First Time Grow

She is looking great. Think about cleaning up some of those big leaves at the bottom, especially if there's any wetness in there. Make sure you have airflow through the plant.
As far as trimming those big leaves, should I cut all 4 at once?
As far as trimming those big leaves, should I cut all 4 at once?
You can. You'll be surprised how quickly they grow back in DWC.
Day 38- Day 3 flower. Did a reservoir change. Fingers crossed I learned from the last time. Also went and picked up last two parts of nutrients that I’ll need. One (bloom) started today and the next (pk boost) in 3 weeks. Gonna trim her next Friday since I did the res change today. I’m concerned about putting up the net in the tent as I still have at least 2 more scheduled res changes between now and flower one of which being the flush.



started from the beginning. Very nice progress and troubleshooting ... she is looking very good . A couple of suggestions that may just help you ... always maintain the water level an inch or so below the basket , get yourself a lazer thermometer so you can check your nutrient temp, and the temp of your Leafs so you can follow a VPD chart as close as possible being as you already have a humidifier and its seems like the temp in the tent is fairly stable , it will only make her grow bigger stronger and faster . now as far as making life easy for you in a bucket especially if you are going to put a net over her for support , is to get a stepdown bit and dill a hole in the lid i would say about 3/4" to 1" get a plug for it or make a cap ...what is this good for you ask ...well it will let you check the water level ,temp and ph &ec/ppm without having to lift the lid as well as give you the ability to add nutrient solution for the big one with that size hole you can stick a piece of 3/4" pvc down to the bottom of the bucket and attach it to a wet/dry shop vac to do nutrient changes without distubing the plant :)
started from the beginning. Very nice progress and troubleshooting ... she is looking very good . A couple of suggestions that may just help you ... always maintain the water level an inch or so below the basket , get yourself a lazer thermometer so you can check your nutrient temp, and the temp of your Leafs so you can follow a VPD chart as close as possible being as you already have a humidifier and its seems like the temp in the tent is fairly stable , it will only make her grow bigger stronger and faster . now as far as making life easy for you in a bucket especially if you are going to put a net over her for support , is to get a stepdown bit and dill a hole in the lid i would say about 3/4" to 1" get a plug for it or make a cap ...what is this good for you ask ...well it will let you check the water level ,temp and ph &ec/ppm without having to lift the lid as well as give you the ability to add nutrient solution for the big one with that size hole you can stick a piece of 3/4" pvc down to the bottom of the bucket and attach it to a wet/dry shop vac to do nutrient changes without distubing the plant :)
Honestly all great ideas. I’m gonna add this all on my next grow actually. I feel it’s a bit late to make major adjustments to my buckets. But hopefully I can get something rigged after I chop this one down with hopefully a decent first harvest. I started with just a basic setup. I’ve already upgraded the air pump. But next I wanna pre make holes for tie downs and the idea with the shop vac is a great idea. I do end up having to clean my air stone each time I change res so that is also another hurdle. I’m thinking of getting away from the large air disk and exploring other options. As far as the water level goes for some reason this plant likes it at exactly 7.5” of water or 2.36 gallons. Last time I filled to that level I almost got bad rot and had to cut the roots. That was also before I upgraded the air pump. I rushed and got a 65 gallon fish tank pump as I couldn’t find a better alternative locally in a pinch. But since upgraded I have way better bubbles and water movements as compared to the 5-10 gallon pump I had at first .I got a ppm meter today and was happy to see at 1010 lol lucky I guess. But at least I finally have one to check. As far as laser therm what is a good cheap middle of the road one? Thanks for the great reply and hope you stay for the remainder of this one and many more to come :)
Honestly all great ideas. I’m gonna add this all on my next grow actually. I feel it’s a bit late to make major adjustments to my buckets. But hopefully I can get something rigged after I chop this one down with hopefully a decent first harvest. I started with just a basic setup. I’ve already upgraded the air pump. But next I wanna pre make holes for tie downs and the idea with the shop vac is a great idea. I do end up having to clean my air stone each time I change res so that is also another hurdle. I’m thinking of getting away from the large air disk and exploring other options. As far as the water level goes for some reason this plant likes it at exactly 7.5” of water or 2.36 gallons. Last time I filled to that level I almost got bad rot and had to cut the roots. That was also before I upgraded the air pump. I rushed and got a 65 gallon fish tank pump as I couldn’t find a better alternative locally in a pinch. But since upgraded I have way better bubbles and water movements as compared to the 5-10 gallon pump I had at first .I got a ppm meter today and was happy to see at 1010 lol lucky I guess. But at least I finally have one to check. As far as laser therm what is a good cheap middle of the road one? Thanks for the great reply and hope you stay for the remainder of this one and many more to come :)

Its really not to late to monitor your lid. but you need to go with what you truly feel . In regard to the root rot i saw that in the earlier part of the journal and figured you where right because ever pic that i saw of the root at that time the entire basket was wet and i could see the cube was wet , meaning at that time the water level was two high and her root zone was staying completely saturated which is a reason your leaf's where droopy in the beginning ... i didn't mention it in my post because you had corrected it . As far as your girl only liking the bucket half full , im going to guess if you filled it to my recommendation she would droop . If i am correct its because your air stone ,pump or both are inadequate . When it comes to pumps do not focus on gallons , focus on liters per minute / LPM as pumps rating for gallons are for fish not plants in hydroponics .I will post pics of what i have in a tent and what i recommend , you should be able to find all on amazon as far as the pump the single outlet one with suite you just fine and its damn near silent and for the air stone or stones i recommend the 2" barrel style (be sure to saok them before you put them to work) Now when you see this little system you will see the hole i speak of and how i can access everything including the air stone with ease . pictures are just for illustration I'm not looking to hijack your thread . Also with air stones you want to look for bubbles not just agitation of the solution the air bubbles are what breaks the surface tension of the water and adds oxygen to the solution .

