Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi Cookiedude,

Your very welcome. Its all about awareness. Thing is many do not know how the oil works because they only know digesting/edibles and not the correct way to take it. There are so many unknowns on the web it truly is a clusterfook.

1. Your correct on the amount taken for a PM dose; understand as this is just a guideline as for some it could be more and for some it could be less. What is awesome about the oil is you can feel exactly how you want to by learning/listening to your body. This is the regimen the wife and I use as a guideline. If we have a more active day we use more daytime. Also we take 3/4 grain of rice in the a.m. after eating and a small booster after lunch. A word about nighttime; most at the end of the day want to take more nighttime to insure a good nights sleep and also at the end of the day they get a little sloppy on their dosing technique and end up staying awake fighting strong euphoria. A half grain of rice is sufficient because a sativa dominant hybrid also has indica and you don't want to go the the Indica side during the day as it is not conducive to a positive attitude. Also a mention on the nighttime oil, there is a fine line between feeling total relaxation and euphoria. Once experienced you can tell. Correctly dosed you feel total relaxation but not stoned. As an example, you get up to go to the bathroom, you feel relaxed but you don't have to follow things you have to hold on to as you might when your euphoric.

2. Answer to your question is no to the treatment of liver cancer (at the start anyway). The cancer has spread to the liver that has started in pancreas/colon etc. Many types of cancer but the concentrated oil wins them all except bone marrow cancer (procedure required) if its not to late.

For peace of mind; a good daytime oil and nighttime oil will pull you out of your funk and do so quickly. Just be patient as it works into your system and before you know it life is grand once again. Once on the daytime/nighttime oil you will stop dwelling on the C word as I have stopped dwelling on the 'heart attacks'.

I'm so glad you found this site as now it is time to move forward and get healthy; not only physically but mentally as well with a new found positive attitude. Positive thinking is so key and the oil makes this happen also.

Your very welcome and honestly this is what drives the wife and I to give people not only hope but giving some insight to the miracles of the concentrated oil and all it does. It is the real deal brother. Oh, and a final mention. Cannabis concentrated oil makes you a better person whether you want it or not, lol. It has you covered for a life change that will simply blow you away.

Thank you for your through answer motoco. I saw some concerns with the liver as everything gets processed through the liver, and some thought it would put strain on it. Good to know I won't have any problems with it. I do have some follow up questions:

1) so the maintenance dose is one grain of rice during the day and 1/2 grain at night? And this for rest of my life assuming the scans continue to come back clean? Also, that grain of rice during day time should be administered in one sitting correct?

2) i would love to hear about your experience with liver cancer patients if you have any.

Thank you so much again. I have been in a rut, almost given up and just waiting for cancer to come back and take me. All the horrifying stories about chemo scares me and I couldn't help but feel that was eventually gonna be me. It is reassuring to have some way to proactively fight cancer and have control and comfort knowing that I might be ok. I appreciate all your work
Thank you motoco. Having someone guide me def calms me down somewhat. I was wondering if you or anyone on this site has heard of this site:

Thanks again for all your help
Good morning Cookiedude,

I have checked your site out. Next time plz just name the Co. and if folks want they can google instead of live links please. Am I missing something? Only one strain available? Rosiesky posted the name of one you might want to check out with a much bigger selection in a page back or so. Just haven't seen any news flashes coming out that state it is legal to ship across state lines. Then again in So. Cal dispensaries open up illegally and keep going till they get shut down.

I agree with you, we cannot all get what we need and certainly it is harder in an illegal state. There is oil that is acceptable and is better than nothing. I'll never be able to achieve 50 bucks a gram cost growing inside, but could be easily done grown outside with a big yield.

I am not going to judge one way or another on these sites anymore as there is absolutely no way to verify their product or reputation.

What I would strongly recommend is using a 'friend' card that does live in a legal state to help you. Perhaps a drive across state line to a legal state?

Thank you motoco. Having someone guide me def calms me down somewhat. I was wondering if you or anyone on this site has heard of this site:

*Link to scam mail-order website removed*

Thanks again for all your help
Thanks Rosiesky. stay on this regimen for a complete week. The oil takes a while to get fully seated. More in the a.m.

Hi Motoco,

It's been a week :) She's doing well with the tacking. She ate some to see how she would feel and got to groggy, so tacking really does help a lot.

I'm curious, what do you mean by "fully seated"?
Hi Rosiesky,

Great news on your Mother! Tacking as much as you can to the gum is the quickest heal that I know of as well as the most medicinal.

Fully seated? The oil takes 3-5 days to get fully seated in the receptors. If changing strains the same applies; it takes awhile to push out the old and in with the new.

Also I think I forgot to mention; doing a 911 on yourself is always using the daytime oil. So if you get euphoric using nighttime you use daytime to tack a couple of dots to bring you down. So if you use nighttime to pull you out of a nighttime boo boo there is little change. Just wanted to make sure you read this for future mishaps. Hope all is going well with everyone and please give your Mother all the best and warmest regards from 420 Magazine Staff and our 'Crew' in the Med section. I bet she is happy about the concentrated oil over radiation.

