Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Do you guys really think she needs a 6 inch fan? is just that my 40" x 40" x 79" tent has a 4 " inch ventech inline fan from cramazon and the matching speed controller and i only have the controller set a 1/4 of the way to full and it keeps the tent at 80.....with it approaches 91 to 92.........i am sorry, but i think 6 inch might be overkill imho:)
And i am not trying to step on anyone's toes at all.....not aboout that .......just if you are like me....i am on a budget and if its not needed then i go with what will be more than sufficient and in this case even though your tent is 8" bigger than mine it is close enough and at only 1/4 power:).....once again this is what i am experiencing....and that is why i made these last two posts:)lol:circle-of-love:
King if I have not told you in the last 15 minutes I adore you...:adore: and you never let go of my hand...:thanks:.....:circle-of-love:

Guys I just got to tell ya that there is no doubt each and every statement from this group is very much taken to heart but King :adore: as most of you know IMO is the MMJ growing Guru and I think his word is gospel...:amen:. I am ordering exactly what you have listed King as soon as I finish this post.... I talked to my fella cause as most of you know I got put on quite a tight budget for growing after I went a little nuts in the beginning but he seems to think I have done a really good job of reeling it in and agreed that it would be better to just bite the bullet and get what I need on the front end rather than just throwing 20 here and 40 there and hoping it will work... If I do exactly what King tells me to I know from over a years worth of hand holding from him that it will work.... King said it... I believe it... That makes it true...:yahoo:.....:circle-of-love:
I am not saying his product advice isnt sound.......i was just saying from personal experience that a 6 inch inline isnt necessary for a 4 x 4 tent....sorry if it seemed as i was trying to sway you to a cheaper product.......i mentioned my brand just as it is what i have, but my main concern was size.....i digress and step to the sidelines:)lol......i look forward to seeing your setup when you get it:)
I am not saying his product advice isnt sound.......i was just saying from personal experience that a 6 inch inline isnt necessary for a 4 x 4 tent....sorry if it seemed as i was trying to sway you to a cheaper product.......i mentioned my brand just as it is what i have, but my main concern was size.....i digress and step to the sidelines:)lol......i look forward to seeing your setup when you get it:)

Green your not doing anything wrong hehe :) everyone has a different growing room and different climates.. When I started I was using the cheap fans, but then when I started to flower, I ran into the same problem Denise is having.. So I did what she did, added another can fan and I was also trying everything to control the temp at the same time between lights on and lights off.. I was NOT ready for the temp difference between the reflector series and the Mars 5w.. When I flicked on just one 700 in my 3x5 it shot to almost 90 degrees in just a few minutes and seriously I was shocked.. Not shocked so much at the heat the light produced as its really not that much, but when you cant control the climate in the tent it becomes a serious problem.. So long story short, before I knew it I was running more watts in fans than I was in lights overall lol.. So I took a hard look at the long road, and I wanted to be able to recoop the cost of the fans in savings in electricity.. So when you think about it, you could run 2x 8" Hyper Fans and these pull like 80 watts at max power, compared to a 8" Hurricane that by itself will pull 280watts, so you could run three 8" Hyper fans for the cost of one 8" Hurricane, or better yet save the money on electricity and buy more lights :)... If I had known what I know today, I would have started with the better fans to begin with.. As well as the products from Titan Controls, they have already saved my arse more than a few times lol.. I even have the high temp shutoff for the lights should the AC or fans fail..
What Ko said..:blushsmile: That is exactly what I would do if I don't just bite the bullet now and get what I need.... In the long run it will save me a bunch of money and him a lot of headaches...:straightface:
It is all ordered as of now so I will just keep the tent wide open and there is no one in the room now and won't be until after everything is here and installed so thank you King and everyone else.... It really wasn't as much as I thought it would be so it didn't hurt that bad... it was a bit over my normal spending allotment but not by much...

Soooo King :adore: when can I expect you to get here to help me install all this stuff I just ordered..:confused:... No really :straightface:..:)..:circle-of-love:
What Ko said..:blushsmile: That is exactly what I would do if I don't just bite the bullet now and get what I need.... In the long run it will save me a bunch of money and him a lot of headaches...:straightface:
It is all ordered as of now so I will just keep the tent wide open and there is no one in the room now and won't be until after everything is here and installed so thank you King and everyone else.... It really wasn't as much as I thought it would be so it didn't hurt that bad... it was a bit over my normal spending allotment but not by much...

Soooo King :adore: when can I expect you to get here to help me install all this stuff I just ordered..:confused:... No really :straightface:..:)..:circle-of-love:

