First Grow: Outdoors In Canada, CBD Diesel & Jack Herer & More To Come


420 Member
Hi welcome to my journal!

I’ve been a long time lurker on these forms but seldom poster. I’m very excited to start my very first grow and journal. If you follow along or catch the journal after completion please feel free to leave a post or DM me with any questions or information.

For my grow I’m using Coconut Coir in 10 gallon pots for the photos and 5 gallons for the autos that I’ll plant later on this month.

Currently I have two ladies that I started indoors and moved into the green house yesterday.

Jack Herer (seed from a friend - possibly a male) / day 39

CBD Diesel (feminized from crop king seeds) / day 24

These ladies have been put through a lot of stress from my experimentations as a first time grower and have bounced back impressively.

I’ll be watering to waste daily with a 600 - 700ppm solution including my grow fert, calmag and a touch of epsom salt for the time being.

I’ll leave it at that for now and add information as requested or if I see I forget to mention anything impo


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Its been almost a week outside in the green house! Its been difficult to keep the conditions optimal for the girls but they seem to be managing it fairly well. In the green house the temps on a warm day can get up to 100deg so i've added a fan and have been letting the ladies sit out in the open as much as possible. The nights here in Canada are still really cool so i've been taking the ladies inside at night until it warms up. Most of the grow information i've been able to soak in has put a huge emphasis on maintaining a consistent environment. Its been pretty surprising to see how these ladies can do with such massive fluctuations and i'm excited to see how they progress.


The Jack Herer is definitely the star of the two. Just after starting germination my cat got onto the windowsill where my plants were and knocked them all down onto the carpet. I was lucky to find this guy laying helplessly on the floor and replanted him without much hope. Sure enough after weeks of stunted growth he started to come around and after 6 days outside i'm very impressed with how he's growing. He's very flexible with nutrients and his environment and I do wonder if having a large amount of stress early on has trained him to roll with the punches. I've been watering this guy to waste twice daily with a PPM of 500-700. I noticed the first few days after having him outside that with just the initial watering in the morning, once I brought her in she would become very droopy and obviously needed a drink. I mixed her up a litre of water with nutrients and within a few hours she was perked right up again.


The CBD Diesel has been another story. This lady started strong but the cat got onto the counter and gave her a pretty serious haircut. She went through about a week or two of stunted growth but seems to be coming around again. The other issue seems to be a deficiency that appears to be calcium? I did some research and found out that calcium can't absorb when the medium to to acidic so i've tried giving her water with calmag ph'd to 6.3 instead of the 6.0 that i've been maintaining. Her new growth is slightly yellow but ill maintain the same feeding schedule for the time being and monitor for any other deficiencies.



The last thing I want to touch on was Neem Oil. I'd like to do some preventative maintenance for the girls so I don't have to worry about pests once the girls flip into flowering. Neem Oil seems to be what I believe will work well for me but I'm really curious what you guys are doing for preventative measures for pests and disease outside of good ventilation and proper humidity.

Thanks for checking out the journal!
Hey its been three weeks since i've updated and i'm really happy with the progress these ladies have made so far

ack Herer (seed from a friend - possibly a male) / day 70

CBD Diesel (feminized from crop king seeds) / day 55

Purple Kush (feminized from crop king) #1 / day 28

Purple Kush (feminized from crop king) #2 / day 28





These ladies have been loving it outside but we've had a couple of wet and cold days so i've been letting them hang out in the pantry instead of subjecting them to conditions which will likely stunt there growth severely. I've switched from my local hydro shops nutrients to the Canna Coco A &B and have been really impressed with how my plants have responded to them.

The CBD Diesel has been dealing with a MG def which I have been combating using epsom salts as a foliage spray. This seems to be helping but ill have to monitor over a longer period of time to really see the effect. The Jack is or at least was dealing with what looks like a calcium def and i've been leaving it alone and monitoring it to see if this issue is spreading up the leaves still.

I've just recently topped these ladies and they seem to be responding well to it. I would have liked to have topped sooner but its my first grow and I wanted to make sure they were healthy before I did any high stress training. Once the new shoots grow out ill be doing some defoliating and some LST.

On the horizon i'm really looking forward to getting my purple kush into some new pots and getting them out into the sunshine!

Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to leave any feedback / questions or criticisms
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