Feeding in coco help please

Yes, indeed, everyone is different. Most people need to fight humidity in their tents and don't feed at night. Also, there's no photosynthesis happening and the plants don't really drink at night. The leaves don't sweat. Most common is to feed during the daylight hours starting when the light turns on. That's when the plants start feeding and absorb water.

Perlite content shouldn't really matter in coco growing since it's not needed. The coco works better without it.

Plants Do Math
Yes, it sounds a little silly, doesn’t it? Plants don’t have brains, so how can they do math? Well, they might not do it like humans do, but they do have to calculate how much food they can safely eat before the next sun-up.

Their chemical calculator tells them how much energy they stored that day and divides that amount by how long the night might be. Therefore, they can use portion control to ensure that they don’t run out of energy before the next day.

This little-known fact was discovered by biologists from the England John Innes Centre. They found out that plants do have a biological process, allowing them to divide up their stored energy. This means plants don’t have a problem with portioning out their reserves at night, ensuring that they can continue to grow.

You know that plants make the food during the day and burn it off at night. Their calculations are extremely precise, as well. Plants won’t starve themselves by using all their energy at once, and they can make more efficient use of the food they do have.

The issue is that if the plants use their food too quickly, they won’t grow and could starve or die. However, the second part of that is that if they use their stored food too slowly, they waste it.
in veg to keep the cost and heat down these are pretty cool . no heat plenty of light

s-l500 (1).jpg
mine covers four in big pots so you need 2 at 300w would be loads
This is my answer I needed bro and I dno why I haven’t thought of it my self Thankyou ! I even have the lamp in the cupboard lol , it’s a 150 w and if I buy a 300w do u think that would cover 6 ? Have u seen pics of my room ?
Honestly been overwhelmed with this grow Tbh and Not known wht to sort out first that I’ve forgot about things I already no , like the cfl


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think your lights are too low as they are squatting like mad , a bit too tight on the nodes , id let them come up a bit to straighten out yes that was one under 600w it started to foxtail
Okay I’ll lift it up , I think I’ve fimmed in to short off space I’ve done it twice now think it’ was to soon
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