feminized northern lights autoflowering seed

the names have NOT been changed. SCREW the innocent! :winkyface:

First soaked the seeds for 48hrs in water filled shot glasses in a warm, dark area. Then placed in wet paper towels for an additional 48 hours, until the taproot was pokin' out. The tent was constructed during this time, and light/fan timer tested. Volcanic rock was placed in the bottom of the 3-gal buckets, high enough to cover the drain holes, and filled the rest of the way with soil, which was then moistened. The seeds were placed TAPROOT DOWN about 3mm below the surface of the soil, and sprouted in 48 hrs.:slide:
The young, tender seedlings were then covered with translucent plastic trays to retain moisture over the next 2 days whilst the 20-on 4-off lighting regimen was instituted. A small personal humidifier was added to help battle the arid clime and the plants watered only periodically to keep the soil moist. Water collected from snow is used when available, otherwise tap water twice filtered and boiled is used (in the humidifier as well). The fans run on and off with the lights, the humidifier operates for ten hours during the "lights on" period. RH ranges between 20-70%, and the temp between 90 deg F and 70 deg F. A nutrient regimen is not planned for at least another 10 days. A weighting of the main cola is also planned to stimulate the growth of more colas.

Now, I pray to you, oh Gods of Grow, answer me these questions three:
1. What nutes should be used, and in what frequency?
2. Should a trellis be constructed for a grow this size given the type of plants?
3. Do you see any potential problems that may arise from actions taken thus far?


here's some pics!


Hi Saturnus.
Everything looks good so far, a trellis is definitely a good thing and will increase your yield if done properly but still have plenty of time feft to build one before you need it. I usually put my net 10-12 inches above the pots, but this will vary depending on how tall you want your plants in the end.
As far as nutes, there are a few site sponsors who look good for soil grow, Doggett & Simpson growology I've heard good things about, but do a little research, there are tons out there.
Good luck with your grow. ;)
update time! here are some pics, 'cause Everyone loves 'em.
week2 2 set-up.

week 2 northern lights

week 2 white widow

week 3 NL

week 3 white widow looking lovely as ever.

this week I also added a homemade CO2 generator. sounds sophiticated when you call it that, but they are pretty easy to make with some household objects. two big plastic bottles, well cleaned, 3/8" plastic tubing, silicone sealant, some water, dry yeast and sugar will get ya going!


starting nutes as we speak, the girls lost a little perk and I had to give a little trim. Only getting rid of low-lying fan leaves and those that are more than 50% wilted, there had been some nute burn from the vermifire soil originally, but im stepping the watering from every three days to every other day. I didn't want to drown them like they warn us noobs against, but i think the need more frequent watering too. trying out 1/4 strength FOX FARMS organic BIG BLOOM. we'll see how things progress. today I noticed what may possibly be pre-flowers on the WW. got the trellis built this week too, just need to make some final adjustments, clean and install. will post more pics soon! Thanks for stopping by!

How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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