First Journal - 5x5 - LEDs

Ok, cool. As for the rest of your setup..looking good.. I'll let someone else comment on your leaves as I'm still learning to diagnosis my own problems. Keep up the journal and happy growing!

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Ya thanks man. So far so good. Like I said, it's not too bad and mostly just a few of the 12. Nevertheless, I'll figure it out soon enough. Appreciate that. I'm really excited about the blue dream, THC bomb grow that's also beginning. That should be very nice since both of those strains are big yielders.
Ya I appreciate it. Actually was about to throw up an update. Including some pics. About half of the ladies have shown their lady parts! So hopefully the other ones follow in their lead. I tell ya, the ones that have shown their sex, have really taken off. A good stretch has begun. Out of the 12, I have 1 that is struggling. Not really sure what's going on or why. But it has basically stopped growing it seems.

On the 3x THC BOMB and 3x blue dream photo's, they are starting to showing the twisting in the leaves as well. Idk why they all do this. I ph the water to 5.5 before I feed them. Because the soil seems to be holding at a pretty high 7.- 7.5. So idk what is causing it. I'm growing the 6 photos in Coco. That's my first time using the coco. And man they are taking off! They're growing as fast as my autos. Guessing because the soft coco allows the roots to stretch their legs pretty easily. Added a 3rd mars light on the 12 girls. Anyways... here's some pics. And and the autos are on day 18. The photos are around a week.
Welp, here's a quick update on the grow(s). The autos are really taking off, as they're beginning the flowering phase. It's like they're teenage girls hitting puberty. Really trying to capitalize on their growth spirt. Been fighting the ph of the soil. It's really high. At around 7. - 7.5 it seems. I noticed recently that even though I PH all the water that goes into them, the soil was over powering it. So what I started doing (testing it on my "test" plant first) was lowering the ph of their water very low. Around 5. - 5.2 and they really liked it. My guess is the soil combating the low ph, brings it to a level of their liking. One plant towers above them all. I lightly super cropped them. On her 4 main branches. They formed knots and have grown quite a bit.

The other 6 phototypes have sold me on the coco method. I try and take a still pic in the same position every 24 hrs so that I can easily compare their growth in a side by side. And man I tell ya these things are growing fantastic. Smooth sailing so far. Although I have found 3 of the 6's limit on nutes. Some very minor tip burn. But that's one of the nice things about coco. It is soon worked it's way out of their roots. They have literally almost doubled their size in 48 hrs. I'm using advanced nutrients on the . And swi5ched to fox farms on the soil autos. They seem to like ff better. Anyway, you can see the buds beginning on the autos. And I topped 3 of the 6 photos today. Anyways. More to come. Here's some pics. Thanks for watching.






Man I'm so frustrated. I take such care and invest what very little free time I have into these damn plants. And I just keep getting problems. And my problems seem to be very unique. I'm very careful with nutes. I can only give about 1/6 of recommended amounts. Idk how anyone can give full strength nutes with frying their plants these days. Only 3 of the 12 autos are thriving. The other 9 are not doing well. They've all but stopped growing. But they're not dying. They all went into flower and things were going great. But that changed. They're all starting to look droopy. Like over watering. But I'm not. I let the soil dry and lift from the edge of the pot before I water. And I do not water excessively. I cannot figure it out. I flushed them and it seem to help a very small amount. But they're still doing it.

But 1 of them is doing outstanding. Getting all frosty and growing flowers everywhere. It's perfect.

Now the autos are just fun while my photos grow. They're in 5 gallon smart pots. In coco. But now they're starting to go south on me too. They're growing huge! But all the new growth is losing its color and turning a pale yellow. And the worst of the 6 the big fans leaves underneath are the worst. They're approaching the yellow/brown color. I was thinking nitrogen. But I can't match they're look with any online symptom charts. And I cannot upload any pics on here unless it's through photo bucket. So that's not even an option. Idk. I was so mad earlier I was so close to ripping them all up. I've never had problems like this before. And I'm not used to sucking so bad at something. I Monitor the ph like a hawk. Feed every other water. Very light on nutes. Idk what's going on.
Sorry for the delayed response. I'm watering every other day since I'm using 5 gallon smart pots. They hold a good bit of water. I'm ph'ing my water at 5.2-5.4 and I'm probably running 1/6 strength nutes because anymore and they start to burn. Feeding every other watering. Now that they're getting bigger, the leaves are starting to twist and 3 of the 6 are starting to become pale. I flushed them all with ph'd water. When I test the run off, it's right back around 6.5 usually. I don't get it. Same thing on my autos in soil. But they are doing great now. One of the autos is weeks ahead in growing stage. And already has nice crystallized buds. The others are starting to catch up. I wish I could upload pics on here. But haven't found a way to do it yet. Without using another source like photo bucket.
If anyone has any suggestions or feedback, lemme know. I switched the photos into flower tonight and lit up the other half of the light as well. Going to start the scrog soon for the stretch. I think I'm going to ph some water very low. Around 4.0. And water them with it. I'll try the worst of the 6 first to see if it helps.
Coco likes ph between 5.5-6.0. Most people I've seen like 5.8. Maybe put only a few ml of your nutes and water/ feed everyday but just a little. I don't think you need run off every time when they are this small. Hope this helps

The is a quote from ledrf.
1. Coco holds 30% oxygen when fully saturated.
2. If you let coco dry out, you will get lower yields and most likely nutrient issues because when the coco dries out, it leaves dry spots, where the roots dry up and die. That causes issues.
3. When you water every day or twice a day or ever three times a day, you are replacing all the oxygen the plant used up, thus letting it grow faster. You are also replacing any nutrients the plant used up with fresh nutrients. This is why I water every day with nutrients.
4. You get hydroponic results. Fast growth. Bigger yields.

How to water Marijuana growing in coco - YouTube

This thread has great info if you haven't seen it. I dont use the same nutes but I make it work for me.
How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics
Ok wow. I was under the impression they liked a lower ph. Around 5.2 to 5.4. Well maybe that's the problem. Although like I said when I test the run off water, it's always back up around 6.5. And as far as notes go, using advanced nutrients. And I've been going very light on nutes because they seem to burn the tips very easy. They're quite big now tho. I topped them. Very bushy plants. Maybe I'll try using nutes like the post from that guy you provided. I'll check back in. Also how can I upload photos? I use my phone.
I use AN too it's great! I vegged with it at about 1/4 to 1/2 strength. Couple notes to mention about AN if it's ph perfect. I use sensi coco I started my grow 6/28 on 10/21 it will be week two of flower. I haven't checked my ph once. All I do is put my ph perfect sensi A+B into RO and feed my plants. This is also my second grow with them and I got some great buds last grow. Didn't check ph. The AN rep states the nutes are chelated so they can be uptaken at a wider range. He said 4.0-8.0 I believe instead of the normal 5.5-6.0 for coco. It also needs to be ro for it to work. Good luck

Uploading Photos from iPhone / iPad

From a android what I do is
Tap gallery
Scroll down tap upload pics
Scroll down tap select/drop files here
Tap documents
Pick my pic and follow the prompts. Scroll down hit process It will take you to a redirect page. Wait for it to load. Then go to the thread where you want to post go to the reply box and hit the camera icon.
Select the pic you want and hit close window

Hope this helps
Idk why the one auto has outgrown all the others so much. It's like 60 to 70% through its life cycle. And they're all the same age. Roughly day 41.
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