Guns Multi Strain Indoor Soil Grow 2019

22 days old. I transplanted purple trainwreck last night. It was definitely early but I’m hoping she gets a growth spurt and catches up. I know It’s a no no rushing Mother Nature, but I figure I got nothing to loose.

I filled the 1.5 gallon pot 1/3 with kryptonite super soil. I then filled the rest of the pot around the sides with 50/50 kryptonite and fox farm happy frog. In the center I used just happy frog a little less than 1 inch around the seedling and underneath it. I mixed in perilite to about 20%. I also mixed mycorrhizae and Dr. Marijane root probiotic In all the soil before transplant, and lined the edges and bottom with mycorrhizae. When I went to transplant a lot of the soil around the seedling fell apart. I had let the soil dry out, but what I hate about fox farm is it has a lot of bark and twigs and bulky substance that seems to not stick together. I try to sort it out but I guess I missed a lot when planting the seeds.

I thought that the seedling might not do too well but as if this evening she’s looking good!

I have the soil mixed up with the mycorrhizae and Dr. Marijane and sitting for 48 hours for the other 3 girls to transplant tomorrow night. I had topped them two night ago and seem to be doing well
Hi mate :welcome:,
Im new here to, they seem like a good bunch here and ive already had bits of help along the way.

Going to pull up a chair and follow your progress of your journel,
Your plants are starting to really get going :thumb: .
Best of luck with this grow, you seem to have it under control.

24 days old. The other three girls were transplanted this morning. Same procedure as purple. Everyone seems happy. I’ve reintroduced the 600w MH. I’m hoping they are going to explode now. I’ve opened the door to the room in the basement that the tent is in cause the temps with the HID were 80. With the door open they seem to stay at 76. I may have to install a screen door to keep the cat out. I’ve shoved a bookshelf in the door way to see if that keeps her out.



26 days old. It’s been a couple years since I last grew so I’m a little rusty. I should have seen a little light stress coming when I introduced them to the MH. Going from 80 watts of Flourescent light to 600w of metal halide pretty abruptly, also right at transplant was bought to stress them a little. Even though I introduced it at around 22” give or take they didn’t like it. I have now moved it to about 28” until they adjust and then I will start to move it closer every day or two at about 1-2 inch increments. I also had them in the very centre of the tent under the light, which would have been the strongest point of the footprint.



What’s kind of confuses me though is some of the leaves are drooping, which would lead me to believe they light stressed and also thirsty. But I gave them water when I transplanted on Saturday of corse, and the top layer of soil is still somewhat moist. I always thought that light stressed plant leaves where either “taco’d” or crispy if not corrected right away. I never heard of them drooping? Time to go medicate and ponder on this one lol
Day 30. I feel not ph’ing my water this whole time and also the light stress has held them back a little bit. They should be a little bigger at this age, but I’m gonna give them a good watering with the correct ph after they are good and dried out. The two critical orange punch seem to be recovering well. The zkittlez is taking a little longer. The purple is still her old self but I’m not going to top her or lst or anything and see if she’s healthy enough when the other 3 are ready and I may keep her around for flower. I’ve began lst of the other 3 and slowly I am moving them closer to the light. It’s a brand new light and I feel like it’s a little two powerful for them. Once they are about 10”, the same diameter as the pots, I feel like they will be ok.



Day 35. It’s been 8 days since I watered the 3 big girls, and maybe 9 for purple. I let them get good and dried out before watering. I used rain water which I checked the ph and it was between 6 and 6.5. I decided not to get a ph meter just because I’m going to save up for a blue lab. I decided to go with the drops as a cheap alternative. I somewhat regret this since I was unable to check the ph of my run off. The Dr. Marijane root probiotic is causing the water that drains off to be red/brown which makes it impossible to check the ph of the run off. I think they will be ok. From here on out I will be checking ph of all water entering medium. I will also use rain water as long as I have it. The girls aren’t as big as they should be but I’m willing to put in the time and veg them out longer if need be.



Day 39. Ph was definitely the issue. This is my first time growing organic soil, and I was under the impression I didn’t have to worry about ph. Well they are bouncing back now. Purple is still a little on the sore side but when I water her again with rain water she should be all better. Growth has been picking up in the last couple days. Light is sitting 21” above canopy and I move it a little closer each day. This is also my first time running a MH so I have to figure out how close the girls like it. Next grow I feel will be smoother sailing. I’ve also been manipulating grow quite a bit. Once they grow to be about the diameter of the pot or a little bigger I will be topping every single top. I’m shooting for 100-120 tops before flower



Day 46 from seed. I broke down and bought a cheap amazon ph pen and watered the girls last night. I mixed a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses to just under a gallon of water and ph was 6.3. The run off was 6.8 I believe the ph of the medium was way too high and that’s what was giving me problems. I have now learned that unless you are an experienced grower, even in organics you should be checking your ph. I have topped just about every top on both critical orange punch. I only left the shortest top on each in hopes it will catch up. I topped on shoot on zkittlez, but once she’s gets a tinny bigger I will do the same to her. I’m thinking in the next couple of days. Purple is starting to come around. The ph problem effected her the most. That and I’m thinking she may have been a not so healthy seed. She’s also showing signs of what I think is nitrogen toxicity. Once she gets a little bigger and uses up the nitrogen in the soil I’m sure she’ll be fine. None the less she’s coming around.

