Confessions Of A Pirate Pot Grower

Monsanto Corp. maker of Round-Up is a blight on all humanity, but it's not going away soon. Farmers now contract spraying operators to come out in early June to spray their beans and corn. They're not supposed to spray when it's windy but they do it anyway and this poison drifts downwind. People i know had their whole orchard of apple and apricot trees about ten yrs. old, about fifty trees killed by a farmer spraying round-up upwind from them. Killed them dead. They got the farmer in court but this costs money and how do you prove it?
One of the bigger problem with pirate grows is the use of rodenticides by growers. Kills lots of owls, martins etc - horrible, horrible stuff.
Don't think you could ever do that here in the uk even if the weather was better people would smell that shit here to many people hunting in crazy loations you could plant and imagine the sleepless nights worried about it that would be me anyway lol

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There's probably plenty of places to grow weed in the UK the problem is the climate. You got a lot of overcast there and weed likes long sunny days. It' kinda like corn or soybeans. Notice they don't grow corn (maize) or soybeans in the UK. It's not known as a good weed growing country....
Speaking about growing in the city. The city of Peoria IL has closed down one it;s main golf courses right in the middle of the city. This has to be two hundred fifty acres+........You talk about an opportunity. It's growing up in weeds. The fairways are still there, the greens are still there altho being taken over by weeds. You can drive right in. They got signs up saying you can't play golf there anymore, but who pays attention to signs? Not me.. I go where i want till they run me off.. The only problem, the city might hire somebody to mow this off once a year... It's the chance you take....
I've actually found a wetland which could work though there are morning walkers there's a big corner with no paths but water about 20 metres away almost ideal it's open no trees but there is scrub and bushes everywhere to disguise but it is a 15 minute drive from mine

