Does she look thin to you?

Well.. She's been moved...

I snapped a branch and had to pull it out instead of turning her upside down because there's a lip on the pot. I'm hoping I didn't do more damage than I think I did.. Keeping my fingers crossed..


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I bet your neighbors are salivating! lol

I just transplanted 3 that size this week.

Takes patience and thought.

Turn pot upside down with 1 hand around the stalk at the soil line.

Flip upside down fully. 180 degree flip. Since plant is so tall thats where the forethought comes in.

Plant upside down - remove old pot - get another set of hands on the pot and remove it

Have your new pot ready to go.

Flip the plant right side up into the new pot one hand on the stalk at soil line and the other hand on the btm of the root ball. Flip all one motion. The flip and the old pot removal are the hard parts.

You got this.
I just transplanted a Blue Cheese plant, from pot to ground. All I did was grab the stem at the soil level, lift the plant and pot, then tap the edges of the pot till it fell off. She isn't as tall as your plant, but she's thick. It's a good way to keep from breaking off branches, though if you've let your plant get big enough you need another person to tap the pot off while you lift the plant with both hands.
Southern Ontario here too. In my and my neighbour's experience you can expect flowering to start late July, early August.
Your plant could have been pollinated by a neighbour's plant (neighbour on the other side), like mine was last year. I actually saw his full male plant, he had no idea it was male till I told him, and he thought he could still smoke the male flowers, lol.
Hehe.. Had the day off and was bored so I thought I would take a pic.. I'm on my tip toes in this one and I'm 6ft 1in just to put it into perspective.. Can't wait until she's done.. She's way bigger than the one I grew last year.. And I've added a couple pics of my little white widows I have growing in my new tent too.. Can't wait for all these girls to finally finish up..


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Not looking as nice as she was in my opinion.. But I guess she's doing well.. 4.5 weeks ish to go..


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you are probably right, you will know your environment better than me, pure sativas can have very long finish times depending on how you like your triches.

fantastic job thou, great specimen and it really took off in the bigger pot. Hate to think how tall it could of got in the ground.
If anyone is still following this thread.. Lol. I have a couple pictures of the buds that are on my plant. Thing is. I think I might have just found a couple rogue seeds growing.. So I thought I'd post here and see if anyone thinks I'm going to get a bunch of seeds with this plant.. After all this time it would really suck to get a bunch of seedy weed.

Thankfully I do have a couple white widows in my tent.

But opinions would be appreciated..


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Definitely seeds, or just swollen calyxes? You would be seeing the pistils go brown and recede if your plant was getting heavily pollinated. As long as that isn't happening you should be good.

I have found 3-4 seeds for sure.. Pulled them off to check.. Fack!

I'm definitely not growing these seeds again.. I hope it's just a few.. If the whole plant goes.. What a waste of time..
Losing a lot of leaves now. This strain has always gone yellow and dropped leaves quickly.. But maybe I'm not getting the seeds I thought I was.. Only found like 10-15 of them.. Scattered through the plant. Not all in one place.. So I'm hoping it doesn't seed up..

3 more weeks today.. Then I can take her down..


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