

New Member
Hi, I'm new to this site. have been growing for years but have a bit of a problem this year. I have a plot that has shown signs of deficiencies. I know what the deficiencies are and have fed them once to correct the problem. My questions is how often should I feed them to correct problem. keep feeding at weekly or amp it up until I bring the plot back to health?
Sounds like the soil has become poor...

More likely needs a good appilication of manure, leaf mulch or even sea weed to help improve nutrients... most of these are on the low side of NPK ratio and may contain some trace value micro nutrients.

Out of interest which defeciency did you have problems with ?

Also do you know rough value of PH of soil in your plot ?

Soil type if known e.g clay based, sandy... we could go into different loams also :thumb:

When it comes to the crunch soil type & PH all come into play to offer best advice !

Oh ye a weekly feeding of nutrients should keep things in check, maybe twice a week if problems persist.
compost, rockdust, molasses/seaweed, rock phosphate or bat guano.

Add those till your problems are cured and dont forget to compost tea at least twice a month!
hell yeah. my compost heap has all of that and a tiny sprinkling of bonemeal, sheep and llama crap, egg shells and human hair and all veg food scraps. I think its ok to pour in a few bottles of liquid seaweed if the real thing is hard to come by.

rockdust is leetness for compost piles. Not only does it help the breakdown a lot, but it also adds basically all micro nutes that a plant will ever want.
haha nice one bro! never seen that before, only rock dust that was spoken of last time I was about was that azomite stuff which I wont touch because its a non renewable of limited volume, but generic granite rock dust is more than abundant enough for me to use in growing. good find =D

azomite is just one "rockdust" and its the one i use. Get 50 pounds of it for like 60 bucks or something. While I am sure the exact amounts and chemical makeup of each rockdust differs I do know there are different ones.

JJ from green joint ventures gave me some stuff called excelerite, its more or less the same as azomite and im sure there are plenty others.

As for it being renewable. Right now all that pink azomite dust just sits up in some mount in Utah (or w/e the hell it comes from). By us taking it and putting it back into the soil around the world we are reintroducing essential nutrients to the land. Plus its not as if using it makes it disappear forever. It still exists and turns into new trees, and plants and life. Well at least thats my view on it.
indeed! azomite and its siblings are incredible products and are available from our sponsors at great prices...perfect for all you blood sucking capitalists to profit from the death of mother earth....lmao just kidding, I just don't really want to get hooked on a product that ceases to exist before I die ;)

It always seemed to me like there was millions of tons of the stuff left looking at the size of the mountain it is mined from.
plus i really like being able to give every plant a cup or half cup of the stuff and not worry since i bought the huge industrial bag of it :).

I may burn plants or they may not get enough, or too little of N P or K, but I never ever have micro nute problems :).
haha nice one bro! never seen that before, only rock dust that was spoken of last time I was about was that azomite stuff which I wont touch because its a non renewable of limited volume, but generic granite rock dust is more than abundant enough for me to use in growing. good find =D

You can get volcanic rock dust (verve) in the UK aviable at B&Q might be at home base also !


Not sure about the rest of europe at the moment !
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