You will love that stuff Denise!! I think your plants will even be better than ever as well!! then when you see constant temps, and you not having to worry anymore, well that in itself is worth its weight in gold..
Green I feel I need to explain my decision a little better.... The Twilight Spider16 is the strongest and most powerful COB on the market and this one is a proto and I agree that with the normal LEDs I have used and am currently using the smaller would most certainly be enough and probably more.... however King not only has tested the Spider4 I think it was but certainly a Spider and has worked with Twilight for a while now and has an idea of just how hot these run and I'm certain has an idea of the exact heat issues I am having with a 576x3w COB .... wow I just scared myself...:straightface: anyhow there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that once the products he suggested are here and installed that my problems will be solved.... Now do I think that I could have ultimately solved this in other ways... well of course... but I have a tendency to do things back asswards and I am wound extremely tight soooo from experience with my anxiety levels and my checkbook I have found if I just listen to King on the front end I save myself a lot of headaches and anxiety.... but even as much as I trust and respect King I still check my prices because I am also very anal and King has a responsibility to the sponsors and 420... but when it comes to the products themselves that he suggests to me he has never... not once... been wrong or lead me down the wrong path...
So please never feel like I am dismissing you or your suggestions and advise at all. I so appreciate the things you have posted and the info you have shared with me and in general I just like having you around so please don't go away....:circle-of-love:
Green I feel I need to explain my decision a little better.... The Twilight Spider16 is the strongest and most powerful COB on the market and this one is a proto and I agree that with the normal LEDs I have used and am currently using the smaller would most certainly be enough and probably more.... however King not only has tested the Spider4 I think it was but certainly a Spider and has worked with Twilight for a while now and has an idea of just how hot these run and I'm certain has an idea of the exact heat issues I am having with a 576x3w COB .... wow I just scared myself...:straightface: anyhow there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that once the products he suggested are here and installed that my problems will be solved.... Now do I think that I could have ultimately solved this in other ways... well of course... but I have a tendency to do things back asswards and I am wound extremely tight soooo from experience with my anxiety levels and my checkbook I have found if I just listen to King on the front end I save myself a lot of headaches and anxiety.... but even as much as I trust and respect King I still check my prices because I am also very anal and King has a responsibility to the sponsors and 420... but when it comes to the products themselves that he suggests to me he has never... not once... been wrong or lead me down the wrong path...
So please never feel like I am dismissing you or your suggestions and advise at all. I so appreciate the things you have posted and the info you have shared with me and in general I just like having you around so please don't go away....:circle-of-love:

I understand completely what you are saying but i think what i was trying to get across was taken out of context......i do not wish for you to get a different product than he suggests.....merelly was posing the question to him or anyone who has input as to was it necessary for a 6 inch.......i know your light is much bigger than my marsll.....but i use a 6 inch in my flower room which is 4 x5 total and when i had both mars ll 400 and 700 and a 300 watt top led......i still didnt run the 6 inch 1/2 power as it was more than enough at that to keep temps at 80 degrees.......i am sure that King John gives sound advice, but i had to pose my question as a 4 inch in his product is cheaper than the 6 inch i am sure:)......i definately know about heat issues but do not have any experience with your new light......i would like to hear King Johns thoughts on my question, but i know it is niether here nor there now:)lol......i just wanted to make it clear that it wasnt about product selection......just product size:)......oh and i would like to put that with the 3 lights in the flower room with the exhaust off the temps would go over 95 in about 5 to 10 minutes......that was while i tried using co2:)loll.....that was a fiasco with the heat issues....exhaust had to be on constantly at half to keep at 80......:)lol.....
Congrats on your order and no doubt it will sort your heat issues out proper like:):circle-of-love:
Oh and sorry but i dont feel like you are dismissing my advice.....i dont give advice expecting for you to Do It cause i said so:)lol.....i think that people should take advice in from everybody and make thier own decision on what is best for them....that is what you did so no worries there.......i will always be here to open my mouth when i feel it needs opening :)lol......take it or leave it....i dont get hurt if you go elsewhere.....we have to choose whats best for us in the end:)......i like hearing it from all angles.....i hope this mmakes sense as i hafve medicated and decided to ramble evidently:)lol....anyway there is no feelings of anything but loove for you and your ventures Dennise:)
Oh and sorry but i dont feel like you are dismissing my advice.....i dont give advice expecting for you to Do It cause i said so:)lol.....i think that people should take advice in from everybody and make thier own decision on what is best for them....that is what you did so no worries there.......i will always be here to open my mouth when i feel it needs opening :)lol......take it or leave it....i dont get hurt if you go elsewhere.....we have to choose whats best for us in the end:)......i like hearing it from all angles.....i hope this mmakes sense as i hafve medicated and decided to ramble evidently:)lol....anyway there is no feelings of anything but loove for you and your ventures Dennise:)

What you convinced me of is that I need a bigger tent or flower area.. If I did I would not need so much fan power..

dang you really have me thinking now lol...

Mannnn!!! It's a good thing the temps outside are going to drop dramatically overnight.... I just went in and checked... with the tent wide open... every fan going.... but the door to the room shut it was a steady 88 degrees.... I opened the bedroom door and it immediately dropped to 86.... then the lights were out but it has been unbelievably warm here the last few days... up in the high 60's during the day but today was the last of it and it is supposed to be butt cold for the next few weeks.... This is a little old cold farm house when you don't have the wood stove going and in the back of the house where the tent is there is heat from the heat pump but it's a old house and is drafty to say the least and to be honest as it got dark and started to get cold it was kinda cool cause the light was actually heating the house.... It was 74 degrees in he front of the house and the heat has not turned on once and I don't have a fire going... gotta look at the bright side... pun intended...
And b... I got the age of the plants wrong again.... I keep looking at the wrong thing. I have to go back through the journal and get the last posting where I corrected the days but I will post it up in a minute....
I need to make mention of something with the PeeJay soil too.... It's like it never needs watering.... I watered the veg medium really well when I transplanted out of the baby soil... maybe even a little early but they were looking like they need something to me and the baby medium was not very nurturing.... it worked well for the beans to pop in... actually very well but I have to look up the exact date I transplanted but I haven't had to water yet and I know it has been almost a week.... Unless for some reason that is a bad thing... I'm loving it...:yahoo:...:circle-of-love:
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