Sneaky's White Widow x Big Bud Outdoor Feminized

Sneaky, this sounds ideal. You might have to haul in a little potting mix but hell. Don't mind early morning joggers, they don't pay any attention to you. Generally people driving by or walking by don't pay any attention to you.... They're lost in their own thoughts......
Checking on Google Earth this Corporation has 250 acres on one side of the road and about 250 acres on the other side all hills and hollows. And they got this whole thing fenced in with three strand barbed wire. I won't name it but you'de recognize it. It's Fortune 500... Why would they fence this in? What's in there.? Makes me curious, so i gotta go in there and check it out. They got it posted like area 54. Which makes me think it it might be a good place to go in and plant some seeds... Nobody's using it... What the hell...
The deserted gof corse....I just drove in this place yesterday. It's like a deserted park. The club house is still there. You can look in the club house, the furniture is even still there... The putting green is still there and in order.... All this mostly flat acridge but no golfers... What a waste...250 acres.. a place to walk dogs, a perfect place to put down a few seeds....
Just to give you an idea there's a whole area south of Peoria which is an area which the State of Illinois has bought from Coal strip mine co. and turned into what they call conservation area. It's like little lakes, marsh and good bottom ground... Little roads running in and out all over the place. I'm going to estimate about 1400 acres give or take. Ducks and Geese are thick in here and the fishing in the the old abandoned strip mines is excellent, stocked with bass & bluegills. But hardly anybody takes advantage. Perfect place for growing, dead sunlight all day long.. Yeah there are these knuckle head State Conservation Agents around but mainly they are asleep in their SUVs along the roads. Don't worry about them.... Plant what you want, these jerk-offs won't even notice..... Take advantage, it's there for the taking...
No you cannot grow weed in the middle of a city, it will be gone. One time i brought back some ditch weed and some of the seeds must have fallen into the cracks of my alley driveway. So the next summer they came up, through about a quarter inch crack and they got huge. I just left them grow, so what they're just ditch-weed. But on day they just disappeared about July. Some skell walking down the alley grabbed them. Good for him, he probably got a real good head-ache smoking that stuff...
See in 1941 when the Japs took the Phillipines, that was our main source of hemp for rope and the Navy needed rope . So the US Govmt. started hemp farms all over the midwest. These seeds have spread all over whole damn place by birds so now it grows everywhere. But it has next to no medicinal value, although'm sure it would still be useful for hemp rope, but the Navy doesn't use too much hemp rope these days.....Nobody uses hemp rope anymore, they've gone to braided nylon and dacron. DuPont put them all out of business
I have some hemp rope i found on the Illinois river that had been used to tie up barges. This is like one and a half inch rope and was submerged for years and it's still strong and good as new. It's practically indestructable. You'de probably have to go to England to buy rope like this.....
To be a pirate grower you have to keep your eyes open for good places. This year i'm only going to plant female seedlings rather than seeds. You want almost full sun, and these places are hard to find...... So in searching around in my immediate vicinity i found a very promising location. It's only about a quarter mile from my own property thru the woods, about a ten min. walk. It's a small acreage owned by hiil-billys. You can tell they're hill-billy by the junk strewn around and the beer bottles and cans which they drop and never pick up..... So there's this abandoned chicken house and fenced in chicken yard all grown up in weeds and brambles... BINGO... this is flipping poifect... It's in almost full sun, deer are not getting in there, and it won't be mown off... More on this later......
About deer. they're thick here in the midwest US. And they'll eat almost anything that's green. They'll eat the leaves off your tomato plants. To keep them out you have to have at least a five ft. wire fence. Four ft. won't do it. I've seen little fawns 3 mos. old jump over a four ft. fence following their mother, if they see something on the other side they want to eat, like your garden. .... So pirate growers have to keep these beasts away. One thing i've found which is effective is fox urine, sold in Hunting fishing stores like Cabelos. It ain't cheap, but it goes a long way. Take a wiff of that stuff... It's about six bucks for four oz.........You can probably buy it on ebay but make sure it's the real rank stuff, even i can smell this stuff.........The older it gets the more powerfull it gets.....You get that stuff in your nostrils you'll be smelling it for days..........
About this chicken house grow. This has been under my nose for ten yrs but i never saw it . Seek and Ye shall find, And the Earth shall be delivered unto you....These hill-billies who own this chicken-house property...don't even seem to be home. This is what i'm getting at.... They ain't even Class I hill-billys because to be class I you have to have an old car jacked up in your front yard on concrete blocks on the rims. A yard car. This would be like a '68 Chrysler Imperial..(you might want to get a part off it some day)....l..... But they don't have this... Another thing that qualifies for Class I is two big barking dogs either penned up or chained up. They got this, but this still don't qualify them for Class I on account of they don't have the yard car. So they would be in Class II. But i'm telling you this abandoned chicken house is mine.....I won't even be using their dirt, i'll bring my own Pro-mix.....
this unused half acre pasture that i found maybe used to be an apple orchard. There are wild apple saplings all over it. Here at May 19 the orchard grass somebody sewed years ago is about 14" tall so i can see nobody has been walking around in this grass yet this yr. but me, and now i only keep to the edges. This is a great guerrilla find for me. Pot plants do look like a weed but they look like some kind of alien weed that doesn't belong around here. So i want to keep them as squat as possible, hence i got indica in here. I got four of my best plants in this pasture around the edge and i might put a couple more in. These four are looking good; they like it out in the almost full sun. Hope for rain, or i'll be lugging a lot of water....
At June 25 my orchard grow is looking good. We just had 5" rain in three days so that gives me a breather on watering. Like all farmers, we are at the mercy of the weather... My three best afgani plants are almost perfect round two ft. diameter bushes. They are starting to show bloom. I visit about every ten days and give them a spray of neem oil... No sign of bugs or any pathology. I've yet to lay eyes on the hillers, but i do hear their dogs sometimes sounding like they're trying to kill each other...Big snarling dogs, i'm glad they're not loose...
At June 25 my orchard grow is looking good. We just had 5" rain in three days so that gives me a breather on watering. Like all farmers, we are at the mercy of the weather... My three best afgani plants are almost perfect round two ft. diameter bushes. They are starting to show bloom. I visit about every ten days and give them a spray of neem oil... No sign of bugs or any pathology. I've yet to lay eyes on the hillers, but i do hear their dogs sometimes sounding like they're trying to kill each other...Big snarling dogs, i'm glad they're not loose...
You got some pics of them girls?
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