First Time Grow

She is looking Good !!!! just keep that solution under the net cup and you will be just fine . On another note hopefully you still don't feel the pain of having to scrap your last grow . Just know that it happens and Hermies aren't always the reason . I had to cut down my ladies today because some things came up and I wasn't going to be able to tend to them . All was not lost as the knowledge that I gained was priceless !!! So know that i truley understand your pain and if you want to see what I had to clear out as well as the knowledge that I gained ...Just click the GrandMommy Purple link in my signature .
She is looking Good !!!! just keep that solution under the net cup and you will be just fine . On another note hopefully you still don't feel the pain of having to scrap your last grow . Just know that it happens and Hermies aren't always the reason . I had to cut down my ladies today because some things came up and I wasn't going to be able to tend to them . All was not lost as the knowledge that I gained was priceless !!! So know that i truley understand your pain and if you want to see what I had to clear out as well as the knowledge that I gained ...Just click the GrandMommy Purple link in my signature .
Man that is heartbreaking to see. Great looking plants. Crazy about how the water continues to leak out of the stems. I Actually got over mine pretty quick. I took it as a positive. I learned so much and it’s already paying off early in this grow. I hope everyone here stays to continue feeding me info.
Day 8 second set coming in today.
Man that is heartbreaking to see. Great looking plants. Crazy about how the water continues to leak out of the stems. I Actually got over mine pretty quick. I took it as a positive. I learned so much and it’s already paying off early in this grow. I hope everyone here stays to continue feeding me info.
Yes it can heartbreaking . I am also already over it and always look to the positive. The where some real beauties and yes that water pressure in them was crazy , thats why I had to take a picture .
I need some ideas dealing with heat. The hot summer days are making temp management difficult even inside. I don’t have access to the ac vents and don’t want to run duct across the bedroom :)
Day 16- I’ve been leaving my tent open during the heat of the day for now to help with temps. Seems to be working. Little less taco on the leaves. Seems to going well. I should be topping her in about 3-4 days. Roots are looking pretty good. ppm is at 800 and water temp at 70.2F and PH 5.9. Humidity stable at 45-55% temps last two days with tent open is at 81-72
Happy weekend everyone! Day 21- gonna have a beer with her. She took the topping very well! Also been playing with its environment. When the first true leaves popped I had my light at 50%. I’ve now learned this was my heat/light problem. It’s now at 40% and she has reacted well and leaves are recovering from heat/light stress. Also of note: Holy Shoot Batman look at those day by day pics.
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