Cleaning BloomBox reservoir


New Member
How do I clean my bloombox reservoir without destroying my roots and exposing them to light? Can I add 3% hydrogen peroxide to my reservoir to help clear up slight browning of my roots-any help would be appreciated (first grow-afghani :rocker:
Thanks-any suggestions for actually removing my plants and cleaning out the reservoir(s) without damaging them,this first grow and can use all the advice I can get
Thanks again, nervous as it is thinking about having to transfer them from veg chamber into flower chamber when I have to take them out of the veg reservoir and put into the designated openings in flower reservoir without damaging the root system
Not sure if this is any help or really applies as I haven't seen your system. But I have done multiple plants in a tub before.

1. When I needed to clean during a grow it was because I had root rot. I took the top off and set it on a tub of like or close to size and let the roots suspend. Hell they even like the 10-30 mins of fresh air. Normal res changes get nothing more than a drain, wipe, refill, for me. Often not even a wipe off. Just a drain and refill.

2. I have transferred 3.5" net pot plants that had veg'd for as much as 6 weeks or so into a flower room after having grown all in one tub. It's a bit scary, as the roots from the plants will be intertwined quite heavily and must be separated. Just carefully pull them apart. They'll be fine. Then feed the roots through the holes for the netpot trying to not break them any more.

I don't suggest doing it that way but it does work.

Nowadays, while I grow each plant in it's own tub or bucket, I just pick up the lid with the net pot and move it over to my bloom tent & buckets. But the idea remains in multi plant too. If you can veg in a same size lid and move them all at once from the veg bucket to the bloom bucket (or tub) it's much easier on the girls.
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