Cr8grow’s Cream Mandarine XL Auto Journal #3 2020

Quick update this morning as I expected it would be water and nutes today. The pots still have heft and the stretch appears to be slowing. I will check again tomorrow, if little height change I will switch over to my flowering nutes. I will add a little unsulfered molasses. I will also swap out the 4200 bulb and swap in the 3100 bulb. Im still surprised by how thick the buds are getting already. Looks like the buds will connect node to node. Also tried out new wide skewers, spiced lamb/beef went great in homemade pita bread. 3♠️ In the corner is a bit special compared to the others.

Hell yeah cr8 :headbanger: The are gonna be baseball bats in the next couple weeks

Thanks beez...are you going to start a journal? I would jump in.

Not sure if I'll start a thread or just piggyback on @Sunnyskies thread. I've had two threads and just never really attracted many followers. Well they may have been following but not much participation. Plus with the cooler weather coming here I tend to get out canoeing, fishing, camping and doing yard work around here. So updates might not be too often.
Not sure if I'll start a thread or just piggyback on @Sunnyskies thread. I've had two threads and just never really attracted many followers. Well they may have been following but not much participation. Plus with the cooler weather coming here I tend to get out canoeing, fishing, camping and doing yard work around here. So updates might not be too often.
Im with you on all of that outdoor activity...I get dragged in every day and night...
Approaching the end of week 6 in a couple days. Misjudged water delay by a day and didnt check until about half way through their 18 hour cycle. The tallest one was drooping. Watered and switched to flower nutes yesterday PH 6.5, 2 gallons total until runoff. Yesterday evening they perked up. This morning I took a look and see many leaves went from green to light green almost overnight. I dont know if they are just consuming leaves or I have another issue. A few shots from yesterday and today.

What is that plant in the back right? She is stunning!!!
Beez, same Mandarine Cream XL Auto as the others. I only did LST and that long branch is the s curve main outpacing the others. I wish they had all stretched as much. Now hoping to really fatten up all under the 3k bulb. Thanks for the comment..they are getting a bit raggedy at this point.
Day 42...end of week 6 from sprout. Several days ago I replaced the 4k bulb with the 3k flowering bulb. Last watering I went one day too long and had wilt on the tallest...they all recovered well several hours later. I also switched to flowering nutes. New feeding routine 2 total gallons PH 6.5 water across all four plants until run off. Biocanna BioFlores 2.7 tsp./gallon, Budswel 1 Tbsp/gallon and 2ml TPS organic CalMag. The tip nute burn is from my last veg feeding. This week the leaves went from green to light green almost overnight. This is my first auto, so assuming just normal fade with 3-4 more weeks until harvest. I will water and feed again tomorrow and will keep an eye on them. Im good with the plants consuming the fans, but hope at least some make it to the end. The flowers are stacking and swelling nicely, the calyxes looking like they will be large. The smell is skunky fuel now and I know that will evolve. Will pull out the trichome scope after flowers build more and pistils start to turn. Temps are ranging 64 night and 82-84F day...may get some fall colors if I have any leaves left at that point. The taller buds are the LST mains on two that outperformed the far. This grow will decide whether next is another auto or back to fem photos. Thanks for checking out my grow. Pics from this morning.
This week the leaves went from green to light green almost overnight. This is my first auto, so assuming just normal fade with 3-4 more weeks until harvest. I will water and feed again tomorrow and will keep an eye on them.
So you switched lights and you switched their food, and you were late watering them all in a 2 day period of time? I'm thinking they're going to finish very strong but might have felt a bump from the changes and that might be what you're seeing with the yellowing?
Beez...yes, yes and yes...and yes I considered all relative to what Im seeing. Ive heard from many trusted sources the bulb swap shouldn’t have am impact. I appreciate the comments. Ive only missed watering this one time in 3 grows and only one really seemed effected. My last two veg feedings resulted in some tip burn and I didnt back down. Ive been in flower since week 2 so decided now was a good time to switch to flowering nutes. Could be a stack up of those issues for sure. I looked again and am seeing some purple coloration. I will pull all tomorrow and will give them all a good look then. My first grow GSC also organic in soil got pretty raggedy at the end but didnt impact bud growth and the results were excellent. I now have a stash of fem and a few auto seeds. I like fast turnover and am hoping I like my success with these first autos including yield and quality. A couple Nirvana GSC shots from grow #1. That was then..this is now.

What you are calling ragged I call senescence which is perfectly natural when growing in organic soil. I remember my first couple plants grown in Coots soil I was VERY concerned when the plants started with yellow leaves which eventually dropped off. I was assured it was perfectly natural.
What you are calling ragged I call senescence which is perfectly natural when growing in organic soil. I remember my first couple plants grown in Coots soil I was VERY concerned when the plants started with yellow leaves which eventually dropped off. I was assured it was perfectly natural.
Very happy to hear your comments. Trying to figure out these autos in dog years for maturity And I think about right for where I should be. Water and feed tomorrow.
Fans...going...going... Today was water and flower food. Pots were just getting light and I know I have not overwatered this entire grow. I had all outside the cabinet today to water and inspect. I pulled a few spent fans on each, only if they fell off with a very slight pull. Flowers are swelling and getting a greasy look. Not much frost on the sugar leaves yet, but also very few sugar leaves. They are really consuming the fans...gotta think in “auto weeks” v photos. My 3rd grow but I dont think I have lock out nor a deficiency...if anyone sees differently Im an OK listener. Im loving the sativa forward phenos with the thin leaves. Pics today after watering and feeding.

They look great my friend!
Disregard those yellowing leaves for a moment and look at the fan leaves at the upper 1/3 of the plant. They are thriving and praying up to the light. Couldn't be more healthy and happy. I was taught that if a fan leaf looks ready to be removed from the plant it is acceptable to touch it lightly with only one finger. If it falls off okay. But I now gather them either off the floor of the tent or off of branches where they have fallen. I want to the plant to use up 100% of the energy those fan leaves have to offer.

Great looking plants!
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