Gibberellic acid for increased yields?


Well-Known Member
I know there is a lot of controversy about this but if anyone has any advice from experience that would be great. I would prefer to feed it to the roots if possible as I haven't seen anything besides burned leaves from any foliar feeding I have ever done.
According to this site Instruction for use - GA3 Gibberellic acid plant growth regulator and wiki, it is only foliar fed, and in very tiny concentrations. Too much will stall out the growth, rather than enhance it. It IS a hormone, after all, and must be prepared and applied exactly as directed. It is used on fruit trees to increase harvest, but I wonder if it is too strong to apply to herbaceous plants such as cannibus, especially those that are grown indoors and are more tender than those grown outdoors.

Some hormones only work at the site it is designed for: at growth tips for fruit, for example.

Just some thoughts, not a user of this particular hormone.
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