Guru02 First Grow: Berry Bomb Auto, OG Lemon Haze Auto & White Widow Auto!

Checked on the girls today and all are looking healthy. I did notice that my berry bomb has some canoeing going on. I think its happening because it is the plant that is directly under the middle of my light. The LED is 600w and 26 inches from the top of the plant. I went ahead and moved it to 33 inches above the top so I hope that will correct the issue as I cant move the light up any further.

Today marks day 18 and all plants are doing pretty good. I am concerned about my temps and humidity as they seem to still be showing signs of heat stress with the slight canoeing. As of today my humidity range is 38% - 89% and temp range is 68 - 88. I have them on 18/6 light cycle and think I am going to leave my tent door open during the day to help with the temp, humidity, and fresh airflow or at lest open the side window of the tent some. I am a little concerned with the loss of light by doing that but not sure what else to do to get that range down without spending more money. Maybe get another fan or two?

I did top all of them, may have fim some because the nodes are super tight and my big shaky hands can only do so much in that tiny space but they don't seem to have minded. LH1 is a bit ugly but is keeping up with her beautiful sister. WW is on track with all the others but has really small leaves. I did make a rookie mistake by watering LH1 when I watered the others but she doesn't drink like her sister and friends so now she is a bit droopy.

Pics are 1 day after topping




Today marks day 18 and all plants are doing pretty good. I am concerned about my temps and humidity as they seem to still be showing signs of heat stress with the slight canoeing. As of today my humidity range is 38% - 89% and temp range is 68 - 88. I have them on 18/6 light cycle and think I am going to leave my tent door open during the day to help with the temp, humidity, and fresh airflow or at lest open the side window of the tent some. I am a little concerned with the loss of light by doing that but not sure what else to do to get that range down without spending more money. Maybe get another fan or two?

I did top all of them, may have fim some because the nodes are super tight and my big shaky hands can only do so much in that tiny space but they don't seem to have minded. LH1 is a bit ugly but is keeping up with her beautiful sister. WW is on track with all the others but has really small leaves. I did make a rookie mistake by watering LH1 when I watered the others but she doesn't drink like her sister and friends so now she is a bit droopy.

Pics are 1 day after topping




You will be glad you topped your girls, the shoots exploded with growth after i topped mine.✌
I have some issue that is for now only on my lemon haze plants. I think it might be a pest but have not been able to visibly see any. I noticed last night that my LH1 has some damage on the lower leaves as if something is eating it. This morning it seems a little worse and also noticed it on my LH2 plant. If anyone knows what it is and how to solve it, that would be much appreciated.

LH1 night

LH1 mornig

Day 21 and plants are doing good. Whatever was eating my plants seems to have stopped once neem oil was applied. I am going to apply it at lights out every other day for a couple weeks a least.

The topping went well, LH2 and BB have exploded with new shoots/growth and I think I may have messed up on the WW because only one new shoot has popped up but is doing great otherwise.

and now LH1... my over watering is kicking me in the ass and now have some nute blocking going on. She is having slight boron deficiency as well as the first signs of mag deficiency. I will be waiting till bone dry and then give a watering of pH'ed water to try and clean things out and get her and her pH balance back on track. One of her tops has done well but the other side has barely any growth and my guess is to save energy from overwatering and from the deficiencies that have arrived from it.




Thanks Tom. You were right, the shoots have exploded with new growth. Much faster than I though. Figured there would be a day or two of stunted growth but the new shoots were out the next day.
Cool, im glad they are doing good, they grow so fast, i compare pics from week to week and its is amazing the difference.✌
Day 23. I think all the issues I'm having are due to Ph. I have a soil tester and it is acting weird and giving me different readings in same water so I got out my liquid pH tester. Watered all plants with 6 range pH'ed water and all the runoff except berry bomb came back in the 7 range. So I ordered a ph pen at that moment lol. Berry bomb runoff was in the 6 range. Guess that's why she is the healthiest.

All the girls are looking pretty good. I started some lst on berry bomb and think she is going to love it.


LH1 is struggling due to the overwatering and pH imbalance but is still having growth. One top is doing great but the second is slow growing and has weird leaves growing. I also removed the top fan leaves because they are not allowing light to the bottom and are starting to die due to the deficiencies. The bottom leaves of this plant are not having the growth I want and are all folded into each other. Hopefully the new light exposure will help get new good growth.



I decided not to do anything to WW because she is petite and don't want to break a stem. Also only 1 top came up so there is a nice opening at the top that allows light to hit the lower branches. I'm also leaving LH2 alone just because it's growing fine and this auto strain seems to stress more than the others. If the two new tops get a bit taller and stronger in the next week then I'll do like I did to the berry bomb.
Guru, looking good. pH in soil is by far the worst to keep balance. What's you RH?

Yeah learning the hard way lol. Right now my RH range shows 36% - 76% with temp range of 68 - 84.

My pen should come in today and I'm planning on doing a pH'ed water flush and then a final watering with 1/4 strength nutes. What do you think?
pH pen came in yesterday which is good because the girls were thirsty. I was going to do a full flush but after the first gallon on all the girls the ph came back at 6.3 or 6.4. Think I got the balance right on my last watering. Anyways I ran two gallons of PH'ed water and one gallon of Ph'ed nutes through all the girls and all the runoff was in the 6.3 - 6.4 range. They were of course a bit droopy last night from all the water but look happy today. I will get some pics up later today when the kids are down for a nap.
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