Can I use a male plant for oil or hash?


New Member
Is there anything I can do with a male plant ??

From what I read, most male plants contain almost no thc- like .5 percent. Some people claim that certain males can contain 2-4% thc, but I don't know if that's true or not... Generally they get thrown out if they aren't being used for pollination. There may be some health benefits to eating them and I've read of people blending them up into smoothies and stuff. Not sure what the health benefits would be, but you could probably get a mild high if you ate enough.
Waste not want not.

If all you are looking for is the THC, then you'll most likely toss anything that doesn't meet your standards. However, ALL cannibus has over 100 healthy chemicals that, altho they won't make you high, will improve your health, even heal, without the poisons Big Pharma forces you to take.

Smoothies, edibles, and as dried herbs, they can be used in all kinds of food preparation.
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