Germination problems - Please help


New Member
I have been trying to germinate my seeds in a wet paper towel (see photos below) for the past 14 days. I checked the seeds after day 4 and both seem to have cracked open but have not progressed any further since. Do I count this as a fail or should I wait longer. Should I just go ahead and put them into soil and hope for the best. What could be causing this.


Re: Germination problems. Please help.

Yikes. If they cracked open but didn't progress after that long they may be ruined. For germination they need to be kept really wet and humid for a few days. If they get a good soaking and crack, then dry out, they stop growing. Then if you resoak them after a few days they usually just rot.

By the way, your images aren't showing up - you need to post to your gallery first and then add the image from there using the camera icon in the post editor.

Re: Germination problems. Please help.

They were kept quite moist all the time. No dry period. And they were in a warm dark press.


Re: Germination problems. Please help.

I might just try the soil for a day or two and see what happens before I give up. Thanks for your time and reply.
Re: Germination problems. Please help.

The tips do look slightly brown, BUT I wouldn't give up yet. Toss em in some soil carefully, and see what happens. Keep it SLIGHTLY MOIST. Not wet. Not soaked. And give them a few days. If they're no viable like Pantagruel suggests, then no loss right? It's always worth a try for me, anyways :)

There are a million techniques involved in germinating seeds. Well, maybe not a million, but there's a pretty big handful, and you can try a few methods, and find which method, or combination of methods works best for you.

For example, my method: I place a seed in my hand, cupping my hand a little to deepen the lines in my hand. I hold an emery board at the very end between my finger and thumb, with the FINE grit facing the seed, and lightly roll the seed in my hand, using the emery board. 5 seconds is about as long as I'll do it.

I plant the seed with the point facing down in soil, and I just keep my soil moist, not wet. Alternately, you can do this with coco, or rockwool if that's your preferred medium. This is what worked for me, so I just keep going with it.

Next time you germinate seeds, use one different method for each seed, and see what is easiest, and most effective for you!
Re: Germination problems. Please help.

I agree with Antics, I wouldn't be giving up just yet.
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