First Time

Cool they are 12 weeks old on tuesday(i think) ha ha,i vegged them for 2 days short of 8 weeks,i switched them to 12/12 3 weeks ago this saturday but they say to add a week on from the time you switch to the flowering time the suppliers say,because the plant switches from a veg state to flowering state and flowering time starts when the plant starts to throw out pistils :cheesygrinsmiley:
that's the little lady's now what u think
I think they are going pretty well at this point just might hav to. Get a humidifier coz it stays to low in the day.
When the lights are on an it not easy always keeping the temp at the rite level lol it stays at around 77 most the day but some times can go higher but I get it bk down just open the doors for little while
Was just going to do it when thought they was big enuf lol they only been in the tent for 9 Days lol
But thinking that would do it for another 4 to 5 was then flip them what u think
I vegged mine for that length of time for 3 reasons:

1-Short on time
2-Wanted to give them time to develop
3-I was reading alot and most suggested 8 weeks as a guideline :cheesygrinsmiley:

I prolly would have gone a bit longer but didn't want to risk it i have a strict date that it has to be chopped,dried and ready to go in jars and i have no option but too stick to it :cheesygrinsmiley:
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