Greetings :)


420 Member
Gday everybody.

Signed up to these forums as ive just started showing some intrest in growing and would like to learn from you all.
I belive a plant should be readily available to everybody on this planet especially when the planet provides it for us here already.
Who are we to take something away from us that was given to us by nature.

Anyways enough of that.

Ill be soon to be posting each strain i grow in my RDWC.

See yall over there.
Welcome to 420 Hydroman :welcome: that's our thoughts axactly take a way the erb and pump us full of drugs! Makes sense NOT 🤣

Glad to have you on board bud can't wait to see what you'll be growing. Always liked the look of RDWC but don't have the space.

I haven't looked into the medicinal purposes of it but I've always thought that if we are at war with a plant then we are at war with the earth and i really don't like the idea of that!!!!!!

I just posted my setup in grow journal :) so very keen to get some phat buds cranking and i know a few of my friends are keen to see this method also
Gday everybody.

Signed up to these forums as ive just started showing some intrest in growing and would like to learn from you all.
I belive a plant should be readily available to everybody on this planet especially when the planet provides it for us here already.
Who are we to take something away from us that was given to us by nature.

Anyways enough of that.

Ill be soon to be posting each strain i grow in my RDWC.

See yall over there.
Welcome to the @420 Magazine family @TheHydroManA the best pro-cannabis/grower’s site on the web. CL🍀 :thumb: :welcome::circle-of-love::cheer::party::theband::420:
I haven't looked into the medicinal purposes of it but I've always thought that if we are at war with a plant then we are at war with the earth and i really don't like the idea of that!!!!!!

I just posted my setup in grow journal :) so very keen to get some phat buds cranking and i know a few of my friends are keen to see this method also
So true mate. Nice I'll pop over shortly 👌🏽 if you click on your profile at the top of the page and click on signature you can paste a link to your grow journal there and save it 👍🏽 this way any person or thread you interact with can see what your up to should you or your grow interest them ✌🏽
Gday everybody.

Signed up to these forums as ive just started showing some intrest in growing and would like to learn from you all.
I belive a plant should be readily available to everybody on this planet especially when the planet provides it for us here already.
Who are we to take something away from us that was given to us by nature.

Anyways enough of that.

Ill be soon to be posting each strain i grow in my RDWC.

See yall over there.
Welcome my friend.
I found your journal first.
So you get 2x :welcome:
Looking forward to your fantastic looking grow. :thumb:
Hope your having a great day.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Welcome to 420 Magazine @TheHydroManA

It sounds like you are all setup to start?
Do you have any images of your setup?

Here's some helpful info.

Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link. This is where you place your journal.

Journals in Progress

Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests
Win Cool 420 Prizes

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Gday everybody.

Signed up to these forums as ive just started showing some intrest in growing and would like to learn from you all.
I belive a plant should be readily available to everybody on this planet especially when the planet provides it for us here already.
Who are we to take something away from us that was given to us by nature.

Anyways enough of that.

Ill be soon to be posting each strain i grow in my RDWC.

See yall over there.
From one hydroponic grower to another, welcome aboard! I look forward to seeing what you got going!
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