Have a great weekend!
Hi Motoco,

It's been a week :) She's doing well with the tacking. She ate some to see how she would feel and got to groggy, so tacking really does help a lot.

I'm curious, what do you mean by "fully seated"?
So since it's been a week, I was thinking about upping the dose. Any suggestions?

She hasn't made any final decisions about the radiation I'm afraid. I know it will complicate matters if she does this.

Hi Rosiesky,

Great news on your Mother! Tacking as much as you can to the gum is the quickest heal that I know of as well as the most medicinal.

Fully seated? The oil takes 3-5 days to get fully seated in the receptors. If changing strains the same applies; it takes awhile to push out the old and in with the new.

Also I think I forgot to mention; doing a 911 on yourself is always using the daytime oil. So if you get euphoric using nighttime you use daytime to tack a couple of dots to bring you down. So if you use nighttime to pull you out of a nighttime boo boo there is little change. Just wanted to make sure you read this for future mishaps. Hope all is going well with everyone and please give your Mother all the best and warmest regards from 420 Magazine Staff and our 'Crew' in the Med section. I bet she is happy about the concentrated oil over radiation.

Have a great weekend!
Also I think I forgot to mention; doing a 911 on yourself is always using the daytime oil. So if you get euphoric using nighttime you use daytime to tack a couple of dots to bring you down. So if you use nighttime to pull you out of a nighttime boo boo there is little change. Just wanted to make sure you read this for future mishaps.

Thanks for the 911 information. I remember reading this, but forgot. Would the CBD oil be the best in this situation?

Have a great weekend too!
If you're using daytime oil it should be a mix of high THC and high CBD, but if you only have a high CBD available that would be an ok substitute for 911 purposes.
Enough ppl have asked about CBD lately, so here's my opinion for whatever it's worth. Feel free to ignore. If you increase the CBD levels while reducing the THC, you will slow the tHC onset while increasing the duration of it's healing time. This is why the 1:1 ration is so popular. Though CBD is known to cause ,cell die off, THC is the cancer killer. CBD does wonderful healing with it's own strengths I have fought doses over 18% can, in many case, bring on diminished returns. CBD is a strong appetite suppressant so those at questionable weight levels should take upper levels with caution. Patients treating psychological issues should also take upper levels of CBD under a watchful eye, log dose and effects and listen to your body. Suppositories are another option to try. Be aware that the uptake is the least out of the other options noted and the dose percentage levels should be increased to offset the lose. Many with brain issues need to be aware of this as well. Though the cannabinoids will enter the blood and pass through the brain blood barrier, it will be a much reduced level.
Watch the CBD radio. Some are starting believe that THCa is equivalent to CBD. I don't know enough yet to have an opinion about that yet.
Med strains that I can get in seeds:

Sativa High THC (Daytime) - 2 parts sativa high THC to 1 part high CBD for daytime as a baseline

  • Goji OG mostly sativa, ~63 days, 28.77% THC, .44% CBD
  • Buddha Tahoe OG mostly sativa ~63 days, 28.31% THC, .35% CBD
  • Blue Dream mostly sativa, ~70 days, 24.09% THC, .19% CBD
  • Durban Poison mostly sativa, ~60 days, 23.12% THC, .23% CBD
  • Chem Dawg mostly sativa, ~63 days, 19.65% THC, .09% CBD

High CBD (mixed with Daytime sativa):

  • Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
  • Juanita La Lagrimosa mostly sativa ~63 days, 10.8% THC, 12.41% CBD
  • The Cure mostly sativa ~77 days, 6.59% THC, 12.73% CBD
  • Critical Mass indica/sativa, ~55 days, 6.41% THC, 12.28% CBD
  • CBD Critical Cure mostly indica, ~63 days, 6.39% THC, 10.61% CBD

Mostly Indica (Night time):

  • Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
  • Plush Berry ~60 days, 28.92% THC, .33% CBD
  • Girl Scout Cookies ~67 days, 19.47% THC, .25% CBD
  • Green Crack ~63 days, 24.23% THC, .21% CBD
  • Dutch Treat ~50 days, 28.97% THC, .20% CBD
  • Headband ~63 days, 28.85% THC, .18% CBD
Nice selection budnoob. Durbans Poison was somewhat disappointing as an concentrate. Just didn't like the way the oil felt during the daytime. Budha Tahoe looks kickass and I just hooked back up with my old friend 'blue dream' which in my opinion makes some of the best daytime oil to date. Budha Sister looks like a nice CBD strain, never tried it. Interesting; Budhas Sister is a high CBD strain on the Indica side, would like to see the specs grown full term. Working on my grow room now prepping for Harle-Tsu and Sour Diesel going in Wed. hopefully. Not enough hours in the day it seems.

