Curso's 2400W TopLED - High Brix Kit - Run 6

I'm in Brother. She looks great!

Good to have ya're just in time for the fun to start...

Day 10...She needs some water, I gave her 3 qts and will soak her ass tomorrow...Someone forgot to fill the And the roots blowing out of the bottom of the bag....


She a brute, or better, a beaut!

Thanks bro :high-five: I took as many clones of her as plugs would allow ;)

Man...I am going to a crossfit gym tomorrow to have a "fitness" assessment. I am sick of being injured. I think I need to put some harder work in to prevent this shit. I mean I am 41 I might think and act like a much younger person but my body doesn't recover like it used to. Fitness is just as important as diet...I thought I was fit...We'll see ;)
Man...I am going to a crossfit gym tomorrow to have a "fitness" assessment. I am sick of being injured. I think I need to put some harder work in to prevent this shit. I mean I am 41 I might think and act like a much younger person but my body doesn't recover like it used to. Fitness is just as important as diet...I thought I was fit...We'll see ;)

Excellent! Gotta stretch and tone the good muscles, and get the secondary, supportive ones in shape. It's fabulous to train in your 40s. I did it and had the highest strength and muscle mass of my life, all correctly done with isolated exercises to keep everything working together.

You have the discipline - I hope it "resonates" for you. I hated doing it but loved the results. I'd get a secondary growth hormone surge about 6-7 hours after my workout and it was every bit as good as a snort of junk. ;)

Excellent! Gotta stretch and tone the good muscles, and get the secondary, supportive ones in shape. It's fabulous to train in your 40s. I did it and had the highest strength and muscle mass of my life, all correctly done with isolated exercises to keep everything working together.

You have the discipline - I hope it "resonates" for you. I hated doing it but loved the results. I'd get a secondary growth hormone surge about 6-7 hours after my workout and it was every bit as good as a snort of junk. ;)


Oh I am sure it will. If I think they're cool, the leader guy I fight with want's in on it too. I've been looking into another gym but there were a few things on a list that it had to meet. 1. is it full of machines? If yes move on. 2. Does it have some kid working the counter that couldn't help you if he had to? If yes move on. I am not a meathead type of dude. I find no enjoyment doing 4 sets of 15 of the bench press.

I need a place that will push me past what I can push myself. Talking to these guys. I am fairly sure they can. Plus. I've been working out, I am not in horrible shape. Most of the injuries I have endured, weren't fitness related. Shit happens, I get that. I am just doing what I can to make it skip over me next They said they could raise my agility and my endurance, I am all over it...Honestly I am looking forward to it. I can only do so much by myself. That Gada Mace I use works well but its not doing clean and jerk's, snatches, burpees followed by a nice sprint. Can't ask for a better workout for what I am trying to accomplish. When its all said and done when they talk about the best fighters in the world, my name will be mentioned.
Damn dude. Mad respect for hanging tough and striving to get better regardless of the reason. Any combat sport can be tough, but put on 75 lbs of gear, a helmet to skew your vision and GO! When I was 41 I was still in pretty good shape, and while I've always done activities that others might question, I must admit there's a certain part of me that is fascinated by medieval weapons and tactics.

I bet some of the explosive strength-training most football programs give their guys in the trenches might work too. Not sure what they specifically might recommend (I played, but was more of a periphery guy that avoided the trenches adamantly), but surely they'd have something. Maybe those big dancing ropes? lol
Damn dude. Mad respect for hanging tough and striving to get better regardless of the reason. Any combat sport can be tough, but put on 75 lbs of gear, a helmet to skew your vision and GO! When I was 41 I was still in pretty good shape, and while I've always done activities that others might question, I must admit there's a certain part of me that is fascinated by medieval weapons and tactics.

I bet some of the explosive strength-training most football programs give their guys in the trenches might work too. Not sure what they specifically might recommend (I played, but was more of a periphery guy that avoided the trenches adamantly), but surely they'd have something. Maybe those big dancing ropes? lol

I currently use what is known as a "gada mace" It was used by hindu warriors for training. Its basically a 42" long pole with a 10lb shot put welded to the end. Basically what it does is work the stablizer muscles that don't get worked by the typical weight lifting program. I'm not looking to body build that's pumping iron. Crossfit, should do what I am looking for it to do. They do kettle bell's and odd stuff like that that give usable strength and they also work the fast twitch muscles by exploding to get it to where it needs to be. That's what I am looking for. I am already really fast with my weapons. I want some more power and endurance behind me. If I want to fight deep into tournaments, I need to work on my stamina..Those ropes are a blast.
Day she's cranking!!!! I gave her some tea and transplant its a good transition into cat drench that will happen in a couple weeks. She got like 4 gallons today. I used 1oz of transplant and .5 of tea. I put 2 jugs down the top and dumped the rest in the bottom. She wicks that shit up fast it sucked it up in the time it took me to put the card in the camera and take a pic, you can see the wet line. I am loving this grow very much, 1 big plant is much more fun to look at than 6 small ones...


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