DIY trick to building a runoff table system for soil set ups!

Hello growers alike,, in this thread I’m going to try and prove my point that checking your runoff in soil does wonders that’s if you have the patience to do so. Yes I feed my soils with amendments and I do also have a feeding regiment in liquid form I feed the plants with, but even though I grow in a super soil set up it’s still very beneficial to do a run off check while in flower most importantly in flower. Maybe not so much in veg but still very important to know what’s going in and coming out both ends. Of course this has been another controversial subject to say the least, but in my honest opinion checking your run off just keeps you that far ahead in the process of learning your plants relationship with your environment you have them in. I’ve been told numerous times that I’m wasting my time checking my runoff in a super soil and keeping a detailed log. I’ve always been hard headed and never believed anyone unless I’ve done it myself or seen the evidence supporting my data to prove my point. So far everyone that’s telling me I’m crazy can figure out the hard way when they are stuck dealing with deficiencies and let downs in your gardens because I’m hear to help anyone that wants to further their knowledge in this craft we all seem to love and not put any negativity in the air in the process. We are all here to learn from each other and better our passionate relation we get from this amazing source of nature! Please if you have negative comments just please keep them to yourselfs, because this post is only for the ones willing to expand their experiments into the future. We are all the pioneers in this craft even though cannibis has been used since the beginning of time we still are the ones that are going to further expand this community for cannibis awareness in the future. So to end that note off let’s get into this new DIY build I’m going to do with a few things laying around the house and of course a couple cheap accessories you can purchase at your local stores. The only items ill be using in this build are in the list below.. and in some of the pictures you will see my old stand I made very quickly. That old stand I built in 15 min lol and was something I had made in a bit of a hurry so that I had something for my plants to sit on while still able to check for runoff! This new DIY runoff stand I’m building will be one I can plan to keep for years to come!! Let’s get building!!
1) 4 pieces of wood about 2 to 2 1/2 inches wide and 8 feet in length. These will be used to support the sides and the middle section so that you can hold very heavy plants with ease!

2) 1 piece of wood that is heavy weather treated wood 3 1/2 inches to 4 inches wide to 8 feet inches in length. Used for the legs and bottoms of the legs on the table
3) 9 {2 quart Funnels} or larger if you can find them!!

4) old dog fence I’m no longer using! {also can use anything that is built sturdy and can handle the weight of the amount of plants you plan on having on the runoff table. Also needs to be able to drain with no issues getting in the way of your plants bucket/fabric pot and the funnel.

5) zip ties a ton of them!{never can have to many of them around!!}

6) screws {3in}

7) Either individual cups or larger buckets for each funnel to catch the runoff in. Hint I just use regular ol cups that hold a half a gallon each for my set ups.

8) optional.... old garden hose for connecting to the tip of the funnels to drain into your cups/buckets. And screw down ties to connect the hoses to the funnels. You can either have it set up to drain into each individual cup/bucket or you can connect all the hoses together to run into a larger bucket all at once. I recommend doing it individually to get a persist reading of each plants runoff. At the bottom I will post the pictures in order to build this thing step by step. Very simple stuff!!!

Everyone’s set up will slightly be a bit different than mine, but you could build one in your tent set up as well that would work just fine. My lengths also might not match what you will need to cut your pieces of wood at. So just do a little measuring first before making any cuts so your not having to go and buy more wood!!{hint I made two different trips after I had made my first attempt lol!!} My set up will involve 6 spots for 5 gallon buckets I use in flower for the most of my grows, but I do also go larger sometimes that’s why I recommend deciding what size containers your going to be using so that you have the right funnel for the size bucket. That’s also why I recommend getting tons of zip ties so that you can remove and add different size funnels as needed. And bam you have yourself a nice table that you can read your runoff and always have success in your garden!!! I hope this helps someone that’s willing to go that extra step and learn more and more about this great plant as I continue to do so and learn myself as much as my mind can store!! Good luck and happy growing!!! One more note to add before I close this one!! If you need some help on how to read your run off and how to apply it to your growing technique please do ask and let’s talk about it because you will learn to realize as I did that the data you get from runoff improves your growing skills! That’s a promise!


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No problem love the diy projects... I like how this one is kinda merging soil growing and hydro techniques together. Either way testing water is the smart thing to do with growing anything. I may try this setup myself in the future when I switch to soil growing from dwc.
No problem love the diy projects... I like how this one is kinda merging soil growing and hydro techniques together. Either way testing water is the smart thing to do with growing anything. I may try this setup myself in the future when I switch to soil growing from dwc.
I totally agree you can never have too much data to improve your skills in my opinion! I’ve always wanted to try the dwc method or any other method than super soils, but to be honest I’ve always had great outcomes from soil that I’ve never been able to experiment any further. I’m sure one day I will get me a nice hydro system or at least some sort of hydro lock drip system so that I can fully automate the grow room In order to be gone for a few days at a time and not have to worry about hand feeding!
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