Dain Bramage's African Safari Grow 2010

My plan to start with I will be breeding male's and females of the same strains and then when I have enough genetic's to play with will i try to cross diffrant strains.I also plan to give credit to the original breeders or seeed house's that provided the seed stock i am working with.Those folks do it for a living ,I am only doing it for fun.
Just got 20 I.C.E. feminized seeds by nirvana with 5 power kush seeds for free,placed order last week on saturday ,16,and got them fri the 22 not bad comming from the u.k. to new york.Started 10 of the I.C.E. and the freebies power kush

Nirvana list the genetic make up I.C.E. as being a very spiecal SKUNK and NORTHEN LIGHTS AND SHIVA.Some folk's say I.C.E. stands for indica cristal extream,and it sure looked like that my last grow
Gave one of the power plants away to a parter with more room and helped make some more room in the closet part of my grow.I also moved the two durbin plants into the box grow with out carmping any one.The plan for the I.C.E plants will be to sart flowering them at 8 to 10 inches to try and keep them from growing to many side branches if any at all.Be back later peace from the beach:surf:
Well I wanted to do a run of a hybid called WHITE CASTLE (WHITE WIDOW X I.C.E.) but thay were not in stock in the ten pack.I got to tell you the I.C.E. is what i am smoking now for my night time pain bud.If I hit the bong then I am down for the count in no time at all,I perfur to vape a bag and imbide a little bit slower while watching the tube or reading my self to sleep.

With one plant removed and some better postioning of the remainder of the plants it has opend them up to the lights much better,the two DURBINS may yet yeild at least one big juicy cola each.The POWER PLANTS are just big shrubs that have me wondering what the hell I am growing here,lets hope its something like an o.g kush or some haze oh well we shall see peace from the beach:surf:
My method of germinating seeds gives me 80% or better,with fresh seed's it is almost 100%.After a 24 hour soak in tap water thay get placed in papper towles inbetween two heavy plates.The plates are kept on top of my t-5 lights wich work well at maintainig a warm enviorment for the seeds to sprout.When the tap root is about 3/8 to a1/2 inch thay are sown about 1/4 below the soil that has been pre waterd with plain water.So not to disturb the seeds tap root containers are misted useing a spray bottel.The last step is to cover the containers with clear plastic wrap to make them into miny greenhouses.Now this is a lot of work to some of the people I have meet but these seeds are like majic beens to me and anythig you can do to cut down on amount of stress a seed goes threw in bound to help the in the health of the plant.

the free seed's I got the powerkush had no info about the breeder or company but dinafem sells a strain that shairs that name.Thay are not a company I know much about but thay have some good sounding genitics but for free lets see what i get.

Off to tend to my presant grow and will have pics up tonight be back later peace from the beach:surf:
5 out of the five power kush have opend and have tap roots starting between1/8 and 1/4 inch long.9 out of the ten ice plants have cracked open and have tap roots about the same as the power kush. thay will more than likely be planted tonight or first thing in the a.m. thats all for now peace from the beach:surf:
Just found another one of my post's sensord by the moderators here for asking a question if these two seeed companys were afilated with each other so istead of ansewring it thay pulled it, so that quick turn around on my last seed order did not come from nirvan but from one of their resellers gypse nirvana/seed butique out of the u.k. Also so you know nirvana and gypse nirvana are not partners or anything like that.
Got my self an early birthday gift a 600w phantom ballest set up with a hydrofarm 6in. air cooled hood.It was time to add a M.H light,a Sun-Pulse 3k to ballance the two H.P.S lights i have always run.Have my brother upgradeing my electical pannal to handel the extra juice that will be needed.

Only had ten containers made up so I planted the 5 POWER KUSH and 5 of theI.C.E. seeds.Hope to have the otherI.C.E. seeds in containers by the am
Hay folk been busy making phone calls on behalf prop 19 as a member of norml thay ask you to pledge either money or time and seeing i have more time than money i made some calls.People were surprised to here that I was calling from N.Y.C. and that we cared what happened in calf.But putting an end to probation and the senseless laws that have over burdened our courts and jails has to end. OK getting off my soap box and back to my grow.

