Clones turning yellow

Boed styles420

Well-Known Member
hello everyone I just recently cut some clones off my indoor 3x3, i cut them on the 4th dec so they are day 6 today I went away for a couple days to my girlfriend's house and when I have returned i have noticed they are starting to turn yellow I think the ph must be off i soaked the jiffy pucks in water that i had desolved a bit of clonex cloning gel and phed the water to roughly 6.1 ushaly wen my ph is off I will flush my plant wer I can't really do that hear if anyone can give me an idea of what's going on here please any help would be great thanks!!!
I can't seem to upload photos atm sorry
I think you’re doing the right thing from what you have detailed. Some clones just don’t take. Do they look wilted or just yellowing?

i wouldn’t stress to much about flushing. If that’s what you think needs to happen go for it. Most of the time I clone and after the cut I place them in just tap water and change it out everyday.

good luck. Hope this helps!
I’m not sure that rooting cuttings care much about ph- at least I don’t bother worrying about it.
The cuttings need energy to make roots and so they draw nutrients from the foliage. So it turns yellow as this happens.
For me roots usually form around the time the leaves start to look crappy, so I take it as a good sign, not a bad one.

Best tip I can give for rooting is to keep the medium quite dry.
Thanks for the replies people and yeah it's make sense if there's no roots you wouldn't have to worry about the pH would you for some reason I still can't upload photos I was able to upload one this morning in another thread so I'm not sure what's going on there anyways I went and checked on my clones this morning they're not wilting all but still yellowing and I could actually see 1 little root wen looking down from the top I guess the yellowing is just the plant sucking the nutrients out of the leafs like you wer saying @weaselcrakcer your on the money if I have any more dramas I'll hit yous up thanks for the help.
I see some people cut the tips off the fan leaves when cloning, I didn't but it still worked, also good humidity for cuttings helps.
Hey everyone 3 out of the 4 clones have rooted so far and for some reason I've only just been able to upload photos again so here they are is that yellowing normal? will they be alright ? And is the one that hasn't got roots finished or are they all finished? This was my first attempt at cloning so thanks for the help so far!!!


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I keep them moist until transplant but let’s see what others say.

the clones are the same age as the plant you took it off of so once it has roots it’s ready for regular veg nutrients
Looks like could be a magnesium deficiency on the yellowing but you will get them turned Around :high-five:
Thanks for your help and support mate now that they've actually rooted I think I'm going to try keep the jiffy pucks moist, ill let you know if I have any more problems thanks
A mate wanted a clone so I cut 4 being it my first time I wasn't expecting much but now they have rooted one's going to a mate and not shure what to do with the others as I got no room, how will they go if I put them in soil for a outdoor grow??? it's perfect weather at the moment and my girlfriend allready has one going in her yard.
With my girlfriend's outdoor she hasn't even been feeding it just straight tap water out the hose and every now and then I water down some of my run off and feed it that but that's about it and it seems to be going great although she had some dramas with a few caterpillars, all my love and care goes into the girls that's inside The Outdoors is my girlfriends thing!!!
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