critical orange punch #1

Critical orange punch # 2


Purple trainwreck

I’m really glad I picked up a 10 pack of critical orange punch. She’s a resilient plant and I can’t wait to do my next run. I’m thinking 4 of them, or maybe 3 and one Super lemon haze. I love sativas and I need an energetic strain. I only went with these hybrids for the first run so I could get a quicker first harvest. Once I have this medicine to last me I can hold of for something I’ll really enjoy.
Day 57. The two critical orange punch were transplanted 4 days ago. I let zkittlez and purple trainwreck go a little longer, 2 days ago. It was 10 days and their pots still weren’t dry. They are still feeling the effects of being over watered. I gave them a little more then a quart of water yesterday. I held off on watering them during the transplant. The criticals on the other hand got each half a gallon at the time of transplant. I mixed the water at the ratio of 1 gallon of rain water and a tablespoon of black strap molasses. I’ve turned the temps up to about 80. It’s getting colder here in Nova Scotia, and the girls didn’t seem happy. Once the temps rose the criticals perked up. The soil has settled quite a bit in the bags due to the amount of perilite I added. I ran out of kryptonite so I will add some happy tree frog on top in the near future. I really wish I could add supplemental CO2 but from what I’ve seen online the only real way to get a reliable source is with a controller/regulator/tank. Maybe before next grow I’ll pick up all the gear.





Day 61. Fed the criticals yesterday. I bought some goodies to help speed things up. I fed each a gallon of a mixture of 50/50 rain/tap water, 1 tbs blackstrap molasses, 1 tsp liquid karma and 1 tsp pure blend tea. After all was well mixed the ph came to about 5.8. I then poured about 2 cups of the solution in a glass and added about what must have equaled 3/4 of a cup of dolomite lime in and stirred till well mixed and then mixed back into the nutrient jug. I did this in about 4 equal increments, so less than 1/4 at a time. I’m not really sure how else to raise the ph of my nutrient solution any other way without killing microbes. And I have become quite set of on adjusting the ph, lol. This morning I came downstairs and I swear they grew overnight. Finally starting to make some progress. Purple is showing deficiencies again, what I believe to be one of the following four: mg, s, zn or fe. Sulfur and iron seem to be the less likely but I’m not really sure. I think over watering her locked everything out and whatever she’s showing she has become low on and now I must correct. I will be watering her in a couple days and I’m going to go to the hydro store and pick up some general organics bio weed for micronutrients. I will feed her half a gallon mixture of water the same as the others, with 1/2 tablespoons molasses, 1/2 tsp liquid karma, 1/2 tsp pure blend tea, the appropriate amount of bio weed and adjust ph to 6.4 with dolomite Lime. Oh, and I do not add the solid matter of the lime into the nutrient jug, just the mixture runoff. Zkittlez is showing an abundance of nitrogen, but with the super soil providing so much I’m not sure how to correct it. I will have to think about what I’m going to feed her at the time of purples feeding.

Criticals after feeding

Criticals next morning


my poor little purple trainwreck


Day 65. Fed purple trainwreck and zkittlez on wednesday each 3/4 gallon 50/50 rain/tap water, 1 tsp liquid karma, 1/2 tsp bio weed, 1 tsp pure blend tea, 1/2 Tbs black strap molasses, and adjusted ph with dolomite lime to 6.4. Here they are two days later.


Also did some super cropping on the criticals. Here’s a group shot

I think by next feeding or so purple will be in good health.
Nice set up you've got they GunsNGanja. Nice bushy plants. I like how you're training them. When are you going to flip them?


The plan is to flip them after I get the other two healthy and a decent size. I’m looking to have a decent canopy before flip. Like 80% of my horizontal space filled. Unfortunately I may have to flip before that happens though
yeah, I’m trying to correct it with general organics bio weed, and black strap molasses. Think that will take care of it? Or should I pick up some cal mag
I’m too noob to know for sure. And also noob enough to have seen my fare share of that def. lol. If it’s not getting worse you likely fixed it already.
@Emilya would be a good person to bring into this one.
Thanks... Definitely some deficiencies going on, and I don't think it is magnesium. I do see the big mistakes happening here. Liquid Karma and somehow thinking that you need to adjust the soil pH, with Dolomite Lime no less! Please tell me some "expert" at the hydro shop didn't recommend doing that because if so I would be tempted to jump in a plane tomorrow and come and kick him in the shins for you. You DO NOT have to adjust pH in an organic grow, and you NEVER EVER should try to adjust the soil pH during a grow by adding lime. That Liquid Karma stuff is poison to microbes and working with supersoil is all about keeping the grow organic so the microbes say alive. LK is definitely NOT an organic product. Nix the LK and bring in more microbes. Your feeding cycle has been compromised... get more microbes. More teas specific to the grow period are called for if you know how to make them or instead I highly recommend RealGrower's Recharge, URB or Voodoo Juice, each which will give you all the best microbes in one easy to use product. Stop thinking that you need to feed these plants in supersoil... that is what the supersoil was for. I am sure there are other microbial inoculation products out there by now, but those are my favorite recommendations, especially the very economical Recharge.
If you don't fix the feeding cycle by recharging your microbe population you will need to go to using regular nutes from a bottle... what you are giving now is not going to cut it.
I hope the hydro store did tell him that so we can laugh at him getting kicked in the shins before even an explanation. Lol.

I was trying to brew this tea to clean the roots in my DWC bucket but we apparently are not allowed bacillus in Canada. Like wtf. I wanted to use that and some root inoculant and some EWC. But no love. Every time I try to buy something in this country you can’t buy it. Gotta sign me up for that American lottery.
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