Can anyone help diagnose this?


Active Member
Plant is in promix, just about to enter flower, outdoor. Ph going in is around 6.3-6.5, haven’t measured runoff yet. Been slowly introducing nutrients as the promix should be getting depleted after the two months in pot. Noticing these sandy/rust colored spots. Any help diagnosing fast would be helpful as it’s heading into flower mode.


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Usually water twice a week depending on weather. But I wait until it’s dried out between waterings. Today the soil is quite dry and it appears to be drooping so I was going to water. I will check for mites underneath and report back. But hadnt seen anything with initial check.
Watering to me sounds good but yes spray top and bottoms of leaf with soap all soft shell bugs will dry and die. once the soap starts to dry it is no longer going to kill anything else so feel free to wash all dry soap residue and dead bugs off the plant with water
i will get out the sprayer and commence spraying at dusk. I remember being told to mix some mineral oil with soap and water a ways back if it’s ever an issue so I’ll try that tonight. I found one very very faint tiny little cocoon like silky structure but other than that I could not find anything else.
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