Currently growing SLH and SourD


420 Member
Hi folks. I just finished a successful run of Rug Burn OG and now I am on Super Lemon Haze & Sour Diesel. About 2.5 weeks from germination. Manifolding, Coco in cloth pots, K.I.S.S. w. GH Maxibloom. New Quantum Board setup should arrive in a few days. Ready to rock and roll on these new ladies. I am a big LED fan.

Tired of lurking figured I should post.
Welcome to 420,TreeWalker :welcome: from another LED fan !
Good to have you along for the ride,If there's any way we
can help you out, just let us know.
You'll find instructions on how to start a grow journal in
@West Hippie's link-you should consider starting one...we don't just like to grow,we like to watch others do it too !
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