ChunkyChunder's First Solo Grow

Just thought I'd post a few pics for the hell of it. Little Luath definitely seems to be responding well to having the pot cleaned out and fresh water+nutes:

Gonna visit a shop tomorrow with all of the different systems up and running on display. Don't really like to visit shops for obvious reasons but I've visited a local charity shop to get a disguise and I think I'll get away with being a bald chick for one day :thedoubletake:
lmfao your going to the hydro dressed as a woman!? fair play to you mate for your dedication to stealth...i would have just jumped on the train to the city, its only about 6 quid ;) less change of being recognised there whatever your wearing, but im sure you will make it look good any way :rofl:

sorry i been a bit tardy with time...been a bit busy recently chopping plants and scraping off old plaster, rebuilding the house =D

I have ordered the nutes I posted a pic of the other day. Should be here Monday. I have Bloom and Grow but the chart specifies they are for soil and not hydro.
I have ordered the nutes I posted a pic of the other day. Should be here Monday. I have Bloom and Grow but the chart specifies they are for soil and not hydro.

Hoping to get a better pump and airstone today. The one that came with the bucket is a 'budget' model and far from the best.
yeah mate...same as PCs. you always end up with less for your money than you would if you build it yourself.

makes sure you get a good deal on a pump, because you can get a 4 in one with ajustable output for like £20 on ebay and they come highly reccomended by a british pro.

also...the bio grow is usable but decomposes very fast. biobiz reccomend changing the tank every 2 days if using in hydro....if you managed to displace that 10 litres you should now already be on a 2 day schedule ;)

mix in 1/4 strength for now to tie the plants over till you get the new ones, they will thank you for it =)
Got a 4-way adjustable pump for £25 which, taking postage into account, is about the same as ebay. They hadn't got the airstones I wanted so I just got the one for Luath for the time being.
I will be using the old pump with the new airstone for my single bucket. Later on, when I move on to four buckets, I will be using the new four-way pump. I will replace water and nutes as you suggest when I fit the new airstone today. Thanks again for your help.


Oh, and the nutes I ordered should be here in a couple of days. Getting mixed up with another order I placed.
fantastic stuff!
yes thats a great bubbler there. im still learning about rootzone o2 and 'how much is too much' and so far i havnt hit a ceiling. that 4 way pump is great for a few small dwc's but when you start growing bigger and stronger plants i would consider dedicating a hose per 5 ounces or something like that. (if you think you can regularly grow 10 oz plants, give it 2 lines, or maybe even more.

i know a ton about dwc but have only had limited practice to confirm findings and bust myths., but my next grow is dwc too, 25 litre diy 2-8 plants (starting 2 then starting 2 a fortnight later e.t.c laying the foundation for a perpetual)

one thing i do know tho, you can grow a plant just fine in dwc with tap water, liquid growmore and liquid seaweed, so if it ever starts feeling too complex, you know you can always dial back the complexity a lot for only some yield loss ;)
I'm gonna try and keep it nice and simple for the next grow (4 hydro), and experiment later as my knowledge hopefully grows along with the plants. Gotta get a pH meter and three more buckets and a few other bits and pieces. It all adds up but hopefully will pay dividends in yield. Will probably get a bigger tent eventually. The tent I have can hardly go unnoticed so might as well go for broke! :;):

If this baby hydro starts to put a spurt on I may dedicate the whole tent to it and see how big and bad I can grow her. Have to try and figure out how to dry out the other harvest outside the tent somehow.

I would love to try those Custard Cream fuckers in hydro! :yikes:
sounds very good to me.

im going to be in range of you before summer is out. if everything and everyone does the right thing, then i will be availible in person to help you get properly established. i can help with things like converting portions or entire rooms into 'tents' which will save you a small fortune on start up costs and should anything bad happen to your grow that your new to, ill be on 'emergency call out' to help you solve it.

as strange as life is...sometimes a loss can lead to amazing gains if you let it ;)
Entire room is out of the question but certainly more of it could be utilized.
You're getting ahead of me now! I presume by clones you mean cuttings? Sure thing.
Job done! Just flushed and cleaned out Luath's pot. Fresh water+nutes+new bubbler. And she has her own Luath-nutes winging their way here.


Right - on to the vacuuming. If only I could find a cleaner I could trust! I can just imagine it:

"That guy who dresses like a woman to go shopping is growing marri-jewana" :;):
Just fed and watered my babies. Thought I'd post a few pics so you can see how they're getting on:


Also cleaned out the pots and removed more yellow leaves - they almost fall off by themselves.
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