Desiccant packs, silica: Can it be used in soil?


Well-Known Member
I’m seeing a lot of posts using silica packs for curing(obviously) but I have a potentially stupid question. I’m in the flooring industry and I get shipments in and they all have 3in by 6in desiccant bead packs(silica). I have to many to count actually. So to the question, can I use those as a supplement for silica in my soil grow? I’m using FFOF that has three cycles that has gone thru it and I re-amend with DrE Gold 4-4-4. My plants are on day 40 from seed and I’m noticing the bottom leaves are yellowing which is odd to me knowing what amendments I have in the soil. I’m hoping that the plant is just in shock as I up potted to 5-gallon fabric pots two days ago. Oh I forgot to add that they were in 1 gallon plastic pots with coco and my own worm castings for the first month of there beautiful little lives. So back to the main question, can I utilize these silica beads in my soil or no? I’m currently brewing a banana, molasses, drE Tea(light brew not too strong) in hope to give my soil and girls the boost they need. I hope this is enough info for all you amazing growers. Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you soon. The pic I’m attaching is a couple days ago and the bottom leaves have yellowed since then. It looks a lot healthier now and it’s not as droopy but still yellowing. The bottom big fan leaves turned yellow fast and I took them off(2 leaves only per plant) again, I hope this enough info for you all to help.

I would try, anything to breathe life back into plant. I would suggest not putting in soil but put a pack or two underneath fabric pot, as gravity pulls water down. Put entire pot in trash bag with two or three extra packs loosely on sides of pot inside trash bag, and then tie almost completely close around base of stalk leaving large enough opening for roots to get oxygen... ?? Haha, sounds plausible right?
I would try, anything to breathe life back into plant. I would suggest not putting in soil but put a pack or two underneath fabric pot, as gravity pulls water down. Put entire pot in trash bag with two or three extra packs loosely on sides of pot inside trash bag, and then tie almost completely close around base of stalk leaving large enough opening for roots to get oxygen... ?? Haha, sounds plausible right?
Keep them in the packets so it draws moisture down is your Avenue if I’m following? I suppose I could follow that! I’m hoping my nutrients take effect soon. I’ll keep you posted!
Gravity will take the water down. You're overthinking it. I can find no reccomendation to add the silica gel to soil, in addition, silica gel (which is basically silicon dioxide) absorbs many times it weight in water, however, once it absorbs all it can, you need to reactivate it by putting it in the oven at a low temp and basically cook the water off, not feasible to put in the soil.
I agree put them in the oven to dry them out, then use them for what they are intended for, removing moisture.. They would be great for drying mushrooms without using heat.
I like the mushroom idea for sure! Thanks for that, I have so many of these packs from new furniture and flooring shipments so I’ll never run out of free desiccant lol. Thanks for the info everyone.
If thats coco you're in now then your problem is they need alot more water.
Even if its FFOF it looks like it needs more water.
Man that soil definitely looks ok to me? I don’t get how people are man they come on here telling people what they’re growing in nd to water them, there’s no way that is all coco! That’s a nice soil, looks great looks nice and MOIST LOL that’s the word a the week! MOIST! Hahah! Anyways look brother just keep on keeping on plants go through the process of the ups and downs of the wicked clowns baby ! That’s why I don’t really f$&$ with autos anymore because man they jus be so annoying they are very needy, photos can be put through everything man, well almost everything ! Without the yield going downs pound by pound ! But that’s the beauty of growing photos !! Good luck! Just let your plant be and yellowing leaves are very common, the bottom especially and it’s perfectly fine man! Now if ur plant is crawling with yellow leaves now then that’s an issue man! Just pluck them off gently and give it time to just heal, this may be an old thread I don’t even know ! But I hope I can help! Just let the soil do it’s thing man and let that baby grow and bloom💯‼️‼️‼️ looks like a clone but I ain’t sure, unless you did some topping and pruning to it, good luck man; your soil should feed that plant most of its life to be honest !! If u want some stuff that’ will help her bud and help stack them shits I would use the brand name lotus, which you can pick up an all in one container (only like 25 bucks) or you get there advance nutritional value they have, lotus is what I use and the soil I use is bio365 which is awesome stuff man! I feed my plants nutes and it’s not every feed or even every other feed, shit man sometimes it’s a little over 3 weeks! But it’s been over a decade i been doing this and my buds are just getting stronger and sticky as ever and i just keep on trying to minimize my spending on nutrients! But end a the day I’ve got to get them!!! It don’t cost to be cheap in this business, ANY BUSINESS AT THAT
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