Fudo’s Comparison Grow: Ice Cream Cake, Organic vs Chem, 1800W Of Led & Cobs

KC is looking juicy. @InTheShed what do you think this represents percentage wise for amber?
Day 53 of flower

The plants look great. The Kali is almost done, we’re thinking she’ll be ready by the weekend and the Alaskan is right behind her. The Acapulco and ICC have another couple weeks and the soil is still holding up well with no deficiencies.

He broke off a bud of Kali by accident last week and we smoked it tonight. It was pretty strong already and had some what of a fruity taste. The color of the Alaskan is awesome, it’s as pretty as the last one, I just hope the smokes as good.

The Remo ICC’s continue to look perfect. They’re darkening up and starting to look more like the organic one.

Photo dump
Mmm mmm mmmmm! That Alaskan is beautiful! Enjoy the weekend chop Fudo!
Thanks Otter, she sure is pretty. I have to go double check but I’m pretty sure I have one seed left. It’s a cool hybrid. I’ll be getting more seeds just to see the different colors. I’m finding myself more interested in how they look lately. Of course you only keep the strong ones, but you hope the strong ones are pretty.
Day 56 of flower
Kali China chop day!

There was more than enough amber there to satisfy us so down she came. We did a quick trim and hung her in the drying dungeon. The Alaskan is next on the chopping block. I do believe she has taken over the top spot as prettiest I’ve ever grown.

Kali China
Congrats on the first of many harvests! I wish I had a huge grow room and a dungeon. :)

Are you leaving plants at your Mom's house too? Everyone is growing your plants but you. :high-five:
Thanks Shed! It’s a touch early but everyone around here likes it that way.

Lol, no but I should. Yeah I know, it’s kind of a bummer. Me and the misses can’t seem to come to an agreement on what’s the appropriate amount of weed to grow in the house. We have to many kids running around all the time and as they get older it’s getting more difficult to hide. Plus our township is a pain in the nuts. So, I moved everything to a buddies place in a friendlier city because of course, he grows too. As history has proven for the past 10000yrs or so, the growing WILL go on, with or without me. :laugh::hookah:
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