Flowering Trick's And Tip's?


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Any Tips On Things I Can Do To Make It Start Flowering Faster Or Flower Quicker . Or Anything Some People Say You Can Turn The Lights Off Of The Plant For 3 Days Then 12/12. I Also Heard You Can Do More Dark Hours Then Light And That Will Help Some How. I Just Wanna Know Some Kinda Tricks Or Should I Just Do 12/12? Oh And The Plant Is Sour Diesel If You Wanna Know.
Aha I Know Patience Is The Biggest Trick But Is There Any Advice Or Suggestions On How I Can Make Sure It Will Be A Good Yield, Good Potency, Anything Any Kinda Tips Would Help Or Is It Just Simple As That. Put The Plants 12/12 Make Sure Its Dark And Let Nature Take Over?
Aha I Know Patience Is The Biggest Trick But Is There Any Advice Or Suggestions On How I Can Make Sure It Will Be A Good Yield, Good Potency, Anything Any Kinda Tips Would Help Or Is It Just Simple As That. Put The Plants 12/12 Make Sure Its Dark And Let Nature Take Over?

nope 12/12 is about the best thing you can do. but after a few weeks you can reduce the lighting time by say, a 1/2 hour every 2 weeks till you get down to 9/15. but I stop at 10/14.
other than that its just like watching grass grow:)
Aha I Know Patience Is The Biggest Trick But Is There Any Advice Or Suggestions On How I Can Make Sure It Will Be A Good Yield, Good Potency, Anything Any Kinda Tips Would Help Or Is It Just Simple As That. Put The Plants 12/12 Make Sure Its Dark And Let Nature Take Over?

Experience helps a lot :thumb:

Most growers flutter between many strains, whilst i'll prefer to grow one strain a few times to learn the pro's 'n' con's of that strain so that i can achieve better on the next grow !

Some will say that soil/organics will provide a better taste over hydro grows ?

Training your plants will help increase yield... look at LST/scrog.

Potency, harvest when its ready some prefer 50% cloudy / 50% clear trichome others may like 90% cloudy and some amber trichomes... its all individual taste at the end of the day :peace:
What Does Cutting The Light Down Do?

it is a poor mans change in season, you know. you are trying to mimic the outdoors as the days get shorter it helps to send hormones to the flowers. that tells them that they need to breed so they send more resin to the flowers in hope for them to be pollinated.
myself and a few others here also belive that it helps maintain some weight after drying. hope this helps:)
To Fuzzy Duck: I Dont Like Lst. I Already Super Crop Almost Weekly Depending On If The Damage Is Fully Healed. So I Think Thats Enough Stress. I Dont Know What Scrog Is Ill Look At That Thought. To Fish Cake: So When I Want To Start Flowering I Should Just Turn The Lights To 12/12 Then 2 Weeks Later Go Down An Hour 11/13 Then The Next 2 Weeks 10/14 Then Stay At That Till Harvest?
I stay on 12/12 till I see good flowers develope from there I reduce the light only by a half hour every 2 weeks untill she is either done or I max out at10/14.
as far as a scrog goes here is a picture of mine
that was near the start and here what it looks like now

ps. you will do good to listen to Fuzzy and a scrog is a Lst on steroids:)
Scrogging Seems Hard And Looks Like It Would Take A Very Long Time And A Big Amount Of Space I Have A Limited Space So I Try To Keep My Sour Diesel Tall But Also Bushy. But Those Plants Look Amazing. Can I Ask You Another Question?
YES you can.
thats in a 2x4 grow space and its been growing sinse the 1 of september and then on the first of october I started flower.
its actualy a very easy way to grow and it keeps you entertained while you wait:)
How Tall Were They When You Flowered Them And What Strain Is That? Ok I Think I Should Do That. But Can You Do It To Where Its Like 2 Or 3 Feet Tall But Be Really Bushy And Have Alot Of Tops. How Big Should A Plant Be To Start And How Would I Start.
they were about 10" tall if you go to my journal it all there. its down below just click on my blue moon:)
as far as getting started all you need is a plant and some kind of screen. that could be made from string to steel. dont matter
just keep bending the plant into each place in the grid till shes full up. easy as that:)
Your Plants Were Nice. But How Much Did You Get From One Plant? My Sour Diesel Is About 11 Or 12 Inches Tall Nice Amount Of Branches And Leaves I Wanna Flower It How Much Do You Think I Will Get?
not sure my grows still got till atleast thanksgiving maybe longer.
how much you get depends on many variables
Flowering Tips that help increase yield and potency....

-don't mess up your nutrients or lock out your plants with nutrient deficiencies, this will reduce yield and potency.

-running the Gas Lamp Routine in Veg will speed up flowering time (not total time but time it takes to develop flowers)

- Prepare you plants for multiple tops/cola's with LST (works great), supercropping and possibly Scrog (scrog is perfect for smaller grows were you want to increase yield)

-don't get impatient and pull/harvest your plants early...watch the trichomes and also the calyx swelling. When you see most of your white hairs turn red/amber, and then the amber hairs shrivle into the calyx is the best time to get ready to harvest.

-when flushing your last 2 weeks before harvest, use 1/4 or less nutrient strength, but don't just use plain water. Your plants need nutrients all the way up to finish and using 1/4 amount nutrients actually will leech the soil nutrients faster than just plain water. By cutting nutrients completely, your taking the needed food away from the plant.

-using a carbo source such as molasses or sucanat during flowering (soil and coco) will help give energy to microlife and therefor help swell your flowers and increase nutrient availability.

-I've heard that diminishing light schedule vs 12/12 all the way through will help, but I haven't really seen proof of the effectiveness. I still do the diminishing light schedule and works for me fine.

-Lollipopping will help to focus plant energy on upper buds and will increase bud size on main colas.
Im Not Being Impatient. I Have Three Plants And Three Growing Incubators One Is Very Small And I Only Want Clones Of My Sour Diesel And Sweet Tooth In It. So I Have To Get Rid Of One Sour Diesel To Make Room For The Mother. I Started Flowering Yesterday Early Just Because I Want The Plant Out The Way. Plus I Never Grew Sativa Through Its Flowering Stage So I Want To See How That Goes And What It Needs So I No For My Mother In The Future.
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