I actually just flipped them into flower today. These are my 2 current white widows that I'll be starting a journal on today. Haven't had the chance to start it yet. When I first came to this site I knew nothing about growing. I came here because I needed help sexing a plant. Looking back I don't even know how I kept it alive. There are some very good growers here with even better advice. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. My advice is start following grows or read up on completed grows.


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I actually just flipped them into flower today. These are my 2 current white widows that I'll be starting a journal on today. Haven't had the chance to start it yet. When I first came to this site I knew nothing about growing. I came here because I needed help sexing a plant. Looking back I don't even know how I kept it alive. There are some very good growers here with even better advice. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. My advice is start following grows or read up on completed grows.

I couldnt agree more, i came on here to start reading journals but i struggled to find people with similar set ups to mine... a climate that only allows probably one life cycle in the outdoors. Anyway, i have still read as many as i can and i am learning every day. i can see this being an invaluable tool for my journey. I am feeling quietly confident but im sure i'll hit more issues/questions/problems/pests!
I couldnt agree more, i came on here to start reading journals but i struggled to find people with similar set ups to mine... a climate that only allows probably one life cycle in the outdoors. Anyway, i have still read as many as i can and i am learning every day. i can see this being an invaluable tool for my journey. I am feeling quietly confident but im sure i'll hit more issues/questions/problems/pests!
I don't think there has ever been a perfect grow for anyone ever. While I don't want them with my grows I welcome them as I use it to learn. I also jump on as many threads as possible to try to help the poster but also learn at the same time.
Yeah and i will be doing the same for sure, i want to learn as much as possible, Ideally i want to do this every summer so the more i can absorb and experience the better.

These are my 2 current white widows that I'll be starting a journal on today.

Let me know when you start this journal too, i would like to follow your journey...
So ive just got home, a second white widow has germinated. Not going to transplant just yet as it hasnt fully curled out of the soil, will give it at least overnight, maybe 24 hours before moving it to its final pot.


Ive also just pulled the amnesia pot inside in an attempt to remove this helmet with a pair of tweezers but the thing just will not budge (let alone you need to have a seriously steady hand to grasp it). I have tried misting it, will go back in a few hours to try again. On the upside, it has grown taller and is showing a healthier colour today. Maybe it was the move and the hardening that was causing it some stress?

Hi @Backlipslide, thanks for your message and thanks for following!

Im aware that the chair wont always be able to sit there but space will be dictated by the plants' success and yes you are correct, the racks wont be used like that for long, i figure at some point I will have to take them down and place all plants on the floor, i was thinking i might be able to use the framework of the greenhouse to try some LST techniques.

Will try to mist the seedling later on this evening and use some tweezers to carefully pry off the casing. Will update tomorrow

Here’s a picture of an easy way to do some LST without having to tie it to the tent frame

Some string and paper clip is all you’ll need :thumb:

Yes plant the seeds deeper to allow there to be more friction on the seedling before the seedling pops up. You’ll never know the seed casing was there lol.

Swing on my by journal located under my post and have a read on the first couple posts on how I built my grow tent and box.

The most recent update I’m rebuilding it again. Happy to have you down there!
Here’s a picture of an easy way to do some LST without having to tie it to the tent frame

Some string and paper clip is all you’ll need :thumb:

Yes plant the seeds deeper to allow there to be more friction on the seedling before the seedling pops up. You’ll never know the seed casing was there lol.

Swing on my by journal located under my post and have a read on the first couple posts on how I built my grow tent and box.

The most recent update I’m rebuilding it again. Happy to have you down there!

Thanks @Backlipslide im going to do exactly this when the time comes. I know that WW can be quite stumpy plants anyway (particularly the autos) so ideally i'd like to try it on maybe one WW and the Amnesia (i need to keep the height of the Amnesia down).

I transplanted the second WW this morning in to its final pot and moved outside to the greenhouse. Still no sign of germination on the 4th and final seed (another WW), today will be a week now. I'll give it until the end of this week before disposing i think.

Im still worried about the stubborn helmet. I tried again this morning but no joy, so have given it another misting. It appears to be stretching quite a lot and i wonder if thats because the Cotyledons are not getting much light due to the helmet it currently has.

Also, @Backlipslide i checked out your journal this morning, 90 minutes later i finished reading it. Nice plants! If i even yield half of that i'll be ecstatic. I also need to get me a British version of Jim for the greenhouse. :laughtwo:
Thanks @Backlipslide im going to do exactly this when the time comes. I know that WW can be quite stumpy plants anyway (particularly the autos) so ideally i'd like to try it on maybe one WW and the Amnesia (i need to keep the height of the Amnesia down).

I transplanted the second WW this morning in to its final pot and moved outside to the greenhouse. Still no sign of germination on the 4th and final seed (another WW), today will be a week now. I'll give it until the end of this week before disposing i think.

Im still worried about the stubborn helmet. I tried again this morning but no joy, so have given it another misting. It appears to be stretching quite a lot and i wonder if thats because the Cotyledons are not getting much light due to the helmet it currently has.

Also, @Backlipslide i checked out your journal this morning, 90 minutes later i finished reading it. Nice plants! If i even yield half of that i'll be ecstatic. I also need to get me a British version of Jim for the greenhouse. :laughtwo:

Yeah you may have to go in and carfully surgically remove it. Do what ever needs necessary to free your lady of it. It should fall off eventually but if your super careful you can, get it off I believe in you!

