Can 3 plants vegged for double time yield like 6 plants with short veg?

Im sorry but the title doesnt say it all. When put that way its impossible to know as you didnt list any factors that would be essential to even take a shot in the dark. You dont say what lighting,medium,enviroment,humidity,etc etc etc. But to just to answer the question as was given yes it is possible depending on all the factors i listed above and more.
In theory yes the bigger the plant = more yield.

But one must consider the final size of plant at end veg then equate stretch factor in flowering where the plant may double or triple in size, ok if ya got lots of head room ?

Most would think a little bit unpractical...

But a trained plant in less than double the normal expected time of veg can easy double the yield... ya really want to look aat plant training :thumb:
As Lexort said, spot on. Environmental factors +
I knew a guy who tested this. 6 plants veged for 5 weeks. He got almost the same yield by Veging 60 plants for 1 week. Weigh it up, caught with 6 plants or 60? In my country, cops call a plant a plant wether it's 2 inches tall or 5 foot tall.
Depends what double the time is. 3 week veg vs 6 week, yeah, probably double. Your pot size is going to play a big part as well. No point in vegging for 3 months in a 5 gallon pot or something. Along with indoor/outdoor. You're only going to penetrate so deep in a plant depending on your lights, so if you're indoors you gotta factor height.
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