Bud Washing

You'd think so, yes. Oddly enough, the harvest usually dries faster. :hmmmm: I can't explain what happens, but the result is a better smoking experience.
Dunno. :cheesygrinsmiley:

That sounds right. It sounds logical on it affecting the drying more gently. Yes. that is interesting about it drying faster Imagine the warm light maybe create a convection effect? But then again what do I know....Not much...*

"Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.”

Some interesting parts in your quotation...this is mine.

"See the TURTLE of Enormous Girth"
"On his shell he holds the Earth."
"His thought is slow, but always kind."
"He holds us all within his mind."

adding the 2nd part

"On his back all vows are made;"
"He sees the truth but mayn't aid."
"He loves the land and loves the sea,"
"And even loves a child like me."
Some interesting parts in your quotation...this is mine.

"See the TURTLE of Enormous Girth"
"On his shell he holds the Earth."
"His thought is slow, but always kind."
"He holds us all within his mind."

Ah ... I was reminded of the Turtle of Hindu mythology, but now I know the Stephen King and Dark Tower references too - thanks!

Thanks very much

Quick question would rain water be safe ? Instead of ro not sure where to get that ? Lol I'm in .

RO - AKA Reverse Osmosis filtered water. I use it to water my plants with. Been doing so for several years. Can get a "RO Buddy" reverse osmosis filter for under $100 on Amazon... in Canada it should be likely $80ish.

I use RO water with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) anytime I get an infestation late in flower that I cannot or dont want to spray with an IPM. I just chop and wash.

The H2O2 will kill all pests I know that get on in the plants. This is NOT a "cure" for PM/Mold. For that you should just cut out the moldy buds and toss.

To get rid of mold:
Up your air movement and lower your RH (relative humidity) for next round and you can also spray plants in VEG an early flower with a mix of Horsetail Fern tea and water. This will get rid of the mold spores that later on in flower form mold and ruin the flowers. It works. Credit to Rudolph Steiner and his merry gang of Biodynamic Horticulturalists.

FYI: Biodynamic Farming is organic farming without any BS.
RO - AKA Reverse Osmosis filtered water. I use it to water my plants with. Been doing so for several years. Can get a "RO Buddy" reverse osmosis filter for under $100 on Amazon... in Canada it should be likely $80ish.

I use RO water with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) anytime I get an infestation late in flower that I cannot or dont want to spray with an IPM. I just chop and wash.

The H2O2 will kill all pests I know that get on in the plants. This is NOT a "cure" for PM/Mold. For that you should just cut out the moldy buds and toss.

To get rid of mold:
Up your air movement and lower your RH (relative humidity) for next round and you can also spray plants in VEG an early flower with a mix of Horsetail Fern tea and water. This will get rid of the mold spores that later on in flower form mold and ruin the flowers. It works. Credit to Rudolph Steiner and his merry gang of Biodynamic Horticulturalists.

FYI: Biodynamic Farming is organic farming without any BS.

Thanks for sharing and helping. A fella outz

. so rain water though only has by my house 20-40 ppm ? Pretty dang low now?
Not sure if I missed it somewhere in here, but do I need to wash right after chop, or can I chop, hang over night, then go through with wash?

Overnight isn't bad (I did it once), but you don't want to risk the trichomes getting brittle before you wash. They need to be fresh and pliable.

Washing right after chop is definitely better.
I've had issues w/ pesky Aphids, I softened them up w/ a couple of hours of UV, I turned the buds a couple of times, I washed using my normal process, in comparison, radiating provided an incremental improvement
Overnight isn't bad (I did it once), but you don't want to risk the trichomes getting brittle before you wash. They need to be fresh and pliable.

Washing right after chop is definitely better.

Will me having the light offs for 72+ hours effect it any? I will probably wash immediately after cut, considering its my first grow, I want it to be at its full potential.
Why wouldn't you wash immediately? Stick a towel underneath where you are hanging them. If you prep everything first before you start chopping them, you will find that it's easy. Just do it methodically. Music recommended.
Not sure if I missed it somewhere in here, but do I need to wash right after chop, or can I chop, hang over night, then go through with wash?

My schedule is just very busy, I think I may take off of work early on Friday to get all of this done. If I leave them to hang for a little over 24 hours, will that be OK or is that going to be too long? I have to leave town for a day

I'd wait another day or two to harvest if that helps with your timing.
I still don't understand why you would chop and hang them first. How does that save you any time? Haven't done the "low and slow" method, but your buds will be soaking wet when you put them in the fridge, if you only give them a few hours to dry. If you can't let them hang for at least a week, you should consider skipping the wash.
Letting them hang and dry (after chop/wash) for 24-32 hours isn't enough for them to drip dry?

I am just trying to figure out how long they need to hang and dry after the wash before I can put them in the refrigerator.

I think you should dry&cure them before putting them in the refrigerator.

Usually drying takes 5-10days, whatever dries earlier is dried too fast and some chemical process were therefore not carried out which leaves you with bad smell and harsh weed.

Curing comes after that in jars. They should be in there (with proper RH around 60%) for at least 2 weeks to develope proper taste and smell and only after that I would put them in the refrigerator, otherwise you're in high risk of mold and for sure bad weed.
Guessing you haven't heard of the "Low and Slow" method of drying? It's a method of drying in the fridge for up to a few weeks, then removing and curing as normal, in jars...

I am not wanting to hang dry to "dry" just want to hang long enough for them to drip enough water out to be able to put in fridge.
I've not read it over carefully. What appealed to me was odor control. If it's not legal where you are and your tent isn't available, its an important issue to address. I don't know how long you would have to wait after you washed them. Not knowing I personally wouldn't risk my crop. Hope you find the right answer.
Guessing you haven't heard of the "Low and Slow" method of drying? It's a method of drying in the fridge for up to a few weeks, then removing and curing as normal, in jars...

I am not wanting to hang dry to "dry" just want to hang long enough for them to drip enough water out to be able to put in fridge.

Trully haven't heard yet. But I'm checking it out right away :)
I've not read it over carefully. What appealed to me was odor control. If it's not legal where you are and your tent isn't available, its an important issue to address. I don't know how long you would have to wait after you washed them. Not knowing I personally wouldn't risk my crop. Hope you find the right answer.

I will have my tent available, but I plan on filling the res up with three girls that are ready to go, so I won't be using the tent for drying. With the amount of bud that I have versus the space/amount of jars I have, some of it will without a doubt end up being hung to dry. Thanks bud, I'm sure I am just overthinking it all!
Cal and Lone*

I have been following This Thread from the beginning and I have two crops successfully washed then low and slow dried.

Following the recommendations of sweet Sue and others.
then rinse
then they hang for 4 hours
then paper bag, ( leave space to breathe)
Remove bags from refrigerator for 1 hour a day then place back in refrigerator. Do this every day for two weeks then begin taking the dryer product putting it in jars and checking the humidity after sealing them up for a few hours. If humidity goes over 68% put it back in the refrigerator I keep mine in the jars at this point until I can maintain 68% or lower with the lid on.

I hope this helps.
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