Deacn's Grow Journal - Indoor - CFL Lighting - 10/28/10


Well-Known Member
Growing in a converted Black & Decker tool cabinet, approximate inside dimensions are 25"w X 12" deep and 55" tall. CFL lights are fixed near the top, 2 24" fluorescent tubes hung diagonal on back side and 12" X 12" blue & red led panel on inside of door.
Growing in miracle grow potting soil mixed with 25 % perlite and steer manure, 4 gallon pots and a 2 gallon pot.
Using no nutrients at this stage since I already screwed up a very nice plant by thinking that more is better. At least I got a small harvest from it.



Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Looking good, I look forward to watching your grow.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Bud, I see that you are growing the same strain as I am.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

10/29/10, decided my area was too crowded and the one was ready to flower, so she's outside enjoying the unlimited sunlight of the Sonoran desert and the very dark cool nights.
Not much other change for now.


Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

As you can see, plant 1 is suffering a little, plant 2 is doing well. By the way, Plant 1 is a Jack Herer auto flowering feminized while plant 2 is an AK47/Lowryder auto flowering feminized. #1 is looking so sickly that I started 2 Early Girl seeds to germ tonight just in case. Both are growing in the same medium, same light schedule & watering only with Ph adjusted water for now, no nutes. Both were started in rock wool and transplanted directly (rock wool & all) to the large pots watering just enough to keep the soil moist under the roots. Plant 1 was buried just a little deeper than plant 2, but this has never been a problem for me.



The other plant that I moved outside is loving the mild fall here in the desert. By the time I get home from work it's too dark to disturb her with pictures, so will take one on my next day off.
Regards deacn
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

I hear starting in too big a pot strains the plant. But just my opinion. Goot luck with your grow.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Well, plant 1 passed away. Being replaced by these two First Lady feminized auto flowering that just cracked open today. Planting tomorrow. Gave the soil a good flush with plain water.
Insert Photos and Images


On the other hand, plant 2 is doing well.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Upper area of my cabinet. These exhaust fans are directly over the lights and reflectors.

Exhaust fan at the top. There is also an intake fan at the bottom opposite side.

I found that proper fan placement helps keep temps down too. This is the best for my cabinet so far.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Plant 2 is growing nicely, plants 2 & 3 have broken soil and doing great after just a few days.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

My other lady, 9 days outside and flowering.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

That should have read "plant 3 and 4 have broken soil"
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Repotted plants 3 & 4 and trying Fox Farms soil.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Hey deacn they look good, sorry about the one you lost. Remember you want to keep the lights real close to the girls, 3-6" if possible.

From your pics it looks like the lights must be close, no stretch going on.

If you want cheap, stonerproof nutes that will grow amazing plants, check out the OC+ thread.

Lots of us are using them with great to incredible results, and it's almost impossible to overfeed/burn your plants.

PS love the setup and screen name
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

A couple of questions.
This is my first experience with feminized, auto flowering seeds. Is it normal for them to show what I think are signs of sex so early? Barely over 4 inches tall and the growth is phenomenal. Not that I am complaining at all, just seems odd after growing a few from bag seed that seemed to take forever to look like this.
Next question, I have a plant that I thought was not going to make it, at about 14 inches tall I put her outside to flower and now at about 16 inches she is flowering, nice little buds all over her. She is in a 1 1/2 gallon smart pot. (The kind made out of a breathable material) 2+ weeks into flowering I am thinking that she may be root bound. Should I transplant into a larger container and hope for some growth or settle on a small harvest & lesson leaned?
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Thanks BlueDog, I'll check out that thread.
Always learning.
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

A couple of questions.
This is my first experience with feminized, auto flowering seeds. Is it normal for them to show what I think are signs of sex so early? Barely over 4 inches tall and the growth is phenomenal. Not that I am complaining at all, just seems odd after growing a few from bag seed that seemed to take forever to look like this.
Next question, I have a plant that I thought was not going to make it, at about 14 inches tall I put her outside to flower and now at about 16 inches she is flowering, nice little buds all over her. She is in a 1 1/2 gallon smart pot. (The kind made out of a breathable material) 2+ weeks into flowering I am thinking that she may be root bound. Should I transplant into a larger container and hope for some growth or settle on a small harvest & lesson leaned?

Hey deacn! I've had no experience with autoflower's so I can't help you there.

But I did transplant further into flower than you are and it went fine. I'd do it. Just be quick and gentle and water afterwards.

Good luck!
Re: deacn's Grow Journal, Indoor, CFL lighting. 10/28/10

Thx BlueDog, gonna transplant to a 3 gallon tomorrow then.
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