Chronic Pain

yes i suffer from cronic pain, and yes cannibus helps ease my pain.

i have seveare arthritis, scoliosis in my lower backand three sprained discs, my knees are f*#%#@, migrains all day every day, can't sleep, want to eat but is difficult to do so.
i smoke MMJ for these reasons and more, and i find it to be extreamly benificial. not only does it make all of these things none exsistant for awhile, it won't kill my liver! yay.
i have never had a bad experiance while medicated,
and those who say they do i think just had a bad day in general.
I'm still pretty young but from skimboarding the beaches of southern california for over 10 years my back is shot. The sweet leaf helps ease my pain and bring me back to the sound of barrels in my ears and feeling that rushing water again. Man i cant wait for summer.
i have ankylosing spondylitis from age of 14 , chron disease age of 19,three times brain concussion ,cut three fingers on left hand age of 14 and 21 , broken hell and memory problems , migrains like i have rock concerts in my head.i take eight tablets on day for my pains,cant sleep,walk or run, i do not smoke but i make tee and that help me a lot more
than tablets.
It helps with migraine pain tremendously. It has the ability to incapacitate me for hours if I don't treat as necessary. Migraine type: caliper,cluster :(
i have arthritis pain from a broken back diabetic neurothopy in my legs and am currently fighting liver cancer with radiation treatments. medical marijuana helps all the symptoms from these things somewhat. pharma just made me an addict.
My very best wishes to all of you, thank you for sharing your stories. :rollit:
I have had 5 spine surgeries so far and still have pain. Yes cannabis helps. It is one thing I can depend on to bring some relief.
I have chronic sciatica from a herniated disc a L5 s1, along with lower back pain it causes. Not to mention thoracic disc herniation, both rotator cuffs blown and anxiety.
i use cannabis to keep my quantity of meds down. I will get off these pills with the help of Blueberry. God help me.
Yes i have chronic pain and MJ helps, I actully had a back fusion last Aug. They put 2 rods in my back. so needless to say...I always have pain. They try to keep me on Percocet and gezzz...The MJ makes me feel way better then them pills.
I need my Mary Jane!!!!
I fractured two vertebra when I was 18 and for 20 years I've tried various remedies with very little success...from regular pain killers
and muscle relaxers, experimental research from UCLA(out of my own pocket), epidurals, pain block medication, etc etc. Nothing
worked very well, until I found out I had cancer and after the surgery I was given several pain killers including Perc*cet(the only pill
to rid me of back pain completely) Nothing helped the pain from the stent that was in me during recovery. I will say that after the stent
was out I had a few weeks of recovery time in which I was in no pain whatsoever, I didn't know I could be that happy....eventually
no more pills, but that was fine I didn't want to constantly take Perc* I went back to my grumpy ass self....
there are other injuries to my back, and discs that are jacked....but you get the idea.

Today I only take one prescription to help block pain because I must drive for work and I can't do that after taking MMJ.
However I stopped taking the pain killers and muscle relaxers...thanks to cannabis, and a book called Pain Free. It is
the best and safest way for me to control my pain.
It helps with migraine pain tremendously. It has the ability to incapacitate me for hours if I don't treat as necessary. Migraine type: caliper,cluster :(

