Happy Phototroning


New Member
im starting this thread to show my progress w/ growing in the Phototron ill keeps pics going i have a few up already in the gallery that are taken on day 38 of vegitation i have hi hopes for this setup and remeber this is all grown using there method there ferts and everything so i am using this phototron how it was designed to be used so ill have a complete breakdown of this unit once the full cycle is complete:smokin:
sweet i always wanted to see it in action. can't wait to see budding action.

You have some pretty plants so far.
Well i got new pics up on the gallery and a bunch im my album 3 days into flowering and here goes its all one big solid bush now rough keeping leaves away from the side lamps but im dealing w/ it ive got so many budding sites on this thing its freaking crazy so we will se what happens and we can finally put the age old question to rest whether or not this thing is worth the money:bongrip:
Blueberry, please read the first sticky in the grow room. It will explain the photo posting in a few easy steps. (either the first or second post there) If you still have problems, I will help get them sorted out for you, but the last post I had no clue what you wanted posted because they were not even small thumbnails.

Thank you,

Oh yeah, by the way, I have been using two photorons for over 3 years. One is a phototron 9 and the other is an original phototron I bought back in the early to mid-90's. I am not an expert with their use but I ain't bad either. Currently, the original phototron is growing hindu kush while the phototron 9 is growing jock horror. Both plants are only a couple weeks old.:cool:
Yeah the panel comes from the company but it was a bonus add to the order but they run 69 bucks or something.As for the self watering unit i havent purchased yet still watering old fashoned way i use a turkey baster to get underneath the plants and put the water where i want it.
Bro, consider purchasing the root aeration/watering system. The water/nutrients are delivered to the bottom of the growing media. I don't purchase phototrons nutrients, they are over-priced though I do stay organic.
The ferts from the company run 15 bucks for basicly the whole cycle I will have to be buying them soon because im nearing the end of this cycle. Its looking awsome though I have to say the plants have little blue nodes forming with the buds ill have to get some pics in the next week hopefully i can get them posted right this time im zero for 4 in my attemps at posting pics.
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