Nice post budnoob! Always like looking at new strains although it seems like a plethora of them each day.

Med strains that I can get in seeds:

Sativa High THC (Daytime) - 2 parts sativa high THC to 1 part high CBD for daytime as a baseline

  • Goji OG mostly sativa, ~63 days, 28.77% THC, .44% CBD
  • Buddha Tahoe OG mostly sativa ~63 days, 28.31% THC, .35% CBD
  • Blue Dream mostly sativa, ~70 days, 24.09% THC, .19% CBD
  • Durban Poison mostly sativa, ~60 days, 23.12% THC, .23% CBD
  • Chem Dawg mostly sativa, ~63 days, 19.65% THC, .09% CBD

High CBD (mixed with Daytime sativa):

  • Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
  • Juanita La Lagrimosa mostly sativa ~63 days, 10.8% THC, 12.41% CBD
  • The Cure mostly sativa ~77 days, 6.59% THC, 12.73% CBD
  • Critical Mass indica/sativa, ~55 days, 6.41% THC, 12.28% CBD
  • CBD Critical Cure mostly indica, ~63 days, 6.39% THC, 10.61% CBD

Mostly Indica (Night time):

  • Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
  • Plush Berry ~60 days, 28.92% THC, .33% CBD
  • Girl Scout Cookies ~67 days, 19.47% THC, .25% CBD
  • Green Crack ~63 days, 24.23% THC, .21% CBD
  • Dutch Treat ~50 days, 28.97% THC, .20% CBD
  • Headband ~63 days, 28.85% THC, .18% CBD
Thanks for the tip on Durban - I will scratch it from my list :) The main purpose of it was to have a list of strains that are readily available to everyone and not just residents of CA, CO, WA, etc. Obviously there is a much greater selection and many more higher CBD strains to choose from in those locations - these are just the best I could find that are available at seedbanks.
My mom might have a quick day surgery not related to her cancer and I was wondering if anyone knew of any problems with surgery and the oil. Should she stop taking it prior to surgery? I'm not asking for medical advice. I was just wondering if anyone had had any experience with this or could point me in the right direction on some info on this subject.

Good morning Rosiesky,

There are several post where as people still used their oil doing procedures such as inserting stints in the lower abdomen, other type of procedures still not missing the dosing regimen. Of course it was done in secrecy. In my experience the concentrated oil has never interfered or has had an adverse effect on anything that I know of. Dr.s/Scientist say; 'yes it does' but they are referring to smoking digesting (euphoric) and that is true, but not taking the oil correctly. Hope this helps. BTW how is your mother? Thanks

My mom might have a quick day surgery not related to her cancer and I was wondering if anyone knew of any problems with surgery and the oil. Should she stop taking it prior to surgery? I'm not asking for medical advice. I was just wondering if anyone had had any experience with this or could point me in the right direction on some info on this subject.

If you had to pick and choose,can you break this list down any,Im getting a seed order together,and although I am not in "need"of RSO yet,I would like to start building my seed stash.
how long can RSO be stored for,If i make it now,will it be good in a year??

Med strains that I can get in seeds:

Sativa High THC (Daytime) - 2 parts sativa high THC to 1 part high CBD for daytime as a baseline

Goji OG mostly sativa, ~63 days, 28.77% THC, .44% CBD
Buddha Tahoe OG mostly sativa ~63 days, 28.31% THC, .35% CBD
Blue Dream mostly sativa, ~70 days, 24.09% THC, .19% CBD
Durban Poison mostly sativa, ~60 days, 23.12% THC, .23% CBD
Chem Dawg mostly sativa, ~63 days, 19.65% THC, .09% CBD

High CBD (mixed with Daytime sativa):

Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
Juanita La Lagrimosa mostly sativa ~63 days, 10.8% THC, 12.41% CBD
The Cure mostly sativa ~77 days, 6.59% THC, 12.73% CBD
Critical Mass indica/sativa, ~55 days, 6.41% THC, 12.28% CBD
CBD Critical Cure mostly indica, ~63 days, 6.39% THC, 10.61% CBD

Mostly Indica (Night time):

Buddhas Sister ~67 days, 11% THC, 14.02% CBD
Plush Berry ~60 days, 28.92% THC, .33% CBD
Girl Scout Cookies ~67 days, 19.47% THC, .25% CBD
Green Crack ~63 days, 24.23% THC, .21% CBD
Dutch Treat ~50 days, 28.97% THC, .20% CBD
Headband ~63 days, 28.85% THC, .18% CBD
I've heard estimates as high as 5 years stored in cool dry place. As for the list I listed them in order of test results so I'd start at the top of each list and work my way down except for maybe the top list - Blue Dream although at #3 probably has the longest track record and a long time favorite of many. When it comes to High CBD it depends on your needs - I probably wouldn't use Buddhas Sister for a daytime oil - try sticking with mostly sativa for daytime.
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