i also have migraines.. mmj is the only thing i have found that acctually works and keep my migraines away. no medicine helps and smoking:rollit: is the only solution to my chronic pain. im just so glad to have found out so young be cause ive had migraines as long as i can remember and im thru taking pills that dont help and make them worse and only put toxins in my body.. im just glad that such a great medicine exists
i have severe pain in my pelvic region, been to doctors since it began 9 years ago, they thought it to be endometreosis, however after a laprascopic and hysteroscopic surgery they found nothing to back up that theory. i have been to tons of dr's and taken all sorts of meds ranging from many different types of birth control pills, iud, anti-inflamitories, darv*cet, perk*set, am tired of going to hospitals, ers, drs, and getting shots of dem*rol, and taking all this bologna that doesnt touch the pain. have no answers as to what could even be wrong, but i know the ONLY thing that can take the unbearable pain i go through every month away is smoking mj. i am so discusted with everyone that wants to tell me it is a drug i am an addict... when i know that if they put theirself in my shoes they would be smokin it up as well. i am now being told i can no longer smoke it because my husband is a marine and it risks his career. i can not deal with the pain and i dont know what to do. i just need to smoke to be somewhat ok, and other than that nothing so far i have tried works. nothing. so i suppose i just keep going to drs and getting violated until when and if they ever find out the cause of my intense pain and fix it. so for those of you who can legally smoke it up for your pain, i envy you, please dont take it for granted...
I've been in numerous motorcycle accidents, which have left me with a permanently disfigured left ring finger, permanent traumatic arthritis in my right foot/ankle and, currently, chronic pain/arthritis in my left knee and hip joints due to a badly broken femur. At this moment I'm walking with a cane, I can't ascend or descend stairs or ladders without it (and even then it hurts like hell). I can't stand very long because I favor the left leg, putting all of my weight on the right, which was smashed between the side of my bike and the front of a pickup truck a few years ago. My left ring finger, in addition to looking all kinds of f'd up, constantly hurts, more so in cold weather (like now), and hurts a lot more if/when I stub it on things (last joint curves off toward my pinky, about 45* from where it should be).

When I don't have any cannabis, I'm in pain, I can't really do much of anything, I don't feel like getting up to do anything because I'm so damned sore all over. When I have my bud, I get things done because I'm not just sitting here wondering if it's worth it to get up and walk to the kitchen for something to eat, or to take out the garbage etc...

I have my Dr. appt tomorrow :grinjoint:
I have fibromyalgia and chronic migraines as well as IBS and insomnia. Cannabis is the only medicine that treats everything, doesnt have any negative side effects like big pharma meds, and its all natural! the only way for me to function as a human being is for me to have a puff here and there through out the day.
I sympathize with all of you in pain, it's a hard pill to swallow my friend's.
I myself am a survivor of 4 major car & motorcycle accidents and 2 bad back surgeries that has damaged my nervous system. All of my joints hurt, it hurts to walk, sit or stand, it even hurts to lay down for too long.

I have a list as long as my arm so I won't bore you with all the details. I suffer from major pain 24/7, insomnia and much more. Through the past 10 years of suffering I had to stop taking prescription pain meds 5 years ago due to severe allergic reactions, the meds have also calcified my teeth resulting with loss of permanent teeth and other side affects.

I've been biting the bullet all this time but my condition is rapidly worsening and I can't take it anymore so now I've decided to try nature's medicinal herb. All I can say is it definately does help me (it has helped the few times I had some), it's not a cure but it has increased the quality of my life.

The big drawback is the lack of dispensaries in my area, there aren't any, so here I am in the same situation... doing without. I have to travel 300 miles round trip to get anything and thats not very often.
I have some sort of undiagnosed neurologic disorder that causes dizziness on a daily basis, along with the migraines, not sure if related or not but MD's are not able to tell me much except that I have "spots" on my MRI but they are not in a place that typically indicate MS, has been 1.5 years, still struggling.
Hi all ,heres my Pain

I use MM for a condition called RSD.

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), also called complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic, painful, and progressive neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. The syndrome usually develops in an injured limb, such as a broken leg, or following surgery. However, many cases of RSD involve only a minor injury, such as a sprain. And in some cases, no precipitating event can be identified.

RSD/CRPS is characterized by various degrees of burning pain, excessive sweating, swelling, and sensitivity to touch.

Well thats whats up with why i need MM and use MM .

I crushed my foot at work ,and fractured 2 toes the 4 and the 5 ( pinkyand the one next to it). The forth toe broke again this time all the way .

I had sergery, they removed some of the bone, now i have two pinky toes and all the symptoms,and pain above. Pain F'ing Sucks!

Needless to say medical marajuana helps me with lot's of things like-
ect .

Iv been this way for 3 years ,and my doc has no clue how much longer , or if it will go away.

Any way thats it, there's lots of great info here thank you.
well i think as far as which type of bud is better goes along with what kind of pain you have, like for me i like sativa, it relaxes my muscles and makes me actauly want to relax after a few hits, but then again either one is great for anything if you use a volcano i found out recently, so i stick with a little bit of both.
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