Dark Devil Auto: A Community Grow Record


Wow, just feckin wow !! My first thought was that you've mixed the seeds up and those were dda.

Wow! I don't believe anyone else got such deep purple from the Devil's Crack. Well done LTS! :high-five: That DDA may change as she goes on. My first one didn't go dark until the final two weeks. It didn't go bright purple, just a dirty purple, but by god, she was a potent lass.

By far the most outstanding SSDC color I've seen. Maybe Tead will have something to compare this go around. He's got one in a pvc pipe right now.

Yeah they came out Black almost can't wait to try the smoke smells very close to dark Devil you can tell she's in there that deep piney lemon terp smell it has with deep undertones of a earthy dankness!!! The Devils Crack grew pretty much just 1 big cola on each plant about 3 feet tall very dense I will get a final weight and a average yield on each plant for reference!!! Smoke report to come soon never tried this strain before I'm excited!!!.......

Very few have LTS. Very few. Less than a handful I know for sure. :rofl: I'm still not sure you didn't get the seeds mixed up. The SSDC beans were lighter colored and much larger than the DDA, which were small and pretty dark themselves.
:Namaste:I have something related to post if that's alright. :love:
My Bloody Skunk auto freebie for buying Sweet Seeds autos from Seedsman. :love:
I got two of those and they tossed in a green poison fem too! All in separate breeder packages.:love:



Yeah they came out Black almost can’t wait to try the smoke smells very close to dark Devil you can tell she’s in there that deep piney lemon terp smell it has with deep undertones of a earthy dankness!!! The Devils Crack grew pretty much just 1 big cola on each plant about 3 feet tall very dense I will get a final weight and a average yield on each plant for reference!!! Smoke report to come soon never tried this strain before I’m excited!!! Thanks Sue your the best!!!! New Year new me!! I’ve put all the BS behind me and looking forward to a strictly weedy year!! Much love to all I will be back around again I’ve came out of my Slump of self loathing and depression!!!! Boo hoo poor me just don’t work for me lol!!!! More like you dumbass get your shot together and stop fucking off!! Lol thanks everyone hope you all have a very fruitful year!!! Love-Love-Learn

Hey Skate! This is great news man. Im so happy to see you back on top bro! Doing your thang!! Been wondering about you and now i see this, made my day so far.

And yep, id have to agree. There arent many if ANY people on this planet that could hold a candle to the tremendously positive spirit that is SUE. Good morning everyone. :thumb:

Skate. Come check me out...blueberry journal. Later
So I took close up photos off of the original
Pix I took look how black the plants are!!!

These are "The Devils Crack" witch is Dark Devil Auto x Super Sour Crack Auto !!!!
.........These are "The Devils Crack" witch is Dark Devil Auto x Super Sour Crack Auto !!!!

Okay, let me set the record straight on this once and for all. It is Sweet and Sour Devil's Crack. It was developed in the labs at The Roost by reversing a DDA and crossing that pollen with a Mephisto Sour Crack.

This was done at the same time as another DDA was pollinated for seed. Out of those two batches of seeds(of which our favorite lady received both) the DDA were small and very dark. The SSDC seeds were twice the size and mottled like most cannabis seeds we think of.

I've seen many of the DDA from that batch grown and all have been dark...not as dark as what you've got, but dark. There have also been several of the SSDC grown, and while they do darken up towards the end, it isn't anywhere near like you've got. Plus I haven't seen a SSDC yet that didn't strive to be a monster with strong side branching.

I hold by my theory the seeds have been mixed up. Your "green pheno" DDA will darken towards the end, more blood colored than black, and mostly underneath the leaves, *IF* I am correct.
Ok here are the pix of the seeds I have

Now a side by side pic of them together !! I am only going by what I was given in the bags but the DDA seeds are a much darker black and smaller and that is for every batch I've ever gotten of DDA!!! The SSDC seeds are 2x the size and a lot lighter with stripes

I was also given like 15-20 SSDC and only 5- 8 DDA seeds !!!!
Let me know what you think of I did screw up or was given them mislabeled but our beloved Sue is pretty good at not mixing things up!! Oh well I do know this it is pot and I'm going to smoke it all!!!! Lol Live-Love-Learn
Wow, just feckin wow !! My first thought was that you've mixed the seeds up and those were dda.


By far the most outstanding SSDC color I've seen. Maybe Tead will have something to compare this go around. He's got one in a pvc pipe right now.

Very few have LTS. Very few. Less than a handful I know for sure. :rofl: I'm still not sure you didn't get the seeds mixed up. The SSDC beans were lighter colored and much larger than the DDA, which were small and pretty dark themselves.

FWIW, Those cold night temps will produce purple in strains that don't normally get it sometimes, too!

I have a Super lemon Haze plant I've been in love with for a few years--just learned it turns purple outside in the winter! Pretty cool. The Blueberry I was growing turned that Dark Devil purple-black color.
Friends: I've popped two DD seeds, and I got a bottle of colloidal silver. Looking to turn four seeds into 2,000, taking the better of these two to pollenate the better of the last two seeds I'm saving.