Wow 90 minutes!! Thank you so much for taking the time and reading it!! It’s much appreciated!

Lol yes we need to find you a British Jim, for sure! :thumb::Namaste:
Hi Guys, quick question, do you think a small fan would be a good idea for the greenhouse? I have one i could use and as luck would have it, i installed outdoor sockets that happen to sit right next where my GH is standing. I keep reading that moving air is good for avoiding certain pests as well as mould. and figured it cant hurt.
Wow 90 minutes!! Thank you so much for taking the time and reading it!! It’s much appreciated!

Well i wanted to see all of the pictures haha. No point in reading the first couple of pages and skipping to the end. I had to see the entire grow.

Yeah you may have to go in and carfully surgically remove it. Do what ever needs necessary to free your lady of it. It should fall off eventually but if your super careful you can, get it off I believe in you!

I honestly dont think its possible. I tried last night, hard, so much so at one point i thought i was pulling the seedling out of the soil. I'll have another crack later on, if not, i'll keep misting and keep trying. I will prevail!

As for a gnome, ive already been on the hunt, I might have to get this one... it seems too fitting not to...

Well i wanted to see all of the pictures haha. No point in reading the first couple of pages and skipping to the end. I had to see the entire grow.

I get that! Thanks for sticking through it and seeing the entire grow! Respect! :high-five:

On your seed cap problem. Stick your tweezers in the cracked part of the seed and let the tweezers open, releasing the pressure of the seed being clamped down to the seedling. Keep at it, you’ll get it!:thumb:

I actually love that gnome!! Don’t jump on the first thing though! Keep looking you might find the one right for you! Lol:passitleft:

I prevailed! After the advice of @Backlipslide i got a little more heavy handed with it this morning, managed to stick the tweezers in to the small gap and slowly push it open. Picture below... is it normal for the cotyledons to not be visible? They appear to have held the shape of the seed...


Then while im here, i figured i may as well show updates to the set up too. I "installed" (plugged it in) the fan last night and my temp gauge/hygrometer arrived (thank you Amazon Prime):


Finally, as i was in there doing things i thought i'd prepare the pots for potential LST techniques....

Some string and paper clip is all you’ll need :thumb:

I didnt have any paperclips so i improvised with some scissors and cable ties.... whether or not i end up using them will depend on how they progress i think...


This will probably be last my update for a few days now, week 1 is down, ive had 75% success rate on germination and the set up is now complete. New we play the waiting game :rolleyes:

Catch you all soon!
I used binder clips to hold on to the fabric pot so I can move it around if needed, then went to just pinning mine down with gardening wire into the coco for the type of training I'm doing.

Happy growing.
I was able to remove both of mine on my WWs.
Thanks @Backlipslide im going to do exactly this when the time comes. I know that WW can be quite stumpy plants anyway (particularly the autos) so ideally i'd like to try it on maybe one WW and the Amnesia (i need to keep the height of the Amnesia down).

I transplanted the second WW this morning in to its final pot and moved outside to the greenhouse. Still no sign of germination on the 4th and final seed (another WW), today will be a week now. I'll give it until the end of this week before disposing i think.

Im still worried about the stubborn helmet. I tried again this morning but no joy, so have given it another misting. It appears to be stretching quite a lot and i wonder if thats because the Cotyledons are not getting much light due to the helmet it currently has.

Also, @Backlipslide i checked out your journal this morning, 90 minutes later i finished reading it. Nice plants! If i even yield half of that i'll be ecstatic. I also need to get me a British version of Jim for the greenhouse. :laughtwo:
Mine took about a week and a half. At this time I literally dug into the soil to see what was going on. Their helmets had then growing upside down. It looked bad. that's when I decided to go in and remove them carefully then replant. Luckily I did this as I'm sure they both would have died. Now their thriving and loving life.
Their helmets had then growing upside down. It looked bad. that's when I decided to go in and remove them carefully then replant

I must admit i nearly did this myself last night. If still no sign later i will go in there myself and have a look, if im completely honest, i dont know what im going to do with 4 plants in terms of space. Will see what happens with them all and if the 4th pops up then i can make a decision about which ones to keep (probably end up giving one to a friend).

I was able to remove both of mine on my WWs.

Yeah i managed to pry it off this morning, finally! But it seems to have held the shape of the seed, hoping it will open up today. We have a clear sunny day today (26c / 79f) so i left the greenhouse open this morning to give them a chance to basque and breathe. Fingers crossed the Amnesia does open up properly.

How are your WW's doing now?
It’s normal for the seedling to look like that, once they opened up it probably would have pushed the seed casing off. Now that it’s off, it should eventually open up and start growing towards the light :thumb:

Well i found out that sometimes, the inner membrane of the shell gets stuck on there so i was advise to take a closer look and see if that was also still stuck on there. Turns out it was, i ran a toothpick carefully over it last night and the membrane came off allowing the two leaves to open up immediately. It has definitely stunted the growth somewhat, the ammo was the first to germinate and she is now the smallest seedling going.

Yes that’s exactly what I meant! Thank you! Not paper clips but binder clips.

Yeah i knew what you meant, im just trying not to spend too much money this year (first time out etc.) and figured i had cable ties so this time out i'll just use those. I know i cant move them around but i have more so if i need i'll just cut a new hole and a another tie.

and because im here, might as well show them altogether... i pulled them out the greenhouse this to give them a day in the sun as we have another clear warm day in the UK.

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