Guru02 First Grow: Berry Bomb Auto, OG Lemon Haze Auto & White Widow Auto!

Too bad about that one but glad you got one going. I have grown a lot of THC bomb and loved it. High yeilding, fairly easy to grow, tasty and potent. If its ok with you I'll take a bud pic tonight when the lights come back on. What I've found with growing thc bomb before is less nutrients is better since it is a white strain. I'm growing in coco and keep the ppm at 500 with my nutrient mix. When I tried 600 I got a little tip burn so I backed off. Those numbers are obviously based on the size of my plant and medium since I water everyday. Yours will be different obviously but just something I have found if it helps.
Good luck with the grow and if I can help at all it would be my pleasure.
Too bad about that one but glad you got one going. I have grown a lot of THC bomb and loved it. High yeilding, fairly easy to grow, tasty and potent. If its ok with you I'll take a bud pic tonight when the lights come back on. What I've found with growing thc bomb before is less nutrients is better since it is a white strain. I'm growing in coco and keep the ppm at 500 with my nutrient mix. When I tried 600 I got a little tip burn so I backed off. Those numbers are obviously based on the size of my plant and medium since I water everyday. Yours will be different obviously but just something I have found if it helps.
Good luck with the grow and if I can help at all it would be my pleasure.

Thanks Jay I would love to see your thc bomb. I was gonna go with that but the berry bomb was a bit cheaper so I went with that. Any help from you would be much appreciated. I am curious to see how they take to the nutrients because all I hear is how autos are very sensitive to them.
Update after my time away.
Got home last night and the girls are all alive!! They all look healthy but my LH 1 looks a bit weird, not sure what's going on with it. I gave them all a watering until runoff as well as there first watering with nutrients (fox farm trio). This watering I gave big bloom and grow big at half the recommended strength per the schedule I downloaded. I also added some calmag at the recommended strength. All mixed into 1 gallon of water. I also PH the water between 6.5 - 7. They were very thirsty girls as most already have almost half inch dry soil on top.

LH 1 before watering

LH 1 after watering

WW before watering

WW after watering

LH 2 before watering

LH 2 after watering

BB before watering

BB after watering
I wouldn't worry to much about the Lemon Haze. If it gets worse then maybe look at a solution.

Cool, yeah I wasn't clear, as usual lol. I'm growing Berry Bomb auto too. Close to harvest. I'll post a pic. The info I gave was about the Berry Bomb auto but I treated it like the THC bomb I've grown in the past.

Looking good!

I am excited to see your berry bomb!
Looking good, glad to see they made it through your trip. Don't worry bout berry bomb, with a tap root that big and no major spouting of leaves it may be a bad seed. Sometimes you will get a bad seed every now and then.
Yup, what I do do is top just above the fourth node and remove the first and second nodes (ture leaves and first single leaves) because they are not as vigorous as the others. That leaves the two internode branches on the top of the plant (at the fourth node) and the two internode branches below (3rd node). I let those grow out a little and then lay those down flat in each direction and tie down with rubber coated wire. As those four branches grow and turn up I move the tie down wire out to keep them flat. This allows even light to all the internode branches off of those branches. Then depending on veg time I will either continue to tie down or let them bush out and stretch out a little. It really depends on space and time. Mainly the time I have a night to lst branches lol.
I usually shoot for a fairly even canopy with a very strong stem and branches to support big colas.
Yup, what I do do is top just above the fourth node and remove the first and second nodes (ture leaves and first single leaves) because they are not as vigorous as the others. That leaves the two internode branches on the top of the plant (at the fourth node) and the two internode branches below (3rd node). I let those grow out a little and then lay those down flat in each direction and tie down with rubber coated wire. As those four branches grow and turn up I move the tie down wire out to keep them flat. This allows even light to all the internode branches off of those branches. Then depending on veg time I will either continue to tie down or let them bush out and stretch out a little. It really depends on space and time. Mainly the time I have a night to lst branches lol.
I usually shoot for a fairly even canopy with a very strong stem and branches to support big colas.
That's some good info, i have never tried any kind of training besides supercropping a couple plants outdoors last year. I want to learn all i can.✌
Yes great info. I will be trying that for sure.

Tom how did supercropping work for you? I have read about it but I'm worried I would break the branch off.
It worked really well, its not that hard you will get the feel of it in no time. After i heard the branch give, i proped it with a forked stick and it made a big knot were it healed. ✌
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