Fingers crossed--I don't want to pay for these seeds anymore!

Cheers all.
Ok here are the pix of the seeds I have ........ Now a side by side pic of them together !! I am only going by what I was given in the bags but the DDA seeds are a much darker black and smaller and that is for every batch I’ve ever gotten of DDA!!! The SSDC seeds are 2x the size and a lot lighter with stripes.......I was also given like 15-20 SSDC and only 5- 8 DDA seeds !!!!
Let me know what you think of I did screw up or was given them mislabeled but our beloved Sue is pretty good at not mixing things up!! Oh well I do know this it is pot and I’m going to smoke it all!!!! Lol Live-Love-Learn

Snipped the photos for brevity. It appears both you and Sue have them labeled correctly by the description. You most certainly have the darkest SSDC that has been grown, and if you do get a green pheno DDA it will be a first for that batch of seeds. I apologize for doubting.

Now it's time to try for the largest harvest record on a SSDC. It currently stands at 205g dried from a single plant.;)
Hey no problem!!! You had me doubting what they where lol and I do have a green pheno rite now of the DDA this is my first DDA that hasn't turned pinkish purple yet!!! Will get a average yield and smoke report when dried!!! Thanks for setting it straight at least now I know for sure what they are lol !!! Love-Love-Learn
interesting read, i have been thinking abut ordering some dark devil

Oh my goodness pastor, do it! We make it look like fun because it is. :laughtwo: For one thing, the DDA is possibly the most beautiful chemovar out there, and when you flower one and they go deep purple on you you'll understand.

Then there's the euphoric experience, which I translate into a happy, upbeat, slightly speedy metabolic uptick that gets a lot done in a day. It's very similar to Carnival in that respect, as well as the lack of any crash when the buzz wears off. If you're really lucky you'll get one with an edge of mild hallucination. Woohoo!!

Beautiful to look at, delicious to smell, incredible buzz. What's holding you back, if I may ask? :battingeyelashes:
LTS, I knew looking at the pictures it was the correct seed, and thank you Mr. McCain, for clearing up my bastardization of the name. My apologies. :battingeyelashes:

That deep coloration is due to the nights falling to 38. I'm starting to catch on that winter is the time to grow the stunning girls you need for contest photos. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Friends: I've popped two DD seeds, and I got a bottle of colloidal silver. Looking to turn four seeds into 2,000, taking the better of these two to pollenate the better of the last two seeds I'm saving.

Fingers crossed--I don't want to pay for these seeds anymore!

Cheers all.

I had a hard time finding my DDA seed when I wanted them but finely got 5 from a privet grower and he was kind enough to send them for a trade.. I did what you are going to do. Now I have more seed than Carter has liver pills... I also took some DDA pollen and did a Gorilla Glue x Hindu Kush cross and harvested another few hundred seed from that plant. I just planted 5 of the DDA seed I harvested and will pollinate one of those and a Northern Lights, with some DDA pollen i have saved from my first go around.. You should do fine with the conversion Stoney... I noticed the first signs of nanners at day 19 of spraying... Went fairly easy with the DDA..
I had a hard time finding my DDA seed when I wanted them but finely got 5 from a privet grower and he was kind enough to send them for a trade.. I did what you are going to do. Now I have more seed than Carter has liver pills... I also took some DDA pollen and did a Gorilla Glue x Hindu Kush cross and harvested another few hundred seed from that plant. I just planted 5 of the DDA seed I harvested and will pollinate one of those and a Northern Lights, with some DDA pollen i have saved from my first go around.. You should do fine with the conversion Stoney... I noticed the first signs of nanners at day 19 of spraying... Went fairly easy with the DDA..

Intriguing....Devil's Carnival is a cross of Carnival and DDA, and it's one of the most exotic plants in my rotation. My pheno is incredibly potent. I haven't tried the SSDC yet, but it'll show up in my garden this year for sure. DDA is proving to be great for breeding.

:welcome: UncleGreen :hug: I'm starting to envy you guys making seeds. I'll be seeding my Devil's Carnival before long. There's not any reason other than hesitation holding me back. It's the next logical step. I can't keep clones around forever. They're taking up too much room, and I keep planting them instead of selectively culling them. :laughtwo:

So Uncle..... Got any photos to share? :battingeyelashes:
Beautiful dynamo. :bravo:

Some DDA I still have left. I'm doling it out carefully. Lol!

I'm growing a DDA (and a SSDC)!

Well, attempting to germinate them. That reminds me, time to go check on the seeds.

Hey, SweetSue, I've noticed you're growing some things in perlite now. How do you begin? Just treat it like soil and plant, or do you plant in a... firmer medium to begin with so that you don't end up sending your seed all the way to the bottom when you water it? I used to begin in soil, then gently wash off the soil from the roots when the plants were first past the seedling stage. But that was with photoperiodic plants, where time was not a factor. Also, I grew mostly with Geolite (an "clay balls" product, which was MUCH larger than perlite), so maybe I'm worrying about nothing when thinking about starting plants in perlite? IDK.
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