Critical Purple Autoflower Not Budding


420 Member
So I'm New to Growing. This is my First time trying it. After Googling different strains I decided to Purchase 3 Critical Purple Feminized Autoflower Seeds for the simple fact that I've read they are fairly easy to grow and they basically grow and Flower in a pretty short period of time which sounded Great to me because I wanted to keep it short and sweet. So my question/Issue is I planted the seeds a few days before 4/20. On the day of 4/20 the Seeds had Sprouted. I then put them in 2 Gallon Pots in Soil. I also mixed in some Super Soil with the regular soil just cause I heard that's good for them. So it is now June 2nd. So that equals about 7 Weeks they have been growing. 7 Weeks in to an Autoflower Grow and I still DO NOT have any Buds yet !! As a matter of fact I don't even see any White Pistils either. So that alone is worrying me that somethings not right with them. Does anybody here know anything about Critical Purple Autoflowers ? Or does it really matter what strain it is ? The whole reason I bought Autoflowers is because I thought they grew and Budded fast and I don't have a heck of a lot of time to tend to them because I'm leaving for Florida to visit Family the first week of July. That leaves me with 1 Month before I have to leave these plants by themselves with nobody to take care of them for a week. So if they're not done within the next Month I will have to move them Outside and can cover them with a Mesh Tent while I'm gone. Weather or not they can survive outdoors like that after being indoors since Sprout I don't know. But my main question is Why have they Not started Budding yet after 7 Weeks ? Is this Normal with Critical Purple ? Or is there something I'm not doing right ? Or something I can do that will make them Bud Faster ? As far as Nutes go I do have all 3 Stages of Nutes. CNS17 - Grow, Bloom, and Ripe. I just switched from Grow to Bloom Nutes about a week or 2 ago hoping that would make them start Budding but still nothing has happened that I can see. Also do all Pistils have to be White ? Or is it possible that Pistils can be Green in color and that's why I don't notice them ? Cause I don't see any White Hairs. Any Help on this Issue would be So Greatly Appreciated !! Thanks !!


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You know what ? I was just on the Website that I purchased them from reading over the Reviews and Details about the Critical Purple Autos and they said this particular strain has a Longer Flowering Period than most. 11 Weeks they say it can take. So with that being said that would explain why it's taking longer than I expected. Someone else who had bought the same strain said they Planted Sept.18th and it was ready to Harvest by Dec.8th. So I will just wait it out and hope for the best. They say each Plant produces about 400 Grams and it's worth the longer wait. I just hope my Plants are not eat'en by Wild Animals in the woods while I am in Florida for a week on Vacation. Plan on putting Mesh tent over them to keep Animals and Bugs away but at the same time Rain will be able to get in to water them. We Shall See what Happens. :)
Hello, yeah I’ve had some trouble with autoflowering critical purples before. I had two seeds. Of course one of them didn’t germinate properly. So my one little autoflower in like a month of growing in veg. Only grew like 9 inches tall. Yet when I tried with other autoflowers they would all reach a couple feet.
Hello, yeah I’ve had some trouble with autoflowering critical purples before. I had two seeds. Of course one of them didn’t germinate properly. So my one little autoflower in like a month of growing in veg. Only grew like 9 inches tall. Yet when I tried with other autoflowers they would all reach a couple feet.
Hi MVcowboy, Sometimes autos just grow small.
I average 49 days exactly before I see pistils mate. Done loads of them, longest I've waited was 56 days but usually go bang on 49. Had it with loads of strains.
Think I had something from mephisto that went in 30 or so but other than that the next fastest is about 45 days.
Profile pic took 49 days.
Well considering there is no way they will be done in a month, just prepare to give then a little extra water before you leave and they should be fine for a week. If your super concerned about drying out Get a water pump for a fish tank and a digital timer. Set it for a minute a day or something like that . Of course test how much time you would need per day, etc. It's a simple way to auto feed from a pail ...ya gotta live a normal life as well.
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