Complete beginner: no buds

Yes, autos, I thought it would be easier to start with those until I get the hang of it.
So I'll keep going as I did so far, always check pH, give them nutrients after 2 normal water cycles, make sure the light is at the optimal height ... and hope for the best :)
Hi guys, here are the plants now, hope the photos are good enough. Let me know how they look and if there's something else for me to do.
Thanks a lot!


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Thanks! I'm happy now, considering the trees I managed to grow on my first try :) (you can see the old photos on the 1st page of the topic)
:) thanks.
I'm not one to give up easily, I'm gonna try until I get it right. Also, I spent quite a lot of money on this, first CFL lights, then a HID, now LEDs, not to mention soil, the tent and the programmable power supply and now the nutrients.
Still worth it if I get my own buds instead of buying them here, they are quite expensive and rare where I live.

Hopefully this time it will work, I still have to 'learn' how to roll them, I tried a few times and the result was... laughable to say the least. I'll get it right in the end, practice makes perfect :)
What do you guys think now?
Everytime I see them grow a bit, I get scared because of the previous tree-fiasco. Just wanted to be sure they are good, even they do start to look bigger and stronger.
Thanks in advance, again :)


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i kinda 'grouped' them together so they get better light, I can still separate them a bit when they flower and maybe move the light a bit higher. We'll see ;)
One thing I noticed since I moved to LEDs is that I need to water them less. The soil is still dark brown after days and the pots feel heavy (ish). With HIDs, the water evaporated way faster and had to do it at least every 2 days.
Looks like things are ... growing :)
Any idea why some of the leaves at the bottom are a bit yellow, anything to worry about ?


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Looks like things are ... growing :)
Any idea why some of the leaves at the bottom are a bit yellow, anything to worry about ?

Hi. Just scanned through this. What are you PHing your water to? Canna Terra Pro Plus is meant to be PHd between 5.8 and 6.2 depending on the phase of growth. I use it. It’s good stuff.
I think around 6.0... I have a color-based tester and a pH down solution since my tap water is always above 6 (more like 7+). Since it's just a color tester, I'm sure the error margin is a bit high, but the result is way better than not doing it. The plants are doing incomparable better than the 1st time when I didn't even test the pH.
That’s great. 6 is good. I got a PH pen (semlos) on amazon for £12. It comes pre-calibrated. It really makes a big difference.


The only other issue I had with it are fungus gnats on my last grow, which I’m pretty sure were in the bag before I opened it.
All good so far.
How long do you think it will be until the harvest?


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@nickeluring , what do you think about them so far? Getting closer to harvest?
Thanks !


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They look beautiful, mate.
I would defoliate a little bit, but lots of growers wouldn't, so make your own opinion about it. Fan leaves that directly shade buds should in my opinion be snipped. If possible, and that is usually the case for most of the leaves, I cut only those parts of the fan fingers that block buds, so I leave the actual leaf on the plant but it's trimmed.
Wouldn't it be easier (and safer) to simply move them around a bit (if possible) instead of cutting them ? Since the buds are not big, I could move the leaves a bit around, just to expose the buds more, while making sure the leaves still get light. Maybe this middle way is the best?

Anyway, from what I read about harvest, I need to check the pistils, when ~ 70% of them changed color and the trichomes are cloudy, then it's time. The thing is that the pistils are kinda easy to spot, but I'm not sure about the trichomes yet, I do have a jewelers magnifying glass (40x) that.. kinda works and still, I can't spot them.
I need to watch a few more tutorials I guess :)

From this phase, I think I'm still looking at least at one more week, right ?
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