Edited to add: almost slipped my mind ...know that some brands of nutes will stain your roots .



Its really not to late to monitor your lid. but you need to go with what you truly feel . In regard to the root rot i saw that in the earlier part of the journal and figured you where right because ever pic that i saw of the root at that time the entire basket was wet and i could see the cube was wet , meaning at that time the water level was two high and her root zone was staying completely saturated which is a reason your leaf's where droopy in the beginning ... i didn't mention it in my post because you had corrected it . As far as your girl only liking the bucket half full , im going to guess if you filled it to my recommendation she would droop . If i am correct its because your air stone ,pump or both are inadequate . When it comes to pumps do not focus on gallons , focus on liters per minute / LPM as pumps rating for gallons are for fish not plants in hydroponics .I will post pics of what i have in a tent and what i recommend , you should be able to find all on amazon as far as the pump the single outlet one with suite you just fine and its damn near silent and for the air stone or stones i recommend the 2" barrel style (be sure to saok them before you put them to work) Now when you see this little system you will see the hole i speak of and how i can access everything including the air stone with ease . pictures are just for illustration I'm not looking to hijack your thread . Also with air stones you want to look for bubbles not just agitation of the solution the air bubbles are what breaks the surface tension of the water and adds oxygen to the solution .

Edited to add: almost slipped my mind ...know that some brands of nutes will stain your roots .



Very nice. The air pump I have tests at 3.16 LPM according to manufacture web page. Is that enough?
Very nice. The air pump I have tests at 3.16 LPM according to manufacture web page. Is that enough?
that's actually enough for 3 buckets using air stones ...sounds like your issue is you puck or round air stone. if i was in fact right that she wilts when you fill the bucket close to the net basket.
that's actually enough for 3 buckets using air stones ...sounds like your issue is you puck or round air stone. if i was in fact right that she wilts when you fill the bucket close to the net basket.
CORRECTION: you do really want to exceed 1.4 lpm per gallon ...optimum in my opinion is around 1 lpm per gallon of solution i may have been a tad baked when I said you could run 3 buckets didnt click until i did my res change last night and I apologize . either way your pump is fine considering that just under the net pot would be around 4 gallons that would put you a tad under optimum in my opinion , given that the stones you choose have that kind of flow rate .
Day 42 -Day 7 flower- to my untrained un educated eye she looks alright :) she now stands at 23”. I’m glad I switched the lights when I did.




Might be just the light but she looks just a touch hungry.
Are you feeding full strength nutrients?
Hope your having a nice day my friend.
She is beautiful .:welldone:

Stay safe
Might be just the light but she looks just a touch hungry.
Are you feeding full strength nutrients?
Hope your having a nice day my friend.
She is beautiful .:welldone:

Stay safe
So I’ve had the ppm around 1000. I did switch Nutrients last week though..
I also you are doing well. Some tough times we are all going through right now.
So I’ve had the ppm around 1000. I did switch Nutrients last week though..
I also you are doing well. Some tough times we are all going through right now.
1000 is a touch low, 1600 would be my range on such a large hungry girl.
What does the schedule for your nutrients recommend?
She is lovely though.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe:cool:

Apologies for the late reply.
She looks really good and healthy. Have you thought about LST (Low Stress Training)? You could pull those two top buds down even with the rest of the canopy and either weight them or tie them down. Right now they make a 'V', you want them to make a 'T'. Just be careful not to snap them off from the main stem. Always hold the base of the branch and bend it in the middle. Fantastic job so far man.
1000 is a touch low, 1600 would be my range on such a large hungry girl.
What does the schedule for your nutrients recommend?
She is lovely though.
Hope your having a great day my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe:cool:

Apologies for the late reply.
Ha between 900-1050. I’ve been trying to be careful with the nutes. I’ve heard less is better because of toxicity and stuff. It’s easier to add then remove and flush. I could be wrong though..
She looks really good and healthy. Have you thought about LST (Low Stress Training)? You could pull those two top buds down even with the rest of the canopy and either weight them or tie them down. Right now they make a 'V', you want them to make a 'T'. Just be careful not to snap them off from the main stem. Always hold the base of the branch and bend it in the middle. Fantastic job so far man.
Yeah I think I have to do just for the room anyways as far as LST. I just get nervous doing it. Sorry no update yesterday. I left work and went and watched hockey. Let’s go avs. I didn’t even get to see her yesterday so I hope she is ok lol
It’s easier to add then remove and flush. I could be wrong though..
Hey chase! Just passing through- beautiful plant.

If you need to lower your res EC. Remove some of the nutrient mix, then top with fresh water (RO preferably). It'll dilute the EC down...then double check PH.
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