The supposed POWER PLANTS from dutch passion have started to give off an aroma of that dank smell we all love,it is a earthy fuel type of smell that makes me think of SOUR DIESEL
The plants are tall about 48- 56 inches and very wispy looking I just wish they would put some meet on them bones.My new 600w MH is due to arive to day and my move the POWER PLANTS under it to see if more lumes in in a spectrum that is better for the plants will help them fill out took some cell phone pics and will load them asap

I just want to say that I don't think dutch passion screwed me the seed's came in the original package.I just think they were miss packed when things were being labeled.They are very healthy plant's growing very well in spite of the spider mites and the cold temps i have been keeping things at and for being in containers that were meant for a smaller faster growing plant.thats all for now peace from the beach:surf:

PURE POWER PLANT at four weeks




Now this is the DUTCH PASSION mystery plants big lanky sativa's


They want to branch out and grow tall not what I am set up for


It looks like they will yield small amounts but lets hope its worth it


Now this plant as well as haveing the most branches trying to become a juicy cola has the most wicked smell of diesel will try to get some pics of the older plants as well as the durbins up tonight peace from the beach:surf:
Lookin good, did you intend for them to be so tall or did it happen like that?? Sativa's do what they want it seems like sometimes. Haha. :p Lookin good though, know what would be really sweet?? Seein someone make Malawi cobs outta an african strain...
Definitely need to incorporate some LST or supercropping into your next grow. Don't get me wrong, the ladies look gorgeous. But you could be yielding so much more!

They are very healthy looking bro, so keep up the good work!

:thanks:will show you the one's i have done some low stress traing later tonight and you are right it dose help with the yield going to start young like you did in my new grow.
Lookin good, did you intend for them to be so tall or did it happen like that?? Sativa's do what they want it seems like sometimes. Haha. :p Lookin good though, know what would be really sweet?? Seein someone make Malawi cobs outta an african strain...

got a recipe for making them it involves burrying them for a while in corn husk but dont have any of the malawi left.When you see the rest of my pics you will see what i kind of had in mind.These plants were never ment to be a jungel grow.:morenutes:I think thay are a haze or some green house strain owell peace from the beach:surf:
got the new light this morning not ready to set it up but it looks impressive in the box.I must admit I don't fully understand everything about the new technological improvement or hype around the new ballast or bulb's.
The 7 pages of instructions gave me more questions than answered...lol...But here is what I can tell you it looks more like a car amp then a ballast it is small but heavy as hell they say to use mounting anchors that can hold at least 15 lbs. but i would not not mount this thing to any thing but a sold stud. here are some pic's


Dont she look sexy like from the future


see what i mean abut looking like a car amp


the important side where everything happens


new ballast means new bulb


its like they got a bulb for every day of the week I got the 3k


and a new reflector with 6 inch ducts instead of the 4 inch i have on my other hoods

Can not wait till she is up and running oh well peace
The new seeds have broken ground and are on their way still cant find out about the power kush but for free ya never know,so all 5 of them made it and 9 of the fem ice.They were sowen in a mix of plastic and smartpots.and are about 15 inches from the lights and I am only running 4 of the 8 bulbs till they harden off.

I guess thay will get there own journal in time I mean just like last time I got a whole mess going again...ugggg
The new seed's I planted have all but broken ground but one of the I.C.E. seeds.So that gives me another 14 plant's to the mess i got going now.In exchange for the plant i gave my buddy he gave me 4 mr.nice plants (G13X HASH PLANT)from plants he started 5 weeks ago they were root bound in their plastic 16 oz cups so i transplanted them into 3 gal smart pots.


Heres a look at the whole mess the 9 I.C.E. and the 5 POWER KUSH along with 4 WHITE RUSSIAN AND 3 BUBBLE GUM and the MR.NICE

I will have to get them there own grow journal with them going to be grown under the new light set up and all.When i have the room rewired I plan to have 240 volt run because from what I know about tools thay will run better and last longer.Over all the room is going to need to be able to run 3 hid lights and bank of T-5 high output lights and fans a pump one or two light movers thats a lot of juice
Can't do much with my new project but prep.,so thank heavens I have this one to finish i have some lame pic's of what i feel are some nice plants





Now this is how i wanted all the power plants both strains, in this grow to look at this point,but genetics had another plan...lol...


And this is the better of the 2 DURBIN plants,you can see she is a little yellow maybe from being in a 2 gal. container or that the mix on the food was not to her liking oh well got to get some better babey pic's for my new grow but more for here later i think one of the plants in the closet is ready going to check tricrome color first thing in the a.m. so till then peace:surf:
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