Can my nutes end up in my concentrates?

Smoking mold? There are so many articles I would not know where to begin. I’ll check to see if I can fine the ones that link mold to legionnaires disease. Or Aspergillosis. Those are the bigger issues like a mold infection. If you search for “ smoke mold weed” you can read tons. Of course some are not the best sources but generally all the same thing.

Yeah I have looked several times before but I’ve never really found anything factual re the dangers of mould. It was mostly just Chicken Little type stuff on stoner blogs
It's not nutrients or pesticides or even the extraction solvent causing problems. Health Canada released a press statement the other day laying the blame on the propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin used in vape cartridges. Of course they have the disclaimer more study needed but it's pretty common sense if you ask me. That shit ain't meant to be inhaled as a vapour into one's lungs, even if it is pretty safe in food.
Dunno what happened to your quotes, but they got goofed!

No, I don't decarbylize my concentrate. I'm not really sure why I would. If I vape it, it gets heated and decarbed instantly when I hit the button. When I throw my extract into edits, the baking process cooks it up. So unless I am doing a tincture, I am not really sure why I would decarb it unless I needed to?

Well, I used to do it because it sounded sophisticated and thought that it was the thing to do, when you got yourself some extract. But nowa days, I'm not into rushing things. I like to keeps my goodies in their natural form, and then vert them when necessary.
Decarb and you don't have to heat it again. In baking, there is moisture in your final product, so it never got above 212F , and since it doesn't get to 220F, it never decarbs. You can use a drop or two of RSO in your morning coffee, and get full impact.
I use isopropyl for extraction, and lose about 20-25% when I reclaim through distillation. Do you decarb your extract? That would make sure all volatiles are gone that would come off below 220F. I can't fine a SourceOne still. Mine:

This is a re-post.


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Decarb and you don't have to heat it again. In baking, there is moisture in your final product, so it never got above 212F , and since it doesn't get to 220F, it never decarbs. You can use a drop or two of RSO in your morning coffee, and get full impact.

Yeah, I'm pickin up what you are laying down. I mostly vape these days. No need to waste time decarbing. My Dr. Dabber does that for me.

My bad, its a extract craft source, not a source one.

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